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What's a good Pokemon/Energy card ratio?



I've just recently learned how to play the TCG(I've loved the cards ever since they came out, though) and I made myself a deck last night. I was pretty LOL, considering I couldn't attack or anything due to the fact I lacked energy cards.

So, 60 card deck:
32 Pokemon: 3 Grass, 3 Fighting, 7 Water, 4 Fire, 3 Normal, 4 Psychic, 9 Fire.
7 Trainer cards.
22 Energy cards: Double Colourless(x2), Grass(x3), Fighting(x2), Water(x4), Psychic(x3), Fire(x6)

Laugh all you want. :) Mind you, I don' want the deck rated, I just want to fix my energy problem and still have a diverse bunch of Pokemon. <3

Nicole May

Meh... whatever...
Your problem lies in the draw power and too many Pokemon types. Focus on only 2 to 3 types. To make it much easier, try having one Energy type until you get the hang of it. Here's a little suggestion:

18 Energy Cards (do not put any unnecessary energy cards not needed by the Pokemon cards)
22 Trainer Cards
20 Pokemon Cards (Basic/Evolution cards).

I hope this somewhat helps.


It does, thanks. :)


or something
I usually follow around this:

10-14 Energy
12-18 attacking Pokemon
The rest trainers

attacking Pokemon means pokemon that I plan on using to attack with, therefore not counting stuff like Lapras LM or Holon's Castform/Electrode.

Cipher 2008

Well-Known Member
I'd go with that, though if you want to feel secure with more Energy:

18-20 Energy
14-18 Attacking Pokémon
The rest, as okothnuva said, Pokémon not used to attack, and Trainer cards.

As another pointer, don't use more than three Pokémon lines, and if you can help it, don't use more than one or two Stage 2 lines. If you're running a Level X line, you want that line and them two Stage 1 or one-Pokémon lines.


Well-Known Member
Energy are the least of your worries, don't expect this to work with "diverse" pokemon, 1 or 2 types would be far superior as getting the appropriate energy is easier.


Alright, thanks so much you guys! I've narrowed it down to two types..fire/grass with one Normal evolution line(the quick-search pidgeot) and a normal Rattata. My other evo lines are both Nidos( 2 Male, 2 Female, 2 Nidorina, 2 Nidorino, 1 King, 1 Queens), Charizard(2 Chars, 2 Charms, and a Charizard), plus a Vulpix for good measure.
10 Trainers.
The rest an even split of Fire and Grass energies and 2 Double Colourless energies.

....do you think this is a good set up? As far as types/energies go?


Alright, thanks so much you guys! I've narrowed it down to two types..fire/grass with one Normal evolution line(the quick-search pidgeot) and a normal Rattata. My other evo lines are both Nidos( 2 Male, 2 Female, 2 Nidorina, 2 Nidorino, 1 King, 1 Queens), Charizard(2 Chars, 2 Charms, and a Charizard), plus a Vulpix for good measure.
10 Trainers.
The rest an even split of Fire and Grass energies and 2 Double Colourless energies.

....do you think this is a good set up? As far as types/energies go?


Well-Known Member
No stepdown lines, I assume you are using oldies, so use for this I guess

3-1-2 Queen and King, 1-0-1 Zard, with 4 Pokemon Breeder. Breeder is the best old card for so many high evolines.


Um, I'm not quite sure I understand the whole 1-0-1..or the 3-1-2...thing. Could you explain, please?


...well, how am I supposed to get to Zard if I can't evolve charmander? D:


...blimey. I didn't know about the card Rare Candy, nor what it could do.
Haha, thanks guys. :) I'll see if I can get my hands on a few.


Washu's Lover
I usually go with the good old 20-20-20 rule. (20 pokemon,20 trainers, 20 energy) You may think with all the boost energy, multi energy, double colorless energy and rainbow energy (both delta and normal) that you can have less enegy cards. I think that is untrue since you need to manage to draw energy to use it :)