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fredfredburger yes!
isn't the friend bow in Mt. Faraway?!?i got one in a kecleon stall well i had one it was 65000 i didn't have enough money so i just stole it and i got killed.


fredfredburger yes!
yes you can steal stuff and i found it in wish cave.


Eevee of the day.
Can you kill those keckleon? I tried to fight one after I stole something and I only did ONE damge with my best attacks.


Gnarf Gnarf Gnarf

Ya'll Crazy.

It's on the 30th Floor of Mt.Faraway. You need a Key. Put an X-ray specs and search around for it.


fredfredburger yes!
we are not crazy i am at a good age so i can see pretty good!

ontopic i can kill them easily but i thye attack too fast like they use decoy or ancient power then i am dead.