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whats next?

rocklee 85

I Wont Bite!
what is next after buried relic i done the three dog stages and ho-oh i got the three birds and i done like 20 missions and im platuim rank,and also what are some dungeons that have kecleon stalls i got his friend area!?thanks;026;

Sir Devious

Sir Devious
I don't know... I just beat relic with no luck for Mew... how did you go to the dogs?? I think that you go into town one day and Keklion freaks out about Latios steeling crap so ypu go after it, requit it, the Latias or something on the lines of that.


fredfredburger yes!
lugia and i also told you in dungeon general help thread go look and see what i wrote. i didn't do the lugia part yet though but i did but i didn't save because it looked cool when articuno zapdos and moltres made the gem first after i show my friends then i will do the lugia part. and how did you get the place where ho oh is?
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If you want to get Kecleon, first get to lv 90-100 and then the friend ribbon. Go to about any big dungeon, i saw the most in Molten Core, (Whatever Groudons place is) Then stay at the first 3-5 floors and hopefully find one. You will have a .01 % chance of getting him.


fredfredburger yes!
i think kecleon stall is random but i used to see him a lot in that place where moltres is.


fredfredburger yes!
well not all of the time because it could be a moat.


fredfredburger yes!
well first you make sure you have the three birdies first then talk to alakazam.


fredfredburger yes!
and after you talk to him go to the legendary island friend area.