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Whats skarmbliss?

The combination of using Skarmory and Blissey, Skarmory for physicals, Blissey for specials
I'm not sure, I think Skarmory with Rest and Blissey to heal the sleep with Aromatherapy


Jonathan Davis
And when a special attacker comes in, switch to Bliss and vice versa.


#1 Munchlax Fan
When you use Skarmory for physical hits,and Blissey for Special hits.

Crypted Wolf

Well-Known Member
skarmbliss sux in-game tho.


Battle-Dome trainer
skarmbliss is the combo of skarmory and blissey so when a physical sweeper comes in u switch to skarmory and when a special sweeper comes in u switch to blissey


Well-Known Member
all good double ups suck in Games - just like Regis in Battle Tower
Ingame doesnt try to get people to use the Tactics required in real matches against EV Trained monsters