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whats my chance of requiting


^^Think that's right btw rank doesn't matter. Serebii made a mistake on his guide.


herd u liek mudkips?
I recruited a Snorlax when I was a Silver Rank, no friend bow, and level 33. I'd say you'd got a pretty good chance.

Although that was the last missions before I restarted. My game reset for no apparent reason and I lost everything.
Don't count on even finding one it took me an hour and a half to recruit one, I only ended up seeing a total of 5, and I had to make 9 trips 'cause I ran out of apples.


What are my chances with groudon?
Typhlosian lvl 100
Friend bow


Well-Known Member
i saw one and recruited it , i never had to go back
i was a lv 64 blastoise
wiht friend bow
i got groudon as a lv 63 typlosion
with friend bow on my first try

inTánsity 47

Staring inTántly...
Where do you find Snorlaxes? I