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Whatever Hapened to Oncoming Storm

Well today when i was saying happy b day to SPP i remembered projecy oncoming storm the thread on it isnt there anymore (or i just didnt look hard enough) plus joe replaced the banner in his sig are u still working on it joe. or did u abandon it

DS lite man

Well-Known Member
dude lrt me quote serebii on this "WTF do you not pay atention this project has already been revieled" ok not word by word but it was the english names for the places in MD


there's a thread asking the same question halfway down the page.

not to correct DS Lite Man, but apparently it's still in the works. it's supposed to come out spring/summer next year. it hasn't even been revealed yet.

needless to say, I don't think Serebii's forgotten about it.

Topaz Archer

dude let me quote serebii on this "WTF do you not pay attention? This project has already been revealed!" Ok not word by word, but it was the english names for the places in MD

corrected by: me

no. oncoming storm is NOT that. thats wayyy too small.