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What's the maximun time?

rune the 1st

wat happens if ur game reaches 999:99 does it restart or does it continue? does the time stay the same plz im dying to know (if it is answered mods can lock it up)


Belgian Waffles!!!
I think the time stays the same at that point but I'm not sure.


Well-Known Member
I never played that long but I think it stays at999:59


Well-Known Member
It will stop at 999:59. I should know, my game reached that time months ago.


The new tuxedo look!
It stops at 999.59. My emerald reached it yesterday.


Bullet Punch
Nobody answered his question -_-.

It continues but clock events will no longer happen. Berries won't grow, and you can't get lottery tickets. Those are just examples.



Natsu no Maboroshi
I've never played that long!!!. 999 hours...XD


Well-Known Member
Can someone enlighten me please?
What actually happens, is it the same effect as the battery running dry (no clock based events, berries stop growing, no more clearout sales etc) or can you not play the game or what?


Well-Known Member
Nobody answered his question -_-.

It continues but clock events will no longer happen. Berries won't grow, and you can't get lottery tickets. Those are just examples.


Not true, the game play time doesn't affect the time specific events.

What actually happens, is it the same effect as the battery running dry (no clock based events, berries stop growing, no more clearout sales etc) or can you not play the game or what?

Neither, your game continues normally.
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Not true, the game play time doesn't affect the time specific events.

Neither, your game continues normally.

Chimecho3000 is right the game reaching 999.59 is completley different from the internal battery running dry. If your game reaches the max time all the time based events will still happen.

The only real downside is you dont know how much you've really played. ;123;