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What'd u like ??


*Cyndaquil's Master*
;248; What would u like in a game, in a pokemon, some abilities, some attaks, some defenses ??

First of all

I'd like a game that have ALL pokemons obtainables, with all 4 regions and all 36 badges, the 4 pokemon leagues, and everything..!! I'm pretty sure i'd not be bored FOR A LONNNGGG TIME ..!!

I'd like an item that makes ur pokemon friendly evolution, evolved instantly, that's could become very handy ...

I'd like an item like PP MAX, IRON MAX, PROTEIN MAX, CARBOS MAX, ZINC MAX etc ... jajaja I'd save a LOT OF money..!!

What'd u like ???? ;248;


Pokemon Collecter
Your pokemon would be level 70+ after the first region.
You'd reach level 100 before the second Elite Four.

And they wouldn't make all the trainers go back to level 5 at the start of the next region, so you can train 6 new pokemon, because what's to stop you just using your level 70's?

That's the main reason why Kanto was so bad in GSC. All the trainers had the same level pokemon and there wasn't much progression.

I don't think there'll ever be a game with more than two regions in.


As Jamers said, a game with higher level Pokemon. Perhaps a game taylored to those who have high level Pokemon they want to go on another adventure with. You have the option of trading them over right away so that you can begin your journey with them.

I've always wanted games with ways to battle others from a long distance, and a game where you can be a Pokemon... but they did that, now. :)


Pokemon Collecter
My post wasn't so much what I want, I was just saying the main problem with a multi region game.

The main thing I want is a game where there isn't a regional dex. It's JUST the national dex from the start. I wanted to restart Emerald with a Totodile, Bulbasaur and Cyndaquil, but you can't trade them across until after the pokemon league. :(

Also, you'd get a much better variety of pokemon to fight the Elite Four with.


Natsu no Maboroshi
A more challenging game. Maybe they should make an special area when all pokes are Lv100. That'd be fun :p


Well-Known Member
I would like to see a game with a few Regions(mainly johto) but its not gonna happen


Completing The Trio
Your pokemon would be level 70+ after the first region.
You'd reach level 100 before the second Elite Four.

And they wouldn't make all the trainers go back to level 5 at the start of the next region, so you can train 6 new pokemon, because what's to stop you just using your level 70's?

That's the main reason why Kanto was so bad in GSC. All the trainers had the same level pokemon and there wasn't much progression.

I don't think there'll ever be a game with more than two regions in.

the creators if they chose to make a game where you travelled to all four regions could make it better by having it like this

kanto: get starter beat elite four then you then get on a boat to johto,
johto: collect starter beat elite four, then get on a plane to hoenn
hoenn: collect starter beat elite four then catch a ferry to shinou

however in order to stop you from using your high level pokemon from other regions, have a stipulation in the game where you need to have beaten all 4 regions elite four in order to be able use pokemon from any other region.

To stop you from trading pokemon over to the game make it like FR/LG where you need to collect plates in order to trade. In this case you would need a ruby,sapphire,emerald,diamond,pearl,flame and leaf plates in order to activate any trading whatsoever and the plates are only available after being champion of shinous elite four

very long winded i know but would make for a great game

p.s. i would also like to see a game like this where all pokemon are available in game, without using cheats even the event pokemon

shooting star

Leaving SPPF! G'bye!
I have made five games, where things are as i think they should be.
Your pokemon can become hungry.
Your pokemon has different moods, these can change and they affect the stats.
There is a better fitting creator pokemon that mew and araseus (or however its spelled).
You can catch them all, but its hard.
There are an in-game place where you can go at online tournaments.
And there are about 260 pokemon i have made up, 100 moves i have made up, 20-30 abilities i have made up, 50-60 kinds of trainers i have made up...
You get the idea.


*Cyndaquil's Master*
Ok with that lil problem of the lv 70+, tha can be solved, when u cleared one region and reached the other region, the person in charge of that region could tell u, " U have to begin with new pokemons " and then u will be able to transfer ur pokemons and begin with new ones.. Hey man..!! I'd love to have a game with all 4 regions.. where u have to change ur pokemon when u reached some other regions, so u'll have some good pokemons at the end of each region ... In my personal opinion, I'd love to have a game like that..!


Well-Known Member
Pokemon to move (like in stadium games), and actually hear words spoken when you talk to other people in the game, instead of all that reading.


lol at you
i';d love to have a really REALLY challeging pokemon game... an elite four with like level 90+pokeomn


So Zetta Slow!
I want a hamburger with lots of ketchup...
...then a really long game of pokemon with a greater challenge and lots of mysteries...hehehe