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whats harder being a Trainer or a cordinator


Well-Known Member
What do you think is harder being a cordinator or being a trainer?

SOS! Its Not Healthy..

He Say Whaaa...
Hmm, good question... personally I would say their the same. As trainer you have to raise your Pokemon to be strong, come up with stragetic plans, be quick on your feet, and compete with hundreds of people.

As for a coordinator, you have to teach the Pokemon with their appeals and battle which contests battles are judged differently because its by appeal and the of course damage. And then the Grand Festival which you appeal for hundreds of people as well.

Trainer and Coordinator both pretty much have to train their Pokemon to their best of their ability, so I say both. It just me.


Ashfan for life
I would say coordinating because coordinators have to make their attacks and personality look strong and the trainers are tough to beat than normal trainers also.


Yeah, ok!
Well there are Elite 4 members but no "Elite" coordinators...so...

Seems like everyone who becomes a Top coordinator ends up retiring. The girl with the Delcatty, Juan, and Hikari's Mom all retired once they won a GF.

The only one who didn't was Saori.
Well there are Elite 4 members but no "Elite" coordinators...so...

Seems like everyone who becomes a Top coordinator ends up retiring. The girl with the Delcatty, Juan, and Hikari's Mom all retired once they won a GF.

The only one who didn't was Saori.

So...are you saying trainers is harder to be?


I'd say that it's harder to be a coordinator than a trainer.

However, despite that it's harder to become a Master Trainer than a Top Coordinator.


Property of Jesus
Probably a coordinator. Not only do they have to learn appeals and battling, but their battling style must be up to a certain standard. Another thing that would be hard is the set time in battling. A lot of trainers matches we've seen have only been decided because one side does something to draw the match on longer--coordinators don't exactly have that luxury.

Also this one varies from person to person, but coordinators have to interact with many different people in their matches, not to mention are thrown infront of a crowd during each one. If someone has a hard time dealing with people or being set in the spotlight, being a coordinator could be pretty nerve racking.

Shiny pokemon lover

Shiny pokemon hunter
I will say no one are harder. It is just different strategies.
Trainers have to use pure strenght and strategies.
Coordinators have to use style and timing (and strategies).


Well-Known Member
I say both, too. As a trainer you got to train your pokemon constantly and come up with strategies and study other types thoroghly to win. As a coordinator you got to make your pokemon look beautiful and think of awesome appeals. But your pokemon must not only be elegant, but powerful too in battles. So i say both.


Well-Known Member
both. being a trainer mean training your pokemon to do gyms battle etc., but being a coordinator means trying to teach your pokemon moves that can be combined to make beautiful appeals in contests. so, yea, trainer.
Being a coordinator is harder, since no matter which contest you participate in, May will always win with the biased point system. :/

But if you're not battling May, then they're about equel.


Elemental Warrior
Hmm, good question... personally I would say their the same. As trainer you have to raise your Pokemon to be strong, come up with stragetic plans, be quick on your feet, and compete with hundreds of people.

As for a coordinator, you have to teach the Pokemon with their appeals and battle which contests battles are judged differently because its by appeal and the of course damage. And then the Grand Festival which you appeal for hundreds of people as well.

Trainer and Coordinator both pretty much have to train their Pokemon to their best of their ability, so I say both. It just me.

I think so too, they are both hard too do


Staff member
Super Mod
I'd say they're equal as long as the anime doesn't give an indication that one of them is harder. Simple as that ;D

Being a Coordinator seems to be all about performing and variety regarding the battle-style, which, at first glance, seems to be a tad more than a Trainer must pay attention to in battle.

On the other hand though, I've never seen a judge cutting someone's points because they've used the same attack over and over again in the Anime (which happened a LOT of times), so the variety aspect is pretty unimportant in the end.

As for appeals...well, we've seen regular trainers (
Brock and Ash
) making it through the appeal round just fine. So the performances don't seem to be something that you have to practise often because they're very hard to think of to begin with, but rather because you want to perform different appeals in each Contest you enter, or because you're not a very creative/spontaneous person, so that you have to take your time to think of one.

As for difficulties that Trainers might have when entering a Contest for the first time is just that their points are cut even if an opponent merely dodges your attacks - something that is disregarded in Gym/League matches.

Depending on their experience, some Coordinators could have a problem with the possible length of a Gym/League Battle - your Pokémon ought to have a lot of stamina and patience, as there isn't a time limit set and Gym Battles could very well go on for more than an hour. There's also the fact that they have to realize that attacking prettily or dodging gracefully gets them nothing, but I don't think that would be much of a problem.

I highly doubt Coordinators would have trouble with the speed and force that Gym Battles are usually handled with either. After all, pretty moves don't necessarily have to be defensive or weak.

Almighty Zard

He has returned.
i say trainer, after all didn't Brock even say once gym battles we're tougher than contests, and of course there's the Ash vs Jaun match too.


+ Trainer
` Pokemon Trainers have challengers in every corner in the world and many many more challenges then a coordinator.
` Can also teach their pokemon appealing moves.
` Combination is required for Pokemon Trainers to become well in battles and appeal.

+ Coordinator
` Can also make their pokemon strong and challenge pokemon trainers.
` Combination is required for Pokemon Coordinators to become well in battles and appeal.

- Coordinator
` A coordinator has a few official place to show off or compete using their skills.

So the only bottom line is that Pokemon Trainers have more badges to collect and more challenges ahead. Im not saying Coordinators dont but I think its harder being a Trainer then a Coordinator although they are very very similiar. It just depends what kind of trainer it is.
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A coordnater is harder because you need to have the right move combinations in order to win.


Trainers are just battlers who fight their own styles.

Coordinators are those who uses moves to make beautiful appeals. Screw up and its all over.

Coordinators have much more heat to deal with than trainers. So being a Coordinator would be harder

High Commander Solomon

This is MADNESS!
We saw a trainer with almost no coordinating experience tie for the win in a contest against the queen of the biased point system AND with a type disadvantage. Well kids, I don't know what your opinion is, but I think someone can take a wild guess as to mine.