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What's the longest anyones played for?


Well-Known Member
What is the longest time everyone has played for once when my brother had LG and i had FR i played for over 200 hours had the following pokemon at level 100:charizard, gengar, dragonite, articuno, pigeot and blaziken. Also i had about 5 other level 100's in the pc not to mention over 300 pokemon in my dex all the kanto dex and $999999 that's the best ive had but funnily enough ive never run into a shiny pokemon oh and i did all that WITHOUT a cheat device.


Well-Known Member
How'd your battery hold up or did you have a GBA?


Powerplay Champion
hmm, i had over 400 hours on my old fire red... which im still searching for... :(


Well-Known Member
I have 250 hr in my FR but only 50 in LG


Well-Known Member
I have 250 hr in my FR but only 50 in my LG


The King of Karp
In LG, about 170, in Ruby, about 250. Most of the time was probably me not paying attention to the game and just aimlessly standing while I attended to something else.


Well-Known Member
Hehe yea i did a bit of that aswell.


Furret rocks
799:42 hours on Leaf Green, and 999:59 on Emerald... I have no social life, it's a fact...


ThE FalLeN AnGeL
i have 535.43 on my lg, but mos thats from at nite n its the original game, i aint restarted so its been played 4 quite a while now

frontier champion

Well-Known Member
889:?? in my Ruby until it got deleted in April. and 383:54 until I deleted my Leaf Green to start a new file and about 150-250 hours in my Emerald until I lost 3 years worth of work due to "corruption to the saved file" what ever that means :|


Well-Known Member
90, then I started new game.


Well-Known Member
I just thought id say this, my friend and i had an interesting conversation today. Somehow we got into talking about how cheat devices use your games data to change things for the codes to work, anyway my friend said that he gets that all the time when he dosin't have one and that when he ran into an oddish it was green and sparkly. I told him that he ran into a shiny pokemon and he told me he runs into them all the time and i said that it's an 1-in-80000 chance of getting them and he should have caught them but apparently he just makes them faint.


my sapphire has 998:01 i just checked it has lasted so long im surprised the internal battery didnt die yet i have like 400 on emerald and i forgot about lf abd fr in my diamond i have about 285:03 played so far