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What's the most fitting name for the hero & girl in colosseum 1 and XD?

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Well-Known Member
Angel-FoX-crescent said:
"Ahem okay first post"

Colosseum 1

Personally I really like Alex as it means protector in Greek and even though colosseum was originally Roman *shrugs*

Cool, I called mine Alex, after my first name. Called the girl Beyonce after the singer. Lol.


Gyarados Hunter
I called mine Pete, after me, and the girl Sakura, after the star of CardCaptors


Myth Collector
I named Wes "Coloss", after "Colosseum", altough that maybe wasn't the best name... o_O And I named Rui "Shady", after her ability...

And I don't have XD yet.
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