Toran Frostbite
Highrise Above All
updated: February 19.08 [EST]
Looking back at last year's list, it...still seems just as long, but it really, really isn't. At the last, current count (Nov 17th, 2006), the total of 'ships is 2,043. Oh yeah, we went there. 2,000 plus, baby.
Normally submissions are done at BMGf (Bulbagarden), as the home of the original List, but if you don't have a BMGf account, there are a couple helpful ladies in our company who are willing to submit them for you, if you ask politely. If you do have an account and a submission, don't be lazy. I don't bite there any more than I bite here.
And because I thought this might happen (because gee, Joe has a character limit) the list has been further broken up into four parts: A-E, F-M, N-R, and S-Z. And A-E plus N-R are linked to in this post and the one below. I wish it hadn't come to this. Seriously, it's been just shy over a month, and already the first half hit SPPf's 50,000 character limit.
EDIT: (Nov 9) Because the character limit was broken again, A-E and F-M are now A-F and G-M. I might have to do further breakdowns like this. -_- Sucks.
Avegaille's Unnamed 'Ships List -
Toran's Unnamed 'Ships List -
Vycksta's Unnamed 'Ships List (Mach II) -
GaiaShipper - Gardenia & Cheryl
GakiShipper - Ash & Misty
GalacticDominationShipper - Cyrus, Evice & Greevil
GalacticianShipper - Mars & Karsten
GalacticShipper - Cyrus, Mars, Jupiter & Saturn
GalaxyShipper - Venus & Mars
GaleShipper - Chuck & Falkner
GallantShipper - Roserade & Gallade
GambitShipper - Norman & Max
GammaShipper - Lance & Blue (female)
GangShipper - Tyra & Chopper
GangsterShipper - Croagunk & Buizel
GanymedeShipper - Byron & Falkner
GardenShipper - Roxanne & Gardenia
GardyShipper - Gardenia & Gardevoir
GargantuanShipper - Golem & Snorlax
GarishShipper - Zubat & Gastly
GarnetShipper - Brendan & Gary
GaudyShipper - Casey & Celebi
GeekShipper - Shingo & Tracey
GelidShipper - Roxanne & Candice
GelShipper - Ein & Justy
GeminiShipper - Gastrodon (eastern) & Gastrodon (western)
GemShipper - Ruby, Sapphire, & Wally (Brendan, May, & Wally)
GemstoneShipper - Jimmy (Kenta) & Dawn
GenderbenderShipper - Bashou (Jp) & Hun (dubbed)
GenderShipper - Gold & Bugsy / Ash & Bugsy
GenerationGapShipper - Johanna & Zoey
GenerationShipper - Lance & Dawn
GeneratorShipper - Pikachu & Misty
GenericHoennShipper - Magma Grunt & Aqua Grunt
GenesisShipper - Arceus, Dialga & Palkia
GeneticShipper - Deoxys & Mewtwo
GengarShipper - Morty & Drake (O. Crew)
GenteelShipper - Bill & Dragonite
GentlemanShipper - Norman & Robert
GentleMindShipper - Jimmy (Kenta) & Liza (Hoenn)
GentleShiningHopeShipper - Brendan & Dawn
GeologyShipper - Steven & Roark
GeoShipper - Jasmine & Courtney
GeraniumShipper - Bellossom & Meganium
GermanShipper - Volkner & Saturn
GetMeaClefairy!Shipper - Galactic grunt & Clefairy
GettoPikaShipper - Shuu & his Pikachu
GeyserShipper - Vulpix & Hippopotas
GFChampShipper - Robert & Solidad
GhostBrideShipper - Marina's Misdreavus (Johto) & Zoey's Misdreavus
GhostCutterShipper - Shedinja & Kricketot
GhoulShipper - Morty & Phoebe
GiantHaunterShipper - Gastly, Duskull, Shuppet & Haunter
GideonShipper - Byron & Ian
GiftShipper - Arbok & Wigglytuff
GiggleShipper - Max & Natalie
GingaShipper - Cyrus & Saturn
GingerShipper - Michael & Misty
GiovanniShipper - Giovanni (anime) & Giovanni (game)
GirasolShipper - Giratina & Glaceon
GirlPowerShipper - Cynthia & Dawn
GirlShipper - Hazel, Coconut & Koume
GirlTachiShipper - Misty & May
GlacialShipper - Ash & Articuno
GlaciaShipper - Roark & Candice
GlacierShipper - Pryce & Sheila / Pryce & Glacia
GladeShipper - Falkner & Cheryl
GladiolusShipper - Gardenia & Gallade
GlaiveShipper - Scyther, Gallade & Garchomp
GlamourousShipper - Delcatty & Glameow
GlamourShipper - Todd & Melody
GlassesBishieShipper - Joel, Lucian & Roark
GlassesShipper - Ruby & Max
GlassGirlShipper - DJ Mary, Lorelei, Lanette, Rebecca & Luna (Johto)
GlassMedallionShipper - Misty & Ross
GleamShipper - Gallade & Jirachi
GliderShipper - Falkner & Pidgeot
GlideShipper - Latias & Altaria
GlimmerShipper - Froslass & Sableye
GlintaShipper - Nando, Conway, Landis & Dawn
GlintShipper - Budew & Shuppet
GlissandoShipper - Brody & Joshua (LittleRoot)
GlistenShipper - Glaceon & Jirachi
GlitchShipper - Missingno & ’M
GlitterShipper - Dawn & Candice
GloamingShipper - Sidney & Gardenia
GloomShipper - Erika & Florinda
GluttonShipper - Ash & Snorlax
GluttonyShipper - Alberto & Lickylicky
GnawShipper - Victreebel & Carnivine
GodComplexShipper - Cyrus & Arceus
GodisdeadShipper - Arceus & Missingno
GodmodeShipper - Arceus & Giratina
GoggleShipper - Ash & Giselle
GolddustShipper - Gold & Flygon
GoldenFlavorShipper - Mint & Jimmy (Kenta)
GoldenRoseShipper - Jimmy (Kenta) & Zoey
GoldRangerShipper - Jimmy (Kenta) & Solana
GoldStarShipper - Jimmy (Kenta) & Officer Jenny
GolduckShipper - Golduck & Luda (Golduck)
GoodReasonShipper - Mew & Hiro ("Meet Mew!" book)
GoodSiblingShipper - Max & Daisy (anime)
GooseberryShipper - Jackson (Vincent) & Tracey
GorgeousShipper - Pistachio & Ginger
GoShipper - Maylene & May
GossamerShipper - Drew's Masquerain & May's Beautifly
GossipShipper - Drew & Solidad
GothChampShipper - Cynthia & Lucario
GothicaShipper - Sneasel & Gardevoir
GothicChildShipper - Kamon & Marley
GothShipper - Karen & Clair
GotMilk?Shipper - Miltank & Prima (Lorelei)
GovernorShipper - Snattle & Lovrina
GracefulGuardianShipper - Gardevoir & Latias
GracefulShipper - Winona & Wallace
GraceShipper - Vaporeon, Leafeon & Glaceon
GrandChampionShipper - Steven, Wallace & Lance
GrandeurShipper - Serena & Nicole
GrandmotherShipper - Rui & Beluh
GrandouseShipper - Purugly & Granbull
GrandpaShipper - Professor Oak & Gary
GrandsonShipper - Professor Oak & Gary
GrantedShipper - Lance & Yellow
GrassDanceShipper - Bellossom & Ludicolo
GrassGlomperShipper - Gardenia, James, Cacnea & Carnivine
GrassGymShipper - Erika & Gardenia
GrassShipper - James & Gardenia
GrassStarterShipper - Ash's Bayleef & Ash's Treecko
GratefulDeadShipper - Shaymin & Gengar
GraupelShipper - Jolteon & Sneasel
GraveRobberShipper - Junk & Don (Rhydon)
GraveyardShipper - Dusclops & Banette
GravitationShipper - Saturn & Michelle
GravityShipper - Attila (Buson) & Falkner
GrayShipper - Beautifly & Mightyena
GreenEarthShipper - Swampert & Meganium
GreyscaleShipper - Mightyena & Absol
GreeneyeShipper - James & Misty
GreenFashionShipper - Ritchie & Harley
GreenfieldShipper - Lisa & Skyler
GreenhouseShipper - Sonrisa & Florinda
GreenJudgmentShipper - Victor (Frontier) & Maron (Kanto)
GreenRubyShipper - Brendan & Leaf (FR/LG girl)
GreenShipper - Chikorita & Treecko / Lisa & Skyler / Pistachio & Peanut / Wally & Ritchie
GreenShirtShipper - Ritchie & Tracey
GridShipper - Nett & Megg
GrinAndBearItShipper - Jessie, James & Carnivine
GropeShipper - Wallace & Tentacruel
GroundDasherShipper - Marowak & Flareon
GroundedShipper - Sullivan & Nero (Whiscash)
GroundShipper - Brock & Cynthia
GrouphugShipper - Harley, Cacturne, Banette, Ariados & Octillery
GrudgeShipper - Darkrai & Giratina
GS-Shipper - Kurt & Celebi
GuanjaShipper - Sneasel & Cradily
GuardianShipper - Lugia & Latias
GuardShipper - Gardevoir & Mawile
GuardtheEntranceShipper - Saturn & Galactic grunt
GuidanceShipper - Eldes, Michael, Spenser (Ranger) & Lunick
GuildShipper - Wigglytuff & Chatot
GuileShipper - Nicole & Rebecca
GulpingItUpShipper - Cameron & Pelipper
GulpShipper - Whiscash & Weepinbell
GumdropShipper - Red & Rui
GyaradosShipper - Misty & Blaine
GymcestShipper - Norman, Caroline, May & Max
GymkidShipper - Max & Mahri
GymShipper - Brock & Misty
GypsyShipper - Quilava & Kirlia
GyrateShipper - Miror B. & Folly
HabuneaShipper - Cacnea & Seviper
HadouchuShipper - Ash, Sir Aaron & Pikachu
HadouShipper - Ash & Sir Aaron
HaganeShipper - Roark & Riley
HaikuShipper - Professor Oak & James
HailStormShipper - Glacia & Articuno
HairbandShipper - Tracey & May (Gary's sister)
HairColorShipper - Brendan, Kris & Wally
HairMousseShipper - Marina (Johto), Cassidy & Jessie
HairTheftShipper - Garret & Gardenia
HaleShipper - Spencer Hale & Delia
HalloweenShipper - Ariados, Mismagius & Lucario
HallucinationShipper - Lawrence III (Jirarudan) & Dragonite
HalfsightShipper - Falkner & Flannery
HamShipper - Grumpig & Mamoswine
HanadokiShipper - Staraptor & Roserade
HanaShipper - Gardenia & Shaymin
HandArtsShipper - Greta & Maylene
HandbagShipper - Dawn, Barry & Tonio
HandShipper - Gary & His Left Hand / Gary & His Right Hand / Gary & His Left Hand & His Right Hand / Generic term for any of the various MALE "self" Ships
HandtrainingShipper - Maylene & Machoke
HandymanShipper - Tracey & Daisy (Cerulean)
HandyShipper - Dawn & Ambipom
HangingOutShipper - James & Max
HappyFeetShipper - Miror B. & Piplup
HappymealShipper - Dr. Namba, Butch & Cassidy
HappyShipper - Bellossom & Sunflora
HaraiseShipper - Misdreavus & Weavile
HardAsSteelShipper - Giovanni, Hun (Bashou) & Attila (Buson)
HardenedAffectionShipper - Roxanne & Jasmine
HardenShipper - Archie & Maxie
HardheadedShipper - Ash & Buizel
HardLightShipper - Steven & Dawn
HardLuckShipper - Paul & Chansey
HardMountainShipper - Barry & Buck
HardshipShipper - Blastoise & Lapras
HardwoodShipper - Professor Oak & Professor Birch
HarmonicShipper - May & Mismagius
HarmonyShipper - Melody & Bianca
HarrassShipper - Drake (O. Crew) & Danny
HarrowShipper - Harley & Eusine
HarshShipper - Falkner & A.J.
HarukazeShipper - May & Suicune
HarunoShipper - Coconut & Sneasel
HaruraShipper - Harrison & Sakura
HarvestShipper - Brock & Ritchie
HatchShipper - Attila (Buson) & Skarmory
HatredShipper - Blaziken & Mismagius
HatShipper - Ash & his hats
HatThiefShipper - Ash & Aipom
HaughtyShipper - Pearl & “Berlitz”
HauntedShipper - Drake (O. Crew) & Bill
HauntShipper - Misdreavus & Shuppet
HauteShipper - Lucian & Wallace
HawaiianFlowerShipper - Erika & Phoebe
HayasaShipper - Spenser (Ranger) & Falkner
HaywireShipper - Porygon-Z & Rotom
HazeShipper - Morty, Volkner & Flint (elite)
HDWAShipper - Diglett & Wailord
HeadbandShipper - Tracey & Daisy (games)
HeadbandTwinShipper - Jasmine & Winona
HeadbuttShipper - Brock & Red
HeadgearShipper - Leaf (FR/LG girl), Kris, May & Dawn
HeadstrongShipper - Ash & Charizard
HealShipper - Ho-oh & Dialga
HealthyCelebiShipper - Nick & (Nurse) Joy
HeartAttackShipper - Paul, Elekid, Chimchar & Murkrow
HeartbeatShipper - Michelle, Courtney, Tiffany, Mars, Sabrina, Lucy & Flannery
HeartbreakShipper - Grovyle & Meganium
HeartlessShipper - Vicious & Tyson (Johto)
HeartShipper - Lily & Melody
HeartSwapShipper - Jackie Walker & Ash
HeatShipper - Ash & Flannery
HeatTagShipper - Dawn & Conway
HeatWaveShipper - Growlithe & Vulpix
HeatySteelyShipper - Heatran & Lairon
HeavenShipper - Sandy & Raichu
HeckShipper - Brock & Gary
HedgeShipper - Lt. Surge & Brock
HedonismShipper - Michelle & Lucy
HeikaShipper - Empoleon & Magcargo
HeilShipper - Tangrowth, Rhyperior, Lucario & Registeel
HeliceShipper - Glacia & Fantina
HeliotropeShipper - Espeon & Mewtwo
HellfireShipper - Ho-oh & Heatran
HellionShipper - Skuntank & Froslass
HelloShipper - Carnivine & Machop
HellShipper - Brock & Gary
HelmetShipper - Roark & Cranidos
HelperShipper - Professor Ivy & her assistants
HelplessShipper - Spencer Hale & Skyler
HenbaneShipper - Lucy & Sneasel
HepburnShipper - Max, Katherine & Audrey
HeracrossShipper - Heracross & trees
HerbicideShipper - Nidoran (male) & Hoppip
HerculesShipper - Barry & Aaron
HereticShipper - Eusine & Falkner
HermosoShipper - Jasmine, Flannery & Winona
HerocolosseumShipper - Wes & Michael
HeroineShipper - Blue, Crystal, Sapphire & "Berlitz"
HeroShipper - Meowth & Cassandra
HeroworShipper - Professor Oak & Tracey
HestiaShipper - Nurse Joy & Paige
HeterocliteShipper - Norman, Harley & Max
HeWishesShipper - Brock & Lorelei
HexShipper - Mismagius & Honchkrow
HibernationShipper - Kricketune & Snover
HibiscusShipper - Sneasel & Ivysaur
HidalgoShipper - Sandslash & Rapidash
HiddencameraShipper - Aipom & Officer Jenny
HiddenLeafShipper - Umbreon & Leafeon
HiddenPotentialShipper - Oralie & Roxanne
HiddenWaterfallShipper - Weavile & Vaporeon
HideAndSeekShipper - Kidd Summers & Hunter J
HieiShipper - Sidney & Flannery
HierarchyShipper - Professor Sebastian, Ein & Cyrus
HigginsShipper - Violet & Kelly
HighInTheSkyShipper - Orville (Pidgey) & Rose (Taillow)
HighlightShipper - Professor Sebastian & Gardenia
HighMaintenanceShipper - Jessie & Dawn
HigureShipper - Garret & Morty
HikaShipper - Dawn & Bailey
HilariousShipper - Miror B. & Wobbuffet
HipHopShipper - DJ Mary & Flannery
HiraganaShipper - Carob & Tamarind
HissoriShipper - Chris (Ranger) & Elita
HissShipper - Jessie & Meowth
HistrionicShipper - Miror B. & Venus
HitodamaShipper - Aaron (elite) & Phoebe
HiveShipper - Bugsy & Kelly
HobbyShipper - Drew & Wallace
HoennChampionShipper - Steven & May
HoennEliteShipper - Sidney & Glacia
HoennIncestShipper - May & Max
HoennShipper - Brendan & May
HoldBackShipper - Professor Rowan & Galactic grunt
HoldYourNoseShipper - Skuntank & Weezing
HoleShipper - Steven & Ash
HolidayShipper - Lance & Falkner
HollowShipper - Brock & Paul
HollowWingShipper - Shedinja & Beautifly
HoloMuscleShipper - Ash & mirage!Machamp
HomeAloneShipper - Max & nobody
HomerunShipper - Casey & Chikorita
HomeworkShipper - Brendan & Roxanne
HomicideShipper - Ardos & Michael
HoneyBlondeShipper - Daisy (Cerulean) & Cynthia
HoneydewShipper - Masquerain & Vespiquen
HoneyShipper - Beedrill & Vespiqueen
HoneyThiefShipper - Mothim & Vespiquen
HonorShipper - Morty & Falkner
HookLineShipper - Ardos, Eldes & Spenser (Ranger)
HopelessDevotionShipper - Brock & Rudy
HopeShipper - Morty & Clair
HorizonShipper - Brawly & Falkner
HornShipper - Ash’s Tauros & Ash’s Heracross
HorusShipper - Blaziken & Ho-oh
HostileShipper - King of Pokélantis (Ash) & Paul
HotAcidShipper - Ninetales & Victreebel
HotAirShipper - Harley & Wigglytuff
HotaruShipper - Flint (elite), Aaron (elite) & Buck
HotGirlPartyShipper - May, Kris, Dawn, Leaf, Rui & Marina (PBR)
HotHeadShipper - Morrison & Flannery
HotIceShipper - Lorelei & Clair
HotRockShipper - Brock & Flannery
HotRodShipper - Zoey & Buck
HotShipper - Zoey & Lopunny
HotshotShipper - Flint (elite) & Dawn
HottieShipper - Morty & Brawly
HotwheelsShipper - Gold & Courtney
HoundShipper - Lance & Tabitha
HououShipper - Morty & Ash
HourglassShiper - Dialga & Celebi
HouriShipper - Winona & Candice
HowlingChillShipper - Houndoom & Glaceon
HowlShipper - Steven & Sidney
HQLabShipper - Krane & Lily (Orre)
HubrisShipper - Lawrence III (Jirarudan) & Butler
HueShipper - Zoey & May
HugShipper - James & Cacnea
HuelgaShipper - Gyarados & Scizor
HulaDanceShipper - Phoebe & Bellossom
HumidityShipper - Espeon, Flareon & Vaporeon
HummingbirdShipper - Falkner & Erika
HunterShipper - Hiro & Kamon (Black)
HurricaneShipper - Chuck & Hayate (Special)
HushShipper - Falkner & Aaron (elite)
HyacinthShipper - Lanette, Bridgette, & Bebe
HyattShipper - Ash & Luana
HydrangeaShipper - Fantina & Candice
HydroChargeShipper - Swampert & Electabuzz
HydrokineticShipper - Sabrina & Misty
HydromancerShipper - Lugia & Suicune
HydrophobiaShipper - Persian & Vaporeon
HydroShipper - Ash's Squirtle & May's Squirtle
HyperionShipper - Lawrence III (Jirarudan) & Volkner
HyperSebuShipper - Lopunny & Delcatty
HyperTensionShipper - Jennifer, Jessica & Stephanie
HypocriteShipper - Falkner & Ashachu
IAmTheCheeseShipper - Snover & Wilbur
IceBlueShipper - Articuno, Lugia & Vaporeon
IceCoffinShipper - Haunter, Froslass & Sneasel
IcecreamShipper - Almond & Pistachio
IceeShipper - Candice & Cherubi
IcefloeShipper - Lorelei & Candice
IceGymShipper - Pryce & Sheila
IcemaidenShipper - Candice & Articuno
IcePinkShipper - Karen & Lovrina
IcePouchShipper - Kangaskhan & Jynx
IcePrincessShipper - Hun (Bashou) & Glaceon
IceRaceShipper - Misty & Danny
IceShipper - Dewgong & Articuno
IchigoShipper - Morty & Ashachu
IchiharaShipper - Sabrina & Marley
IcicleShipper - Jolteon & Weavile
IckyLickilickyShipper - Baron Alberto & Jessie
IcyHeartShipper - Gold & Glaceon
IcyValorShipper - Garret & Candice
IcyWindShipper - Spenser (Ranger) & Elita
IdenticalShipper - Bianca & Latias
IdentityShipper - Rui & any shadow pokemon
IdolizedParentShipper - Norman & Johanna
IdolizeShipper - Elita & Candice
IdolShipper - Misty & Prima (Lorelei) / Professor Oak & Tracey
IgglyShipper - Jigglypuff & Wigglytuff
IgglysoundShipper - Brock & Britney
IglooShipper - Glaceon & Delcatty
IgnitionShipper - Volkner & Flint (elite)
IgnorantShipper - Brock & Whiscash
IHaveNoIdeaWhatInnuendoIsShipper - Lorelei & Hazel
IkariShipper - Dawn & Paul
IllicitShipper - Spenser (Ranger) & Michael
IllumineShipper - Robert & Dawn
IllusionistShipper - Lawrence III (Jirarudan) & Mismagius
IllusionShipper - Wallace & Janine
IllusoryShipper - Brock & Lokoko
ILoveMyBadgesShipper - Ash & his badges
ImageShipper - Misty & May
ImagineShipper - Kelly & Brianna
I'mAPikachuShipper - Ashachu, Pikachu, Togepi & Lily's Murkrow (Johto)
ImbibeShipper - Milktank & Teddisura
ImitationShipper - Ritchie & Duplica
ImiteShipper - Ash & Duplica
ImmatureShipper - Whitney & Jovi
ImminentShipper - Mew & Eevee
ImmoralShipper - Red & Celebi
ImpactShipper - May & Waillord
ImperialShipper - Blue (game) & Gold
ImpersonationShipper - Wobbuffet & Max
ImpingeShipper - Cyrus, Palmer & Barry
ImpostorShipper - Norman & James
ImpressionShipper - Misty & Duplica
ImpromptuHugShipper - Max & Meowth
InamorataShipper - Mars & Candice
InariShipper - Ninetales & Vulpix
IncarnateShipper - Sir Aaron, Riley & Lucario
IncestGoGoShipper - Tiffany & Garret
IncestShipper - Gary & May (his sister, from Electric Tale)
IncestWithoutShipper - Tate & Liza (Johto)
IncidentalShipper - Silver & Jasmine
InciseShipper - Gallade & Sneasel
IncuboShipper - Darkrai & Umbreon
IndependentShipper - Lunick & Elita
IndigoShipper - Misty & Ritchie
IndiscretionShipper - Wallace & Celio
IndistinguishableShipper - Nurse Joy & Marnie
IndustrialShipper - Volkner, Roark & Byron
INeedAnAdult!Shipper - Muk & Professor Birch
INeverTalkShipper - Bill & Erika
InfernalShipper - Courtney & Flannery
InfernoFirePowerShipper - Zoey & Azelf
InfernoShipper - any bug Pokémon & a furnace
InFightShipper - Maylene & Marley
InfraRedShipper - Mars & Dawn
IngeniousShipper - Nicole & Bianca
IngenuityShipper - Spenser (Ranger), Lunick & Garret
InheritShipper - Brock & Falkner
InimicalShipper - Gary & Wally
InjaShipper - Ninjask & Shedinja
InnerFireShipper - Corey Demario & Don (Charizard)
InnocenceShipper - James & Tracey
InnocentEyesShipper - Persian & Misdreavus
InnocentShipper - Tory Lund & Ambertwo
IrisShipper - Gardenia & Ho-oh
InnovationShipper - Spenser (Ranger) & Garret
InnuendoShipper - Brock & Domino
InsectShipper - Aaron (elite) & Bugsy
InsolentShipper - Max & Landis
InsomniaShipper - Banette & Ariados
InsouciantShipper - Croagunk & Mime Jr.
InspectorShipper - Officer Jenny & Marble
InspiringLiftShipper - Meowth & Bagon
IntegralShipper - Hayate (Special) & Norman
IntellectShipper - Conway & Slowking
IntellectualShipper - Professor Sebastian & Lawrence III (Jirarudan)
IntimateDetailsShipper - Bill, Celio, Steven & Wallace
IntimidationShipper - Darkrai & Luxray
InutilShipper - Lance & Paul
InventionShipper - Grandpa & Ginger
InvertShipper - Clair & Harrison
InvitationShipper - Palmer, Barry & Lucas
IOrderedPepperoniShipper - Domino & Meowth
IoShipper - Flannery & Jupiter
IroningBoardShipper - May & Brianna
IroningShipper - Lucy & Jasmine
IronMaidenShipper - Jasmine & Anabel
IronShipper - Byron & Riley
IronsideShipper - Janine, Jasmine & Flannery
IronWillShipper - Riley & Dawn
IronwingShipper - Hun (Bashou) & Falkner
IrrageShipper - Gyarados & Eevee
IrritateShipper - Almond & Grandpa
IruShipper - Mira & Taylor
IshiShipper - Steven & Ruby
IslandShipper - Danny & Rudy
IsleShipper - Drake (O. Crew) & Cissy
IsmrsShipper - Bruno, Misty & Yellow
It'sYourDutyShipper - Officer Jenny, Nurse Joy, Mars & Female Rocket Grunt
IvoryShipper - Giovanni & Koga
IvyShipper - Cheryl & Cynthia
IyissetiShipper - Altaria & Sneasel
JadedShipper - Will, Brawly & Falkner
JadeShipper - Blue (female) & Yellow
JaggedShipper - Darkrai & Dialga
JailbaitShipper - Brock & May
JailorShipper - Michelle & Dawn
JailShipper - Trudly & Folly
JamaicanShipper - Jump & Brock
JamSessionShipper - Tiffany, Clyde, Garret, Billy, Miror B. & Mirakle B.
JaneShipper - Jasmine & Janine
JanuaryShipper - Glacia & Froslass
JanusShipper - Samuel (Frontier) & Sergio
JashinShipper - Arceus & Darkrai
JasperShipper - Red & Flannery
JauntyShipper - Bebe & Dawn
JawsShipper - Sharpedo & Garchomp
JealousEncounterShipper - Ash's Bayleef & Ash's Aipom
JealousyDistractionShipper - Latios & Pikachu
JealousyShipper - Pikachu & Chikorita
JediShipper - Ardos & Eldes
JellicleShipper - Melody & Persian
JellybeanShipper - Lovrina, Maylene, Whitney & Flannery
JeremiahShipper - Brock & Toxicroak
JewelryShipper - Gennaro & Arianna
JewelShipper - Misty & Starmie
JimShipper - James & Brock
JingleShipper - Olesia & Dawn
JingoismShipper - Volkner & Mars
JirachiHunterShipper - Guile & Butler
JirachiShipper - Max, May, Guile, Emerald & Butler
JitterbugShipper - Jessie & Freddy
JocastaShipper - Cynthia & Lucas (Diamond)
JohtoNativeShipper - Brendan & Hiro
JourneyShipper - Bruno & Lucian
JovianShipper - Jupiter & Saturn
JoyfulShipper - Karsten & Nurse Joy
JoyousShipper - Bellsprout & Chansey
JoyShipper - Nurse Joy, Marnie & Paige
JubilationShipper - Chansey & Blissey
JubileeShipper - Dialga, Palkia & Darkrai
JudgmentalShipper - Caden (Dewford Gym judge; fanon) & Jimmy (Hoenn)
JuggleShipper - Voltorb & Mr. Mime
JujuShipper - Olesia & Mismagius
JumpingToConclusionsShipper - Misty & Yellow
JungleDrumShipper - Clyde & Joel
JungleShipper - Houndoom, Sneasel & Blaziken
JunuraShipper - May & Jackson (Vincent)
JusticeShipper - Cail, Wes & Michael
JutsuShipper - Gold & Janine
KaboomShipper - Coconut & Saturn
KabukiShipper - Jackie Walker & Clair
KaishaShipper - Machamp & Vaporeon
KamaitasheeShipper - Sneasel, Weavile & Misdreavus
KamaShipper - Harley & Saturn
KamiShipper - Lucario & Ninetales
KantoContestShipper - Harley & Solidad
KantoGreenShipper - Cassandra & Katrina
KantoShipper - Bulbasaur, Charmander & Squirtle
KariShipper - Karen & Courtney
KarmaShipper - Eusine, Morty, Will & Falkner
Kat&MouseShipper - Meowth & Pikachu
KatanaShipper - Samurai & Janine
KawaiiShipper - Pikachu & Togepi
KayakShipper - Tracey & Nurse Joy
KayellhShipper - Kelly & Rapidash
KazeShipper - Latias & Altaria
KecleonShipper - Madison & Alexa
KeenShipper - Joel & Dodrio
KelsieShipper - Gary & Lucian
KeroseneShipper - Typhlosion & Feraligatr
KerriaShipper - Zoey & Brianna
KertuShipper - Ginger & Sneasel
KetchupShipper - Pikachu & a bottle of Ketchup
KetsubanShipper - Lawrence III (Jirarudan) & Missingno
KhepryShipper - Aaron (elite) & Dawn
KiboshShipper - Misdreavus & Leafeon
KickboxShipper - Hitmonlee & Hitmonchan
KickPouchShipper - Kangaskhan & Hitmonlee
KiddieShipper - Whitney & Liza (Hoenn)
KidnapperPeonShipper - Trudly, Folly & Rui
KidnapShipper - Marina (Johto), Attila (Buson) & Hun (Bashou)
KidShipper - Mikey & Mahri / Delia & Travis
KilimanjaroShipper - Chimchar & Meowth
KillerQueenShipper - Vespiquen & Mewtwo
KimonoShipper - Jeannette & Erika
KinesisShipper - Lucian & Tate
KinokiShipper - any Breloom & any Kirlia
KiraiShipper - Paul, Misty & Yellow
KirinShipper - Arceus & Girafarig
KiShipper - Peanut & Plum
KisiShipper - Viper & Miyamoto
KismetShipper - Olesia & Jirachi
KissShipper - Ash & Melody
KitchenMaidShipper - Brock & Aki
KitchenShipper - Brock & Delia
KitShipper - Lucario & Persian
KittyShipper - Meowth & Persian
KlaatuShipper - Magnezone & Clefable
KleptomaniaShipper - Lawrence III (Jirarudan) & Espeon
KloneKrazyShipper - Pikachutwo & Meowthtwo
KnickerShipper - Nicholai & Max / Nicholai & May
KnightShipper - Morty & Steven
KnockoutShipper - Whitney & Lorelei
KnowitallShipper - Gary & Max
KnowledgeShipper - Gary & Giselle
KnuckleShipper - Brawly & Machoke
KogamoShipper - Kris & Leaf (FRLG girl)
KohmanShipper - Mint & Leaf (FR/LG Girl)
KoiShipper - James & Brock
KoizumiShipper - Volkner & Sir Aaron
KokiShipper - Bill & Delia
KokoShipper - James & Butch
KomodoShipper - Lance & Brawly
KonchuuShipper - Butterfree & Beedrill + Beautifly & Dustox
KonohagureShipper - Gardenia & Angela
KoorimeShipper - Lorelei & Glacia
KorumaShipper - Shinx & Glameow
KosanjiShipper - Butch & Tracey
KotetsuShipper - Garret & Jasmine
KouhakuShipper - Garret & Whitney
KowaiShipper - Cacturne & Banette
KrabbyShipper - Professor Oak & Bill
KrazyShipper - Meowth & Pikachu
KrystallosShipper - Nando & Saturn
KunaiShipper - Koga & Steven
KunoichiShipper - Aya & Gardenia
KuroganeShipper - Roark & Kenzo (Sinnoh)
KusanagiShipper - Lucy & Erika
KyogreShipper - Wattson & Flannery
KyrimShipper - Coconut, Ginger & Sneasel
L'arcShipper - Lawrence III (Jirarudan) & Ho-oh
LaaqnessaShipper - Marley & Persian
LaBambaShipper - Jessie, James & Ludicolo
LabCoatShipper - Gary & Dara
LabelShipper - Sabrina, Lucy & Courtney
LabShipper - Professor Oak & Delia
LadyShipper - Lady Ilene & Dawn
LagomorphShipper - Pikachu & Buneary
LagunaShipper - Cissy & May
LakeShipper - Galea & Tiffany (anime)
LambdaShipper - Clair, Lorelei, Green & Blue
LamentShipper - Karen & Flannery
LampblackShipper - Sneasel & Seadra
LandmineShipper - Raichu & Nidorina
LanternShipper - Flint (elite) & Ninetales
LapislazuliShipper - Wallace, Steven & Milotic
LaprasShipper - Ash & Lapras / Ash & Tracey
LaRousseFanboysShipper - Drew, Sid & May
LaRousseShipper - Ash & Tory Lund
LaRousseTwinShipper - Audrey & Katherine
LastButNotLeastShipper - Roark, Volkner, & Jasmine
LastShipper - Giovanni, Gary (Blue), Clair, Wallace, Juan & Volkner
LastStandShipper - Pikachu, Raichu, Chansey, Wigglytuff, Clefable & Whiscash
LateBloomShipper - Roserade & Gloom
LatisheruShipper - Michelle & Latias
LatticeShipper - Drew & Ariados
LaughShipper - Sabrina & Haunter
LaurelShipper - Paul & Lucas
LaurierShipper - Lawrence III (Jirarudan) & Shaymin
LavenderShipper - Kelly, Dawn & Espeon
LawEnforcementShipper - Falkner & Officer Jenny
LaxShipper - Munchlax & Snorlax
LayerShipper - Gary & Sabrina
LazyPervertShipper - Spenser (Ranger) & Solana
LeaderShipper - Cyrus, Giovanni, Maxie & Archie
LeadershipShipper - Maxie & Tabitha
LeadShipper - Steven & Janine
LeafbladeShipper - Sceptile & Gallade
LeafStoneShipper - Victreebel & Vileplume
LeagueShipper - Ash & Jeannette / Ash & Ritchie
LeapOfFaithShipper - Croagunk & Kricketune
LearnShipper - Olesia & Max
LeatherShipper - Lt. Surge & Noland
LeerShipper - Whitney & Rui
LeeShipper - Olesia & Leaf (FR/LG Girl)
LeftHandShipper - Gary & His Left Hand
LegacyShipper - Cyrus, Saturn, Paul & Dawn
LegalityShipper - Officer Jenny & Giovanni
LegalShipper - Roark & Geodude
LegArtsShipper - Shawna & Chigusa
LegendaryShipper - Lugia & Ho-oh / Misty, Raikou, Entei, & Suicune
LegendQuestShipper - Lawrence III (Jirarudan) & Eusine
LegendShipper - Wallace & Cynthia
LegShipper - Ash & Ash's Bayleef
LegumeShipper - Coconut & Peanut
LenoreShipper - Marley & Murkrow
LensCapShipper - Todd & Ty
LeonShipper - Ritchie & Sparky (Pikachu)
LesboShipper - Misty & Delia
LesetanneShipper - May & Kris
LesmalShipper - Courtney & Weavile
LespedezaShipper - Mr. Briney & Celio
LespeonShipper - Reath & Ferma
LesserShipper - Phione & Manaphy
LesShipper - Nurse Joy & Officer Jenny
LevelTenShipper - Beedrill, Butterfree, Beautifly & Dustox
LevitateShipper - Flygon & Claydol
LiarShipper - Falkner & Jolteon
LibraryShipper - Byron & Lucian
LibraShipper - Ash & Reiji
LickingShipper - Jessie & Shuckle
LicknVicShipper - Lickitung & Victreebel
LickShipper - Red & Lickitongue (Zensho)
LigandShipper - Steven, Wallace, Milotic & Skarmory
LightbulbShipper - Volbeat & Illumise
LighterShipper - Zippo (Charmeleon) & Sparky (Pikachu)
LightHeartedShipper - May & Eevee
LighthouseShipper - Ash & Jasmine
LightjewelShipper - Ruby & “Berlitz” (Special)
LightningFastShipper - Solana & her Plusle
LightningPearlShipper - Ash's Pikachu & Dawn's Piplup
LightningPouchShipper - Kangaskhan & Electabuzz
LightrockShipper - Brock & Dawn
LightWeightShipper - Cameron & Joel
LikeMotherLikeDaughterShipper - Johanna, Zoey & Dawn
LilacShipper - Nurse Joy & Officer Jenny
LilBlueShipper - Dawn & Piplup
LiliopShipper - Azelf & Uxie
LilithShipper - Fantina & Mismagius
LiliumShipper - Roselia & Riolu
LilyShipper - Cheryl & Whitney
LimberShipper - Persian & Glameow
LingerShipper - Brendan & Tracey
LinkShipper - Harrison & Rayquaza
LipsmackShipper - Machamp & Magmortar
LipstickShipper - Lorelei & Nurse Joy
LiptonShipper - Karen & Jasmine
LiquidatorShipper - Suicune & Golduck
LiquoriceShipper - Marley & Mira
LiterallySpeakingShipper - Brawly & Professor Birch
LithesomeShipper - Zoey & Haley
LittleShopShipper - Rita (Hoenn), Nicole, Natalie & Carnivine
LithiumShipper - Silver & Sapphire
LiveBroadcastShipper - DJ Mary, Gabby & D/P Reporter
LlanShipper - Spenser (Ranger), Cail, Jessie & May
LoanShipper - Volkner, Tracey & Gary
LockerShipper - James & Violet / Jessie & Lily
LocumTenensShipper - Morty & Chingling
LocuraShipper - Luxray & Skuntank
LodestarShipper - Red & Jasmine
LoliconShipper - Jasmine, Lovrina & Dawn
LoliesqueShipper - Cynthia & Marley
LoliShipper - Jasmine & Dawn
LoliShotaShipper - Steven & Cynthia
LolitaShipper - Professor Oak & Misty
LollipopShipper - Kelly, May & Brianna
LollirotShipper - Sabrina, Lucy, Courtney & Michelle
LonelyShipper - Brock & Melody
LoneShipper - Sakura & Casey
LoneStarShipper - Gramps & Mandy (MPJ)
LongevityShipper - Ninetails & Absol
LongHairShipper - Solidad & Dawn
LookalikeShipper - Mars & Gardevoir
LoreShipper - Riley & Falkner
LosingTeamShipper - Bulbasaur, Squirtle & Heracross
LoShipper - Crasher Wake & Maylene
LostSisterShipper - Whitney & Flannery
LostShipper - Banette & Shedinja
LoveALotShipper - Ariados, Banette, Mismagius, Wooper, Umbreon & Cacturne
LovecraftShipper - Misty & Bulbasaur
LovelyangstyfanserviceShipper - Morty, Eusine, Lawrence III (Jirarudan) & Falkner
LovelyRitaShipper - Paul & Rita (Johto)
LovelyShipper - Whitney & Bellossom
LoverivalShipper - Brendan & Wally
LoveShipper - Ambertwo & Mewtwo
LovesongShipper - Michael & Kandee
LowriseShipper - Rayquaza & Cresselia
LoyalShipper - Michelle & Shelgon
LoyaltyShipper - Harley, Cacturne, Banette & Ariados
LuauShipper - Flint (elite) & Phoebe
LucarioShipper - Sir Aaron, Riley & Dusty
LucidShipper - Cyrus, Paul & Dawn
LuckiestTrainerEverShipper - Ash & any Legendary he encounters
LuckShipper - Brock & Lucy
LuckyCharmShipper - Flint (elite) & Lopunny
LuckyGoldShipper - Jimmy (Kenta) & Mesprit
LuckyShipper - Red & Blue (female) / Green & Yellow / Robert & May
LucozadeShipper - Volkner & Mira
LucyShipper - Lucy & Lucy Fleetfoot (Trozei)
LugiaShipper - Lugia & Shadow Lugia
LujuriaShipper - Sabrina & Moltres
LuliShipper - Lucario & Linoone
LuminousShipper - Luxio & Luxray
LunacyShipper - Lawrence III (Jirarudan) & Darkrai
LunarDawnShipper - Gallade & Gengar
LunarEclipseShipper - Darkrai & Cresselia
LunaShipper - Skitty & Delcatty
LunaticShipper - Giratina & Lugia
LunisolarShipper - Marley & Flannery
LureShipper - Red & Dratini
LurkShipper - Ariados & Umbreon
LushShipper - Gardevoir & Breloom
LustrousShipper - Persian & Dragonair
LustShipper - Brock & Nurse Joy / Brock & Officer Jenny
LuthierShipper - Mew, Kricketune & Arceus
LuvdiscShipper - Caserin (Luvdisc) & Luverin (Luvdisc)
LuxatinaShipper - Giratina & Luxray
LuxShipper - Lucas & Luxray
LuxuryShipper - Giovanni & Persian
LužniceShipper - Cheryl & Suicune
LynxShipper - Golem & Persian
LyreShipper - Nando & Dawn
MacabreShipper - Gengar, Mismagius, Dusknoir, Banette, Sableye & Froslass
MachineShipper - Wattson & Raikou
MachisakiShipper - Lt. Surge & Bill
MachoShipper - Almond & Walnut
MadScienceShipper - Professor Sebastian & Ein
MadShipper - Tyson (Johto) & Eusine
MaelstromShipper - Volkner & Eusine
MaestroShipper - Volkner & Roxanne
MagentaShipper - Chigusa & Vivica
MagicCharmShipper - Mismagius & Skitty
MagicianShipper - Mismagius & Lucario
MagicShipper - James & The Astouding Mandi
MagiThunderShipper - Pikachu & Celebi
MagmaClawShipper - Tabitha & Michelle
MagmadminShipper - Tabitha & Courtney
MagmajewelShipper - Ruby & Courtney
MagmaKrystalShipper - Maxie & Krys
MagmaShipper - Mars & Flannery
MagneShipper - Ethan & Magnemite
MagnetonShipper - Lt. Surge & Jasmine
MaidShipper - James & Delia
MaikoaShipper - Mars & Sneasel
MailmanShipper - Deoxys & Pelipper
MainCharacterShipper - Ash & Hazel
MainframeShipper - Bill, Celio, Lanette, Bridgette & Bebe
MainLostSisterShipper - Leaf (FR/LG girl) & Dawn
MakeAWishShipper - Saturn & Jirachi
MalakimShipper - Misdreavus & Togetic
MalchikGeiShipper - Harley & Olesia
MalevolentShipper - King of Pokélantis & Ash
MalfunctionShipper - Paul & Bugsy
MaliceShipper - Rayquaza & Darkrai
MaliciousShipper - Mars & Lovrina
MalleableShipper - Steelix & Smoochum
MalvadoShipper - Mewtwo & Haunter
MamaMia!Shipper - Professor Rowan & Johanna
MamaShipper - Cashew & her Hoppip / Giovanni & Madame Boss
ManaShipper - Volkner & Gardenia
MandibleShipper - Vespiquen & Pinsir
MandyShipper - Gramps & Charmander
ManeShipper - Luxray & Manectric
MangaAdvanceShipper - Red & Sapphire
MangaNewRivalShipper - Wally & Sapphire
MangaPokeShipper - Red & Misty
MangaQuestShipper - Gold & Crystal
MangaShipper - Brock & Sabrina
ManiacShipper - Bill & Pokémaniac Brent
ManicdepressiveShipper - Doctor Namba & Doctor Fuji
ManosShipper - Gary & His Left Hand / Gary & His Right Hand
MantleShipper - Eusine & Lance
MaraschinoShipper - May & Marley
MaraudShipper - Attila (Buson) & Butch
MarbleShipper - Byron & Fantina
MareShipper - Ash & Bianca
MargaritaShipper - Rita (Johto) & Rita (Hoenn)
MariahShipper - Mariah (Johto) & Mariah (Kanto)
MarigoldShipper - Professor Oak & Lance
MarillgirlShipper - Wilhelmina & Trixie
MariShipper - Ritchie & May
Marina'sFondestDreamShipper - Jackson (Vincent), Eusine & Lance
MarinaShipper - Marina (Orange Islands), Marina (Johto) & Marina (PBR)
MarineShipper - Marina (PBR) & Marill
MarionetteShipper - Shuppet & Banette
MarmaladeShipper - Yellow & "Berlitz"
MaritalRevengeShipper - Caroline & Kenny (Hoenn)
MartialArtsApprenticeShipper - Maylene & Chigusa
MartialArtsLoliShipper - Maylene, Liza (Hoenn), Greta, Shawna & Chigusa
MartialArtsShipper - Greta & Liza (Hoenn)
MaruShipper - Otoshi & Sakura
MarvelousShipper - Robert, Wallace & Milotic
MarvelscaleShipper - Wallace's Gyarados & Wallace's Milotic
MarvelShipper - Palmer & Eldes
MarvelWhiskerShipper - Whiscash & Milotic
MasakudoShipper - Will & Karen
MasaTokiShipper - Pallet Town & Viridian City
MasatoShipper - Max & Max
MascaraShipper - Lawrence III (Jirarudan), Will, Ninetales & Alakazam
MascotShipper - Meowth & Cassidy's Raticate
MashShipper - Delia & Norman
MaskedManShipper - Pryce & Timmy Grimm
MaskShipper - Pryce & Swinub / Silver & Blue (female)
MasochistShipper - Giovanni, James & Jessie
MasqueradeShipper - Will & Lance
MasumiShipper - Misty & Max
MasterballShipper - Giovanni & Silph President
MastermindShipper - Doctor Yung & mirage!Mewtwo
MasterOfDisguiseShipper - Guile & Pryce/Mask of Ice
MasterSCShipper - Fantina, Jasmine & Johanna
MasterShipper - Lance & Silver
MatchmakerShipper - Nando, Ash & Dawn
MaterialGirlsShipper - May, Dawn, & Jessie
MateyShipper - Whitney & Shelly
MathShipper - Peanut & Cashew
MatriarchShipper - Delia, Caroline, Savannah & Johanna
MatsuriShipper - Morty, Karen & Agatha
MatureShipper - Tracey & Jessie
MaudeShipper - Volkner & Agatha
MaulShipper - Sneasel, Glameow & Persian
MauveShipper - Arbok & Mime Jr.
MaxShipper - Max & Max
MayHasFunShipper - May & Ash, Drew, Wally, and Brendan
MayleseShipper - Maylene, May & Kris
MaypoleShipper - Harley, Banette, Cacturne, Octillery, Wigglytuff, & Ariados
MaytyenaShipper - May & Mightyena
MeanerThanThouShipper - Gengar, Ekans & Medicham
MeatShipper - Grumpig, Miltank & Combusken
MBirdShipper - Bill & Domino
MedeaFanserviceShipper - Tracey, Drew & Harley
MedicalShipper - Jessie & Doctor Proctor
MedievalStoryShipper - Gardevoir & Gallade
MeditateShipper - Liza (Hoenn) & Shawna
MeditateTrainingShipper - Maylene & Medicham
MedleyShipper - Lawrence (Jirarudan) & Marley
MedusaShipper - Storc & Hunter J
MeganeShipper - Lucian & Roark
MegavoltShipper - Pikachu & Jolteon
MegumiShipper - Jessie, Pidgey & Bulbasaur
MehShipper - Kenny & Johanna
MellowShipper - Lawrence III (Jirarudan) & Morty
MelodicShipper - Melody & Melodi (Sinnoh)
MelodyShipper - Red & Jigglypuff
MelonShipper - Turtwig & Pikachu
MeltingShipper - Jimmy's (Kenta) Quilava & Candice's Sneasel
MeltShipper - Sneasel & Flareon
MelzuShipper - Scizor & Ivysaur
MementoShipper - Gallade & Mismagius
MemphisShipper - Volkner & Whitney
MentalityShipper - Sabrina & Liza (Hoenn)
MentalNightmareShipper - Falkner, Tate & Liza
MentorShipper - Juan, Wallace, Steven & Brendan
MeoAshShipper - Ash & Meowth
MercuryShipper - Wallace & Silver
MercyShipper - Gary, Paul & Kamon (Black)
MermaidShipper - Vaporeon & Dewgong
MessiahShipper - Cyrus & Brandon
MetalBallShipper - Annie & Oakley
MetalShipper - Hayate (Special) & Skarmory
MetaShipper - Giovanni & Wallace
MeteorShipper - Deoxys & Tory Lund
Meter-MaidShipper - Rita (Johto) & Officer Jenny
MethaneShipper - Paul & Chimchar
MetroContestShipper - Robert & Drew
MetropolitanShipper - Robert, May & James
MetroShipper - Wallace & Ruby
MewShipper - Mew & Mewtwo
MewtwosParentsShipper - Mew & Blaine
MiakaneShipper - Whitney & Jasmine
MiasmaShipper - Zubat & Koffing
MibuShipper - Hayate (Special) & Koga
MichaelIAmYourFatherShipper - Eldes & Lily
MicShipper - Whitney & Gabby
MidnightGardenShipper - Roxanne, Gardenia & Karen
MidnightShipper - Umbreon, Weavile & Houndoom
MightyBooshShipper - Crasher Wake & Lucian
MignonShipper - Jovi & Buneary
MigraineShipper - Misty & Psyduck
MikadonShipper - Erika & Cissy
MikanShipper - Tracey & Cissy / Cissy & Jasmine
MikiShipper - any combination of James, Staryu & a Pokedex
MildShipper - Prima (Lorelei) & Cheryl
MILFShipper - Delia & Savanna
MilkLoversShipper - Cyndaquil & Miltank
MilkshakeShipper - Lucy & Dawn
MilkShipper - Ash & Whitney
MillionaireShipper - Giovanni & James
MilitantShipper - Giovanni & Lt. Surge
MiloticTriumvirateShipper - Wallace, Cynthia & Lucy
MimeShipper - Delia & Mimey (Mr. Mime)
MimicShipper - Copycat girl from Saffron & Janine
MimiShipper - Buneary & Lopunny
MinamoShipper - May & Kelly
MindScrewShipper - Will & Janine
MindShipper - Max & Ralts
MineralogyShipper - Steven, Roark & Byron
MineralShipper - Brock & Jasmine
MineShipper - Byron & Jasmine
MiningShipper - Roark & Jasmine
MinionShipper - Lance, Paul, Buck & Silver
MiniwaveShipper - Ash & Riolu
MinstrelShipper - Nando & Jigglypuff
MiracleGroShipper - Gardenia & Misty
MiracleShipper - Manaphy & Ditto
MirageShipper - Ash & Sabrina
MireShipper - Sabrina & Aya
MirokeShipper - Michelle & Weavile
MirriShipper - Espeon & Luxray
MirrorRivalShipper - Zoey & Drew
MirrorShipper - Jessie & Jessiebelle
MiruShipper - Whitney & Mira
MischiefShipper - Sneasel, Murkrow & Misdreavus
MischievousShipper - Mismagius & Ambipom
MisconceptionShipper - Giovanni & Yellow
MisdreavusShipper - Zoey & Marina (Johto)
MisfortuneShipper - Luxray & Weavile
MiShipper - Michelle & Jasmine
MishiroShipper - Harrison & May
MispronunciationShipper - Brendan & Brandon
MisquoteShipper - Entei & Ampharos
MissionShipper - Joel & Judy
MissMuffetShipper - May & Ariados
MissThingShipper - Lovrina & Jessie
MistakenShipper - Butch & Ash
MistakeShipper - Wanda & Ruby
MisterShipper - Mr. Peanut & Mister Goodshow
MistoffeleesShipper - Butler & Meowth
MistressShipper - Roxanne & Serena
MistShipper - Falkner & Liza (Hoenn)
MistyJealousShipper - Misty & Giselle
MitchellShipper - Courtney & Tiffany
MithrilShipper - Steven & Silver
MitsukiShipper - Bebe & Jasmine
MiyushaniShipper - Delcatty & Misdreavus
MizuOroShipper - Milotic & Seviper
MobiusShipper - Koga & Articuno
ModestShipper - Jessie & Rui
MoeShipper - May, Brianna & Dawn
MoiraiShipper - Volkner, Michelle, Saturn & Olesia
MolestShipper - Brock & Croagunk
MolliShipper - Molly Hale & Mollie
MoltenShipper - Steven & Courtney
MoltresShipper - James & Lawrence III (Jirarudan)
MommyShipper - Ash & Delia
MomonShipper - Ash & Maylene
MomoShipper - Uxie & Mespirt
MomShipper - Luana & Delia
MonduShipper - Mondo & Duplica
MonkeyShipper - Chimchar & Aipom
MonopolyShipper - Greta & Noland
MonoxideShipper - Lucy & Winona
MonsoonShipper - Zapdos & Suicune
MontagnaShipper - Tyranitar & Altaria
MontreShipper - Flareon & Delcatty
MoodswingShipper - Lawrence III (Jirarudan) & Deoxys
MoonBouceShipper - Snorlax & Pichu
MoonjewelShipper - Misdreavus & Cresselia
MoonletShipper - Lucian & Saturn
MoonlightShipper - Umbreon & Ninetales
MoonlitSeaShipper - Umbreon & Vaporeon
MoonriseShipper - Sidney & Falkner
MoonscapeShipper - Tracey & Lugia
MoonshineShipper - Cresselia & Palkia
MoonShipper - Jigglypuff & Meowth
MoonstormShipper - Brawly & Liza (Hoenn)
MoontideShipper - Lugia & Cresselia
MordantShipper - Palmer & Ardos
MorelloShipper - Paul & Whitney
MorgueShipper - Houndoom & Spiritomb
MorningDewShipper - Vaporeon & Leafeon
MorningGloryShipper - Gardenia & Dawn
MorningTideShipper - Espeon, Umbreon & Suicune
MorphShipper - Brody & Ditto
MorrowShipper - Absol & Skuntank
MortelleShipper - Fantina & Karen
MosaicShipper - Cyrus, Palmer, Saturn & Barry
MosouShipper - Marina (PBR) & Kyogre
MossShipper - Roark & Gardenia
MotherShipper - Delia & Caroline
MothShipper - Dustox & Venomoth
MountMoonShipper - Hazel's Clefairy & Hazel's Pikachu
MountSilverShipper - Sneasel, Tyranitar & Misdreavus
MouseShipper - Ash & Ritchie
MovieShipper - Corey & Neesha
MRIShipper - Luxray & Lucario
MTwinShipper - Tracey & Mondo
MucalindaShipper - Drake (Hoenn) & Lance
MuddyShipper - Whiscash & Barboach
MuertaShipper - Morty & Marley
MulberryShipper - Sneasel & Mesprit
MulletShipper - Maxie & Morty
MummyShipper - Ash & Mrs. Ketchum
MunchmaxShipper - Max & Munchlax
MurasakiShipper - Janine & Anabel
MusclePouchShipper - Kangaskhan & Machamp
MushyShipper - Bellossom & Breloom
MusicBoxShipper - DJ Mary & Mr.Mime
MuskShipper - Purugly & Skuntank
MutatedLagomorphShipper - Raichu & Lopunny
MyPigBeenessShipper - Spoink & Beedrill
MyPigPurpleBeenessShipper - Vespiquen & Grumpig
MyrrhShipper - Erika, Gardenia & Cheryl
MysticalShipper - Dragonair & Milotic
MysticeyeShipper - Morty & Red
MysticIceShipper - Espeon, Umbreon & Glaceon
MysticShipper - Morty, Will & Eusine
MystiqueShipper - Michelle & Sabrina
MythologyShipper - Sneasel & Gyarados
MythShipper - Wallace & Morty
Looking back at last year's list, it...still seems just as long, but it really, really isn't. At the last, current count (Nov 17th, 2006), the total of 'ships is 2,043. Oh yeah, we went there. 2,000 plus, baby.
Normally submissions are done at BMGf (Bulbagarden), as the home of the original List, but if you don't have a BMGf account, there are a couple helpful ladies in our company who are willing to submit them for you, if you ask politely. If you do have an account and a submission, don't be lazy. I don't bite there any more than I bite here.
And because I thought this might happen (because gee, Joe has a character limit) the list has been further broken up into four parts: A-E, F-M, N-R, and S-Z. And A-E plus N-R are linked to in this post and the one below. I wish it hadn't come to this. Seriously, it's been just shy over a month, and already the first half hit SPPf's 50,000 character limit.
EDIT: (Nov 9) Because the character limit was broken again, A-E and F-M are now A-F and G-M. I might have to do further breakdowns like this. -_- Sucks.
Avegaille's Unnamed 'Ships List -
Toran's Unnamed 'Ships List -
Vycksta's Unnamed 'Ships List (Mach II) -
The (In)Complete 'Shippers List (off-site and whole)
(In)Complete 'Shippers List (#, A - M)
'Ships #, A - F
(In)Complete 'Shippers List (#, A - M)
'Ships #, A - F
GaiaShipper - Gardenia & Cheryl
GakiShipper - Ash & Misty
GalacticDominationShipper - Cyrus, Evice & Greevil
GalacticianShipper - Mars & Karsten
GalacticShipper - Cyrus, Mars, Jupiter & Saturn
GalaxyShipper - Venus & Mars
GaleShipper - Chuck & Falkner
GallantShipper - Roserade & Gallade
GambitShipper - Norman & Max
GammaShipper - Lance & Blue (female)
GangShipper - Tyra & Chopper
GangsterShipper - Croagunk & Buizel
GanymedeShipper - Byron & Falkner
GardenShipper - Roxanne & Gardenia
GardyShipper - Gardenia & Gardevoir
GargantuanShipper - Golem & Snorlax
GarishShipper - Zubat & Gastly
GarnetShipper - Brendan & Gary
GaudyShipper - Casey & Celebi
GeekShipper - Shingo & Tracey
GelidShipper - Roxanne & Candice
GelShipper - Ein & Justy
GeminiShipper - Gastrodon (eastern) & Gastrodon (western)
GemShipper - Ruby, Sapphire, & Wally (Brendan, May, & Wally)
GemstoneShipper - Jimmy (Kenta) & Dawn
GenderbenderShipper - Bashou (Jp) & Hun (dubbed)
GenderShipper - Gold & Bugsy / Ash & Bugsy
GenerationGapShipper - Johanna & Zoey
GenerationShipper - Lance & Dawn
GeneratorShipper - Pikachu & Misty
GenericHoennShipper - Magma Grunt & Aqua Grunt
GenesisShipper - Arceus, Dialga & Palkia
GeneticShipper - Deoxys & Mewtwo
GengarShipper - Morty & Drake (O. Crew)
GenteelShipper - Bill & Dragonite
GentlemanShipper - Norman & Robert
GentleMindShipper - Jimmy (Kenta) & Liza (Hoenn)
GentleShiningHopeShipper - Brendan & Dawn
GeologyShipper - Steven & Roark
GeoShipper - Jasmine & Courtney
GeraniumShipper - Bellossom & Meganium
GermanShipper - Volkner & Saturn
GetMeaClefairy!Shipper - Galactic grunt & Clefairy
GettoPikaShipper - Shuu & his Pikachu
GeyserShipper - Vulpix & Hippopotas
GFChampShipper - Robert & Solidad
GhostBrideShipper - Marina's Misdreavus (Johto) & Zoey's Misdreavus
GhostCutterShipper - Shedinja & Kricketot
GhoulShipper - Morty & Phoebe
GiantHaunterShipper - Gastly, Duskull, Shuppet & Haunter
GideonShipper - Byron & Ian
GiftShipper - Arbok & Wigglytuff
GiggleShipper - Max & Natalie
GingaShipper - Cyrus & Saturn
GingerShipper - Michael & Misty
GiovanniShipper - Giovanni (anime) & Giovanni (game)
GirasolShipper - Giratina & Glaceon
GirlPowerShipper - Cynthia & Dawn
GirlShipper - Hazel, Coconut & Koume
GirlTachiShipper - Misty & May
GlacialShipper - Ash & Articuno
GlaciaShipper - Roark & Candice
GlacierShipper - Pryce & Sheila / Pryce & Glacia
GladeShipper - Falkner & Cheryl
GladiolusShipper - Gardenia & Gallade
GlaiveShipper - Scyther, Gallade & Garchomp
GlamourousShipper - Delcatty & Glameow
GlamourShipper - Todd & Melody
GlassesBishieShipper - Joel, Lucian & Roark
GlassesShipper - Ruby & Max
GlassGirlShipper - DJ Mary, Lorelei, Lanette, Rebecca & Luna (Johto)
GlassMedallionShipper - Misty & Ross
GleamShipper - Gallade & Jirachi
GliderShipper - Falkner & Pidgeot
GlideShipper - Latias & Altaria
GlimmerShipper - Froslass & Sableye
GlintaShipper - Nando, Conway, Landis & Dawn
GlintShipper - Budew & Shuppet
GlissandoShipper - Brody & Joshua (LittleRoot)
GlistenShipper - Glaceon & Jirachi
GlitchShipper - Missingno & ’M
GlitterShipper - Dawn & Candice
GloamingShipper - Sidney & Gardenia
GloomShipper - Erika & Florinda
GluttonShipper - Ash & Snorlax
GluttonyShipper - Alberto & Lickylicky
GnawShipper - Victreebel & Carnivine
GodComplexShipper - Cyrus & Arceus
GodisdeadShipper - Arceus & Missingno
GodmodeShipper - Arceus & Giratina
GoggleShipper - Ash & Giselle
GolddustShipper - Gold & Flygon
GoldenFlavorShipper - Mint & Jimmy (Kenta)
GoldenRoseShipper - Jimmy (Kenta) & Zoey
GoldRangerShipper - Jimmy (Kenta) & Solana
GoldStarShipper - Jimmy (Kenta) & Officer Jenny
GolduckShipper - Golduck & Luda (Golduck)
GoodReasonShipper - Mew & Hiro ("Meet Mew!" book)
GoodSiblingShipper - Max & Daisy (anime)
GooseberryShipper - Jackson (Vincent) & Tracey
GorgeousShipper - Pistachio & Ginger
GoShipper - Maylene & May
GossamerShipper - Drew's Masquerain & May's Beautifly
GossipShipper - Drew & Solidad
GothChampShipper - Cynthia & Lucario
GothicaShipper - Sneasel & Gardevoir
GothicChildShipper - Kamon & Marley
GothShipper - Karen & Clair
GotMilk?Shipper - Miltank & Prima (Lorelei)
GovernorShipper - Snattle & Lovrina
GracefulGuardianShipper - Gardevoir & Latias
GracefulShipper - Winona & Wallace
GraceShipper - Vaporeon, Leafeon & Glaceon
GrandChampionShipper - Steven, Wallace & Lance
GrandeurShipper - Serena & Nicole
GrandmotherShipper - Rui & Beluh
GrandouseShipper - Purugly & Granbull
GrandpaShipper - Professor Oak & Gary
GrandsonShipper - Professor Oak & Gary
GrantedShipper - Lance & Yellow
GrassDanceShipper - Bellossom & Ludicolo
GrassGlomperShipper - Gardenia, James, Cacnea & Carnivine
GrassGymShipper - Erika & Gardenia
GrassShipper - James & Gardenia
GrassStarterShipper - Ash's Bayleef & Ash's Treecko
GratefulDeadShipper - Shaymin & Gengar
GraupelShipper - Jolteon & Sneasel
GraveRobberShipper - Junk & Don (Rhydon)
GraveyardShipper - Dusclops & Banette
GravitationShipper - Saturn & Michelle
GravityShipper - Attila (Buson) & Falkner
GrayShipper - Beautifly & Mightyena
GreenEarthShipper - Swampert & Meganium
GreyscaleShipper - Mightyena & Absol
GreeneyeShipper - James & Misty
GreenFashionShipper - Ritchie & Harley
GreenfieldShipper - Lisa & Skyler
GreenhouseShipper - Sonrisa & Florinda
GreenJudgmentShipper - Victor (Frontier) & Maron (Kanto)
GreenRubyShipper - Brendan & Leaf (FR/LG girl)
GreenShipper - Chikorita & Treecko / Lisa & Skyler / Pistachio & Peanut / Wally & Ritchie
GreenShirtShipper - Ritchie & Tracey
GridShipper - Nett & Megg
GrinAndBearItShipper - Jessie, James & Carnivine
GropeShipper - Wallace & Tentacruel
GroundDasherShipper - Marowak & Flareon
GroundedShipper - Sullivan & Nero (Whiscash)
GroundShipper - Brock & Cynthia
GrouphugShipper - Harley, Cacturne, Banette, Ariados & Octillery
GrudgeShipper - Darkrai & Giratina
GS-Shipper - Kurt & Celebi
GuanjaShipper - Sneasel & Cradily
GuardianShipper - Lugia & Latias
GuardShipper - Gardevoir & Mawile
GuardtheEntranceShipper - Saturn & Galactic grunt
GuidanceShipper - Eldes, Michael, Spenser (Ranger) & Lunick
GuildShipper - Wigglytuff & Chatot
GuileShipper - Nicole & Rebecca
GulpingItUpShipper - Cameron & Pelipper
GulpShipper - Whiscash & Weepinbell
GumdropShipper - Red & Rui
GyaradosShipper - Misty & Blaine
GymcestShipper - Norman, Caroline, May & Max
GymkidShipper - Max & Mahri
GymShipper - Brock & Misty
GypsyShipper - Quilava & Kirlia
GyrateShipper - Miror B. & Folly
HabuneaShipper - Cacnea & Seviper
HadouchuShipper - Ash, Sir Aaron & Pikachu
HadouShipper - Ash & Sir Aaron
HaganeShipper - Roark & Riley
HaikuShipper - Professor Oak & James
HailStormShipper - Glacia & Articuno
HairbandShipper - Tracey & May (Gary's sister)
HairColorShipper - Brendan, Kris & Wally
HairMousseShipper - Marina (Johto), Cassidy & Jessie
HairTheftShipper - Garret & Gardenia
HaleShipper - Spencer Hale & Delia
HalloweenShipper - Ariados, Mismagius & Lucario
HallucinationShipper - Lawrence III (Jirarudan) & Dragonite
HalfsightShipper - Falkner & Flannery
HamShipper - Grumpig & Mamoswine
HanadokiShipper - Staraptor & Roserade
HanaShipper - Gardenia & Shaymin
HandArtsShipper - Greta & Maylene
HandbagShipper - Dawn, Barry & Tonio
HandShipper - Gary & His Left Hand / Gary & His Right Hand / Gary & His Left Hand & His Right Hand / Generic term for any of the various MALE "self" Ships
HandtrainingShipper - Maylene & Machoke
HandymanShipper - Tracey & Daisy (Cerulean)
HandyShipper - Dawn & Ambipom
HangingOutShipper - James & Max
HappyFeetShipper - Miror B. & Piplup
HappymealShipper - Dr. Namba, Butch & Cassidy
HappyShipper - Bellossom & Sunflora
HaraiseShipper - Misdreavus & Weavile
HardAsSteelShipper - Giovanni, Hun (Bashou) & Attila (Buson)
HardenedAffectionShipper - Roxanne & Jasmine
HardenShipper - Archie & Maxie
HardheadedShipper - Ash & Buizel
HardLightShipper - Steven & Dawn
HardLuckShipper - Paul & Chansey
HardMountainShipper - Barry & Buck
HardshipShipper - Blastoise & Lapras
HardwoodShipper - Professor Oak & Professor Birch
HarmonicShipper - May & Mismagius
HarmonyShipper - Melody & Bianca
HarrassShipper - Drake (O. Crew) & Danny
HarrowShipper - Harley & Eusine
HarshShipper - Falkner & A.J.
HarukazeShipper - May & Suicune
HarunoShipper - Coconut & Sneasel
HaruraShipper - Harrison & Sakura
HarvestShipper - Brock & Ritchie
HatchShipper - Attila (Buson) & Skarmory
HatredShipper - Blaziken & Mismagius
HatShipper - Ash & his hats
HatThiefShipper - Ash & Aipom
HaughtyShipper - Pearl & “Berlitz”
HauntedShipper - Drake (O. Crew) & Bill
HauntShipper - Misdreavus & Shuppet
HauteShipper - Lucian & Wallace
HawaiianFlowerShipper - Erika & Phoebe
HayasaShipper - Spenser (Ranger) & Falkner
HaywireShipper - Porygon-Z & Rotom
HazeShipper - Morty, Volkner & Flint (elite)
HDWAShipper - Diglett & Wailord
HeadbandShipper - Tracey & Daisy (games)
HeadbandTwinShipper - Jasmine & Winona
HeadbuttShipper - Brock & Red
HeadgearShipper - Leaf (FR/LG girl), Kris, May & Dawn
HeadstrongShipper - Ash & Charizard
HealShipper - Ho-oh & Dialga
HealthyCelebiShipper - Nick & (Nurse) Joy
HeartAttackShipper - Paul, Elekid, Chimchar & Murkrow
HeartbeatShipper - Michelle, Courtney, Tiffany, Mars, Sabrina, Lucy & Flannery
HeartbreakShipper - Grovyle & Meganium
HeartlessShipper - Vicious & Tyson (Johto)
HeartShipper - Lily & Melody
HeartSwapShipper - Jackie Walker & Ash
HeatShipper - Ash & Flannery
HeatTagShipper - Dawn & Conway
HeatWaveShipper - Growlithe & Vulpix
HeatySteelyShipper - Heatran & Lairon
HeavenShipper - Sandy & Raichu
HeckShipper - Brock & Gary
HedgeShipper - Lt. Surge & Brock
HedonismShipper - Michelle & Lucy
HeikaShipper - Empoleon & Magcargo
HeilShipper - Tangrowth, Rhyperior, Lucario & Registeel
HeliceShipper - Glacia & Fantina
HeliotropeShipper - Espeon & Mewtwo
HellfireShipper - Ho-oh & Heatran
HellionShipper - Skuntank & Froslass
HelloShipper - Carnivine & Machop
HellShipper - Brock & Gary
HelmetShipper - Roark & Cranidos
HelperShipper - Professor Ivy & her assistants
HelplessShipper - Spencer Hale & Skyler
HenbaneShipper - Lucy & Sneasel
HepburnShipper - Max, Katherine & Audrey
HeracrossShipper - Heracross & trees
HerbicideShipper - Nidoran (male) & Hoppip
HerculesShipper - Barry & Aaron
HereticShipper - Eusine & Falkner
HermosoShipper - Jasmine, Flannery & Winona
HerocolosseumShipper - Wes & Michael
HeroineShipper - Blue, Crystal, Sapphire & "Berlitz"
HeroShipper - Meowth & Cassandra
HeroworShipper - Professor Oak & Tracey
HestiaShipper - Nurse Joy & Paige
HeterocliteShipper - Norman, Harley & Max
HeWishesShipper - Brock & Lorelei
HexShipper - Mismagius & Honchkrow
HibernationShipper - Kricketune & Snover
HibiscusShipper - Sneasel & Ivysaur
HidalgoShipper - Sandslash & Rapidash
HiddencameraShipper - Aipom & Officer Jenny
HiddenLeafShipper - Umbreon & Leafeon
HiddenPotentialShipper - Oralie & Roxanne
HiddenWaterfallShipper - Weavile & Vaporeon
HideAndSeekShipper - Kidd Summers & Hunter J
HieiShipper - Sidney & Flannery
HierarchyShipper - Professor Sebastian, Ein & Cyrus
HigginsShipper - Violet & Kelly
HighInTheSkyShipper - Orville (Pidgey) & Rose (Taillow)
HighlightShipper - Professor Sebastian & Gardenia
HighMaintenanceShipper - Jessie & Dawn
HigureShipper - Garret & Morty
HikaShipper - Dawn & Bailey
HilariousShipper - Miror B. & Wobbuffet
HipHopShipper - DJ Mary & Flannery
HiraganaShipper - Carob & Tamarind
HissoriShipper - Chris (Ranger) & Elita
HissShipper - Jessie & Meowth
HistrionicShipper - Miror B. & Venus
HitodamaShipper - Aaron (elite) & Phoebe
HiveShipper - Bugsy & Kelly
HobbyShipper - Drew & Wallace
HoennChampionShipper - Steven & May
HoennEliteShipper - Sidney & Glacia
HoennIncestShipper - May & Max
HoennShipper - Brendan & May
HoldBackShipper - Professor Rowan & Galactic grunt
HoldYourNoseShipper - Skuntank & Weezing
HoleShipper - Steven & Ash
HolidayShipper - Lance & Falkner
HollowShipper - Brock & Paul
HollowWingShipper - Shedinja & Beautifly
HoloMuscleShipper - Ash & mirage!Machamp
HomeAloneShipper - Max & nobody
HomerunShipper - Casey & Chikorita
HomeworkShipper - Brendan & Roxanne
HomicideShipper - Ardos & Michael
HoneyBlondeShipper - Daisy (Cerulean) & Cynthia
HoneydewShipper - Masquerain & Vespiquen
HoneyShipper - Beedrill & Vespiqueen
HoneyThiefShipper - Mothim & Vespiquen
HonorShipper - Morty & Falkner
HookLineShipper - Ardos, Eldes & Spenser (Ranger)
HopelessDevotionShipper - Brock & Rudy
HopeShipper - Morty & Clair
HorizonShipper - Brawly & Falkner
HornShipper - Ash’s Tauros & Ash’s Heracross
HorusShipper - Blaziken & Ho-oh
HostileShipper - King of Pokélantis (Ash) & Paul
HotAcidShipper - Ninetales & Victreebel
HotAirShipper - Harley & Wigglytuff
HotaruShipper - Flint (elite), Aaron (elite) & Buck
HotGirlPartyShipper - May, Kris, Dawn, Leaf, Rui & Marina (PBR)
HotHeadShipper - Morrison & Flannery
HotIceShipper - Lorelei & Clair
HotRockShipper - Brock & Flannery
HotRodShipper - Zoey & Buck
HotShipper - Zoey & Lopunny
HotshotShipper - Flint (elite) & Dawn
HottieShipper - Morty & Brawly
HotwheelsShipper - Gold & Courtney
HoundShipper - Lance & Tabitha
HououShipper - Morty & Ash
HourglassShiper - Dialga & Celebi
HouriShipper - Winona & Candice
HowlingChillShipper - Houndoom & Glaceon
HowlShipper - Steven & Sidney
HQLabShipper - Krane & Lily (Orre)
HubrisShipper - Lawrence III (Jirarudan) & Butler
HueShipper - Zoey & May
HugShipper - James & Cacnea
HuelgaShipper - Gyarados & Scizor
HulaDanceShipper - Phoebe & Bellossom
HumidityShipper - Espeon, Flareon & Vaporeon
HummingbirdShipper - Falkner & Erika
HunterShipper - Hiro & Kamon (Black)
HurricaneShipper - Chuck & Hayate (Special)
HushShipper - Falkner & Aaron (elite)
HyacinthShipper - Lanette, Bridgette, & Bebe
HyattShipper - Ash & Luana
HydrangeaShipper - Fantina & Candice
HydroChargeShipper - Swampert & Electabuzz
HydrokineticShipper - Sabrina & Misty
HydromancerShipper - Lugia & Suicune
HydrophobiaShipper - Persian & Vaporeon
HydroShipper - Ash's Squirtle & May's Squirtle
HyperionShipper - Lawrence III (Jirarudan) & Volkner
HyperSebuShipper - Lopunny & Delcatty
HyperTensionShipper - Jennifer, Jessica & Stephanie
HypocriteShipper - Falkner & Ashachu
IAmTheCheeseShipper - Snover & Wilbur
IceBlueShipper - Articuno, Lugia & Vaporeon
IceCoffinShipper - Haunter, Froslass & Sneasel
IcecreamShipper - Almond & Pistachio
IceeShipper - Candice & Cherubi
IcefloeShipper - Lorelei & Candice
IceGymShipper - Pryce & Sheila
IcemaidenShipper - Candice & Articuno
IcePinkShipper - Karen & Lovrina
IcePouchShipper - Kangaskhan & Jynx
IcePrincessShipper - Hun (Bashou) & Glaceon
IceRaceShipper - Misty & Danny
IceShipper - Dewgong & Articuno
IchigoShipper - Morty & Ashachu
IchiharaShipper - Sabrina & Marley
IcicleShipper - Jolteon & Weavile
IckyLickilickyShipper - Baron Alberto & Jessie
IcyHeartShipper - Gold & Glaceon
IcyValorShipper - Garret & Candice
IcyWindShipper - Spenser (Ranger) & Elita
IdenticalShipper - Bianca & Latias
IdentityShipper - Rui & any shadow pokemon
IdolizedParentShipper - Norman & Johanna
IdolizeShipper - Elita & Candice
IdolShipper - Misty & Prima (Lorelei) / Professor Oak & Tracey
IgglyShipper - Jigglypuff & Wigglytuff
IgglysoundShipper - Brock & Britney
IglooShipper - Glaceon & Delcatty
IgnitionShipper - Volkner & Flint (elite)
IgnorantShipper - Brock & Whiscash
IHaveNoIdeaWhatInnuendoIsShipper - Lorelei & Hazel
IkariShipper - Dawn & Paul
IllicitShipper - Spenser (Ranger) & Michael
IllumineShipper - Robert & Dawn
IllusionistShipper - Lawrence III (Jirarudan) & Mismagius
IllusionShipper - Wallace & Janine
IllusoryShipper - Brock & Lokoko
ILoveMyBadgesShipper - Ash & his badges
ImageShipper - Misty & May
ImagineShipper - Kelly & Brianna
I'mAPikachuShipper - Ashachu, Pikachu, Togepi & Lily's Murkrow (Johto)
ImbibeShipper - Milktank & Teddisura
ImitationShipper - Ritchie & Duplica
ImiteShipper - Ash & Duplica
ImmatureShipper - Whitney & Jovi
ImminentShipper - Mew & Eevee
ImmoralShipper - Red & Celebi
ImpactShipper - May & Waillord
ImperialShipper - Blue (game) & Gold
ImpersonationShipper - Wobbuffet & Max
ImpingeShipper - Cyrus, Palmer & Barry
ImpostorShipper - Norman & James
ImpressionShipper - Misty & Duplica
ImpromptuHugShipper - Max & Meowth
InamorataShipper - Mars & Candice
InariShipper - Ninetales & Vulpix
IncarnateShipper - Sir Aaron, Riley & Lucario
IncestGoGoShipper - Tiffany & Garret
IncestShipper - Gary & May (his sister, from Electric Tale)
IncestWithoutShipper - Tate & Liza (Johto)
IncidentalShipper - Silver & Jasmine
InciseShipper - Gallade & Sneasel
IncuboShipper - Darkrai & Umbreon
IndependentShipper - Lunick & Elita
IndigoShipper - Misty & Ritchie
IndiscretionShipper - Wallace & Celio
IndistinguishableShipper - Nurse Joy & Marnie
IndustrialShipper - Volkner, Roark & Byron
INeedAnAdult!Shipper - Muk & Professor Birch
INeverTalkShipper - Bill & Erika
InfernalShipper - Courtney & Flannery
InfernoFirePowerShipper - Zoey & Azelf
InfernoShipper - any bug Pokémon & a furnace
InFightShipper - Maylene & Marley
InfraRedShipper - Mars & Dawn
IngeniousShipper - Nicole & Bianca
IngenuityShipper - Spenser (Ranger), Lunick & Garret
InheritShipper - Brock & Falkner
InimicalShipper - Gary & Wally
InjaShipper - Ninjask & Shedinja
InnerFireShipper - Corey Demario & Don (Charizard)
InnocenceShipper - James & Tracey
InnocentEyesShipper - Persian & Misdreavus
InnocentShipper - Tory Lund & Ambertwo
IrisShipper - Gardenia & Ho-oh
InnovationShipper - Spenser (Ranger) & Garret
InnuendoShipper - Brock & Domino
InsectShipper - Aaron (elite) & Bugsy
InsolentShipper - Max & Landis
InsomniaShipper - Banette & Ariados
InsouciantShipper - Croagunk & Mime Jr.
InspectorShipper - Officer Jenny & Marble
InspiringLiftShipper - Meowth & Bagon
IntegralShipper - Hayate (Special) & Norman
IntellectShipper - Conway & Slowking
IntellectualShipper - Professor Sebastian & Lawrence III (Jirarudan)
IntimateDetailsShipper - Bill, Celio, Steven & Wallace
IntimidationShipper - Darkrai & Luxray
InutilShipper - Lance & Paul
InventionShipper - Grandpa & Ginger
InvertShipper - Clair & Harrison
InvitationShipper - Palmer, Barry & Lucas
IOrderedPepperoniShipper - Domino & Meowth
IoShipper - Flannery & Jupiter
IroningBoardShipper - May & Brianna
IroningShipper - Lucy & Jasmine
IronMaidenShipper - Jasmine & Anabel
IronShipper - Byron & Riley
IronsideShipper - Janine, Jasmine & Flannery
IronWillShipper - Riley & Dawn
IronwingShipper - Hun (Bashou) & Falkner
IrrageShipper - Gyarados & Eevee
IrritateShipper - Almond & Grandpa
IruShipper - Mira & Taylor
IshiShipper - Steven & Ruby
IslandShipper - Danny & Rudy
IsleShipper - Drake (O. Crew) & Cissy
IsmrsShipper - Bruno, Misty & Yellow
It'sYourDutyShipper - Officer Jenny, Nurse Joy, Mars & Female Rocket Grunt
IvoryShipper - Giovanni & Koga
IvyShipper - Cheryl & Cynthia
IyissetiShipper - Altaria & Sneasel
JadedShipper - Will, Brawly & Falkner
JadeShipper - Blue (female) & Yellow
JaggedShipper - Darkrai & Dialga
JailbaitShipper - Brock & May
JailorShipper - Michelle & Dawn
JailShipper - Trudly & Folly
JamaicanShipper - Jump & Brock
JamSessionShipper - Tiffany, Clyde, Garret, Billy, Miror B. & Mirakle B.
JaneShipper - Jasmine & Janine
JanuaryShipper - Glacia & Froslass
JanusShipper - Samuel (Frontier) & Sergio
JashinShipper - Arceus & Darkrai
JasperShipper - Red & Flannery
JauntyShipper - Bebe & Dawn
JawsShipper - Sharpedo & Garchomp
JealousEncounterShipper - Ash's Bayleef & Ash's Aipom
JealousyDistractionShipper - Latios & Pikachu
JealousyShipper - Pikachu & Chikorita
JediShipper - Ardos & Eldes
JellicleShipper - Melody & Persian
JellybeanShipper - Lovrina, Maylene, Whitney & Flannery
JeremiahShipper - Brock & Toxicroak
JewelryShipper - Gennaro & Arianna
JewelShipper - Misty & Starmie
JimShipper - James & Brock
JingleShipper - Olesia & Dawn
JingoismShipper - Volkner & Mars
JirachiHunterShipper - Guile & Butler
JirachiShipper - Max, May, Guile, Emerald & Butler
JitterbugShipper - Jessie & Freddy
JocastaShipper - Cynthia & Lucas (Diamond)
JohtoNativeShipper - Brendan & Hiro
JourneyShipper - Bruno & Lucian
JovianShipper - Jupiter & Saturn
JoyfulShipper - Karsten & Nurse Joy
JoyousShipper - Bellsprout & Chansey
JoyShipper - Nurse Joy, Marnie & Paige
JubilationShipper - Chansey & Blissey
JubileeShipper - Dialga, Palkia & Darkrai
JudgmentalShipper - Caden (Dewford Gym judge; fanon) & Jimmy (Hoenn)
JuggleShipper - Voltorb & Mr. Mime
JujuShipper - Olesia & Mismagius
JumpingToConclusionsShipper - Misty & Yellow
JungleDrumShipper - Clyde & Joel
JungleShipper - Houndoom, Sneasel & Blaziken
JunuraShipper - May & Jackson (Vincent)
JusticeShipper - Cail, Wes & Michael
JutsuShipper - Gold & Janine
KaboomShipper - Coconut & Saturn
KabukiShipper - Jackie Walker & Clair
KaishaShipper - Machamp & Vaporeon
KamaitasheeShipper - Sneasel, Weavile & Misdreavus
KamaShipper - Harley & Saturn
KamiShipper - Lucario & Ninetales
KantoContestShipper - Harley & Solidad
KantoGreenShipper - Cassandra & Katrina
KantoShipper - Bulbasaur, Charmander & Squirtle
KariShipper - Karen & Courtney
KarmaShipper - Eusine, Morty, Will & Falkner
Kat&MouseShipper - Meowth & Pikachu
KatanaShipper - Samurai & Janine
KawaiiShipper - Pikachu & Togepi
KayakShipper - Tracey & Nurse Joy
KayellhShipper - Kelly & Rapidash
KazeShipper - Latias & Altaria
KecleonShipper - Madison & Alexa
KeenShipper - Joel & Dodrio
KelsieShipper - Gary & Lucian
KeroseneShipper - Typhlosion & Feraligatr
KerriaShipper - Zoey & Brianna
KertuShipper - Ginger & Sneasel
KetchupShipper - Pikachu & a bottle of Ketchup
KetsubanShipper - Lawrence III (Jirarudan) & Missingno
KhepryShipper - Aaron (elite) & Dawn
KiboshShipper - Misdreavus & Leafeon
KickboxShipper - Hitmonlee & Hitmonchan
KickPouchShipper - Kangaskhan & Hitmonlee
KiddieShipper - Whitney & Liza (Hoenn)
KidnapperPeonShipper - Trudly, Folly & Rui
KidnapShipper - Marina (Johto), Attila (Buson) & Hun (Bashou)
KidShipper - Mikey & Mahri / Delia & Travis
KilimanjaroShipper - Chimchar & Meowth
KillerQueenShipper - Vespiquen & Mewtwo
KimonoShipper - Jeannette & Erika
KinesisShipper - Lucian & Tate
KinokiShipper - any Breloom & any Kirlia
KiraiShipper - Paul, Misty & Yellow
KirinShipper - Arceus & Girafarig
KiShipper - Peanut & Plum
KisiShipper - Viper & Miyamoto
KismetShipper - Olesia & Jirachi
KissShipper - Ash & Melody
KitchenMaidShipper - Brock & Aki
KitchenShipper - Brock & Delia
KitShipper - Lucario & Persian
KittyShipper - Meowth & Persian
KlaatuShipper - Magnezone & Clefable
KleptomaniaShipper - Lawrence III (Jirarudan) & Espeon
KloneKrazyShipper - Pikachutwo & Meowthtwo
KnickerShipper - Nicholai & Max / Nicholai & May
KnightShipper - Morty & Steven
KnockoutShipper - Whitney & Lorelei
KnowitallShipper - Gary & Max
KnowledgeShipper - Gary & Giselle
KnuckleShipper - Brawly & Machoke
KogamoShipper - Kris & Leaf (FRLG girl)
KohmanShipper - Mint & Leaf (FR/LG Girl)
KoiShipper - James & Brock
KoizumiShipper - Volkner & Sir Aaron
KokiShipper - Bill & Delia
KokoShipper - James & Butch
KomodoShipper - Lance & Brawly
KonchuuShipper - Butterfree & Beedrill + Beautifly & Dustox
KonohagureShipper - Gardenia & Angela
KoorimeShipper - Lorelei & Glacia
KorumaShipper - Shinx & Glameow
KosanjiShipper - Butch & Tracey
KotetsuShipper - Garret & Jasmine
KouhakuShipper - Garret & Whitney
KowaiShipper - Cacturne & Banette
KrabbyShipper - Professor Oak & Bill
KrazyShipper - Meowth & Pikachu
KrystallosShipper - Nando & Saturn
KunaiShipper - Koga & Steven
KunoichiShipper - Aya & Gardenia
KuroganeShipper - Roark & Kenzo (Sinnoh)
KusanagiShipper - Lucy & Erika
KyogreShipper - Wattson & Flannery
KyrimShipper - Coconut, Ginger & Sneasel
L'arcShipper - Lawrence III (Jirarudan) & Ho-oh
LaaqnessaShipper - Marley & Persian
LaBambaShipper - Jessie, James & Ludicolo
LabCoatShipper - Gary & Dara
LabelShipper - Sabrina, Lucy & Courtney
LabShipper - Professor Oak & Delia
LadyShipper - Lady Ilene & Dawn
LagomorphShipper - Pikachu & Buneary
LagunaShipper - Cissy & May
LakeShipper - Galea & Tiffany (anime)
LambdaShipper - Clair, Lorelei, Green & Blue
LamentShipper - Karen & Flannery
LampblackShipper - Sneasel & Seadra
LandmineShipper - Raichu & Nidorina
LanternShipper - Flint (elite) & Ninetales
LapislazuliShipper - Wallace, Steven & Milotic
LaprasShipper - Ash & Lapras / Ash & Tracey
LaRousseFanboysShipper - Drew, Sid & May
LaRousseShipper - Ash & Tory Lund
LaRousseTwinShipper - Audrey & Katherine
LastButNotLeastShipper - Roark, Volkner, & Jasmine
LastShipper - Giovanni, Gary (Blue), Clair, Wallace, Juan & Volkner
LastStandShipper - Pikachu, Raichu, Chansey, Wigglytuff, Clefable & Whiscash
LateBloomShipper - Roserade & Gloom
LatisheruShipper - Michelle & Latias
LatticeShipper - Drew & Ariados
LaughShipper - Sabrina & Haunter
LaurelShipper - Paul & Lucas
LaurierShipper - Lawrence III (Jirarudan) & Shaymin
LavenderShipper - Kelly, Dawn & Espeon
LawEnforcementShipper - Falkner & Officer Jenny
LaxShipper - Munchlax & Snorlax
LayerShipper - Gary & Sabrina
LazyPervertShipper - Spenser (Ranger) & Solana
LeaderShipper - Cyrus, Giovanni, Maxie & Archie
LeadershipShipper - Maxie & Tabitha
LeadShipper - Steven & Janine
LeafbladeShipper - Sceptile & Gallade
LeafStoneShipper - Victreebel & Vileplume
LeagueShipper - Ash & Jeannette / Ash & Ritchie
LeapOfFaithShipper - Croagunk & Kricketune
LearnShipper - Olesia & Max
LeatherShipper - Lt. Surge & Noland
LeerShipper - Whitney & Rui
LeeShipper - Olesia & Leaf (FR/LG Girl)
LeftHandShipper - Gary & His Left Hand
LegacyShipper - Cyrus, Saturn, Paul & Dawn
LegalityShipper - Officer Jenny & Giovanni
LegalShipper - Roark & Geodude
LegArtsShipper - Shawna & Chigusa
LegendaryShipper - Lugia & Ho-oh / Misty, Raikou, Entei, & Suicune
LegendQuestShipper - Lawrence III (Jirarudan) & Eusine
LegendShipper - Wallace & Cynthia
LegShipper - Ash & Ash's Bayleef
LegumeShipper - Coconut & Peanut
LenoreShipper - Marley & Murkrow
LensCapShipper - Todd & Ty
LeonShipper - Ritchie & Sparky (Pikachu)
LesboShipper - Misty & Delia
LesetanneShipper - May & Kris
LesmalShipper - Courtney & Weavile
LespedezaShipper - Mr. Briney & Celio
LespeonShipper - Reath & Ferma
LesserShipper - Phione & Manaphy
LesShipper - Nurse Joy & Officer Jenny
LevelTenShipper - Beedrill, Butterfree, Beautifly & Dustox
LevitateShipper - Flygon & Claydol
LiarShipper - Falkner & Jolteon
LibraryShipper - Byron & Lucian
LibraShipper - Ash & Reiji
LickingShipper - Jessie & Shuckle
LicknVicShipper - Lickitung & Victreebel
LickShipper - Red & Lickitongue (Zensho)
LigandShipper - Steven, Wallace, Milotic & Skarmory
LightbulbShipper - Volbeat & Illumise
LighterShipper - Zippo (Charmeleon) & Sparky (Pikachu)
LightHeartedShipper - May & Eevee
LighthouseShipper - Ash & Jasmine
LightjewelShipper - Ruby & “Berlitz” (Special)
LightningFastShipper - Solana & her Plusle
LightningPearlShipper - Ash's Pikachu & Dawn's Piplup
LightningPouchShipper - Kangaskhan & Electabuzz
LightrockShipper - Brock & Dawn
LightWeightShipper - Cameron & Joel
LikeMotherLikeDaughterShipper - Johanna, Zoey & Dawn
LilacShipper - Nurse Joy & Officer Jenny
LilBlueShipper - Dawn & Piplup
LiliopShipper - Azelf & Uxie
LilithShipper - Fantina & Mismagius
LiliumShipper - Roselia & Riolu
LilyShipper - Cheryl & Whitney
LimberShipper - Persian & Glameow
LingerShipper - Brendan & Tracey
LinkShipper - Harrison & Rayquaza
LipsmackShipper - Machamp & Magmortar
LipstickShipper - Lorelei & Nurse Joy
LiptonShipper - Karen & Jasmine
LiquidatorShipper - Suicune & Golduck
LiquoriceShipper - Marley & Mira
LiterallySpeakingShipper - Brawly & Professor Birch
LithesomeShipper - Zoey & Haley
LittleShopShipper - Rita (Hoenn), Nicole, Natalie & Carnivine
LithiumShipper - Silver & Sapphire
LiveBroadcastShipper - DJ Mary, Gabby & D/P Reporter
LlanShipper - Spenser (Ranger), Cail, Jessie & May
LoanShipper - Volkner, Tracey & Gary
LockerShipper - James & Violet / Jessie & Lily
LocumTenensShipper - Morty & Chingling
LocuraShipper - Luxray & Skuntank
LodestarShipper - Red & Jasmine
LoliconShipper - Jasmine, Lovrina & Dawn
LoliesqueShipper - Cynthia & Marley
LoliShipper - Jasmine & Dawn
LoliShotaShipper - Steven & Cynthia
LolitaShipper - Professor Oak & Misty
LollipopShipper - Kelly, May & Brianna
LollirotShipper - Sabrina, Lucy, Courtney & Michelle
LonelyShipper - Brock & Melody
LoneShipper - Sakura & Casey
LoneStarShipper - Gramps & Mandy (MPJ)
LongevityShipper - Ninetails & Absol
LongHairShipper - Solidad & Dawn
LookalikeShipper - Mars & Gardevoir
LoreShipper - Riley & Falkner
LosingTeamShipper - Bulbasaur, Squirtle & Heracross
LoShipper - Crasher Wake & Maylene
LostSisterShipper - Whitney & Flannery
LostShipper - Banette & Shedinja
LoveALotShipper - Ariados, Banette, Mismagius, Wooper, Umbreon & Cacturne
LovecraftShipper - Misty & Bulbasaur
LovelyangstyfanserviceShipper - Morty, Eusine, Lawrence III (Jirarudan) & Falkner
LovelyRitaShipper - Paul & Rita (Johto)
LovelyShipper - Whitney & Bellossom
LoverivalShipper - Brendan & Wally
LoveShipper - Ambertwo & Mewtwo
LovesongShipper - Michael & Kandee
LowriseShipper - Rayquaza & Cresselia
LoyalShipper - Michelle & Shelgon
LoyaltyShipper - Harley, Cacturne, Banette & Ariados
LuauShipper - Flint (elite) & Phoebe
LucarioShipper - Sir Aaron, Riley & Dusty
LucidShipper - Cyrus, Paul & Dawn
LuckiestTrainerEverShipper - Ash & any Legendary he encounters
LuckShipper - Brock & Lucy
LuckyCharmShipper - Flint (elite) & Lopunny
LuckyGoldShipper - Jimmy (Kenta) & Mesprit
LuckyShipper - Red & Blue (female) / Green & Yellow / Robert & May
LucozadeShipper - Volkner & Mira
LucyShipper - Lucy & Lucy Fleetfoot (Trozei)
LugiaShipper - Lugia & Shadow Lugia
LujuriaShipper - Sabrina & Moltres
LuliShipper - Lucario & Linoone
LuminousShipper - Luxio & Luxray
LunacyShipper - Lawrence III (Jirarudan) & Darkrai
LunarDawnShipper - Gallade & Gengar
LunarEclipseShipper - Darkrai & Cresselia
LunaShipper - Skitty & Delcatty
LunaticShipper - Giratina & Lugia
LunisolarShipper - Marley & Flannery
LureShipper - Red & Dratini
LurkShipper - Ariados & Umbreon
LushShipper - Gardevoir & Breloom
LustrousShipper - Persian & Dragonair
LustShipper - Brock & Nurse Joy / Brock & Officer Jenny
LuthierShipper - Mew, Kricketune & Arceus
LuvdiscShipper - Caserin (Luvdisc) & Luverin (Luvdisc)
LuxatinaShipper - Giratina & Luxray
LuxShipper - Lucas & Luxray
LuxuryShipper - Giovanni & Persian
LužniceShipper - Cheryl & Suicune
LynxShipper - Golem & Persian
LyreShipper - Nando & Dawn
MacabreShipper - Gengar, Mismagius, Dusknoir, Banette, Sableye & Froslass
MachineShipper - Wattson & Raikou
MachisakiShipper - Lt. Surge & Bill
MachoShipper - Almond & Walnut
MadScienceShipper - Professor Sebastian & Ein
MadShipper - Tyson (Johto) & Eusine
MaelstromShipper - Volkner & Eusine
MaestroShipper - Volkner & Roxanne
MagentaShipper - Chigusa & Vivica
MagicCharmShipper - Mismagius & Skitty
MagicianShipper - Mismagius & Lucario
MagicShipper - James & The Astouding Mandi
MagiThunderShipper - Pikachu & Celebi
MagmaClawShipper - Tabitha & Michelle
MagmadminShipper - Tabitha & Courtney
MagmajewelShipper - Ruby & Courtney
MagmaKrystalShipper - Maxie & Krys
MagmaShipper - Mars & Flannery
MagneShipper - Ethan & Magnemite
MagnetonShipper - Lt. Surge & Jasmine
MaidShipper - James & Delia
MaikoaShipper - Mars & Sneasel
MailmanShipper - Deoxys & Pelipper
MainCharacterShipper - Ash & Hazel
MainframeShipper - Bill, Celio, Lanette, Bridgette & Bebe
MainLostSisterShipper - Leaf (FR/LG girl) & Dawn
MakeAWishShipper - Saturn & Jirachi
MalakimShipper - Misdreavus & Togetic
MalchikGeiShipper - Harley & Olesia
MalevolentShipper - King of Pokélantis & Ash
MalfunctionShipper - Paul & Bugsy
MaliceShipper - Rayquaza & Darkrai
MaliciousShipper - Mars & Lovrina
MalleableShipper - Steelix & Smoochum
MalvadoShipper - Mewtwo & Haunter
MamaMia!Shipper - Professor Rowan & Johanna
MamaShipper - Cashew & her Hoppip / Giovanni & Madame Boss
ManaShipper - Volkner & Gardenia
MandibleShipper - Vespiquen & Pinsir
MandyShipper - Gramps & Charmander
ManeShipper - Luxray & Manectric
MangaAdvanceShipper - Red & Sapphire
MangaNewRivalShipper - Wally & Sapphire
MangaPokeShipper - Red & Misty
MangaQuestShipper - Gold & Crystal
MangaShipper - Brock & Sabrina
ManiacShipper - Bill & Pokémaniac Brent
ManicdepressiveShipper - Doctor Namba & Doctor Fuji
ManosShipper - Gary & His Left Hand / Gary & His Right Hand
MantleShipper - Eusine & Lance
MaraschinoShipper - May & Marley
MaraudShipper - Attila (Buson) & Butch
MarbleShipper - Byron & Fantina
MareShipper - Ash & Bianca
MargaritaShipper - Rita (Johto) & Rita (Hoenn)
MariahShipper - Mariah (Johto) & Mariah (Kanto)
MarigoldShipper - Professor Oak & Lance
MarillgirlShipper - Wilhelmina & Trixie
MariShipper - Ritchie & May
Marina'sFondestDreamShipper - Jackson (Vincent), Eusine & Lance
MarinaShipper - Marina (Orange Islands), Marina (Johto) & Marina (PBR)
MarineShipper - Marina (PBR) & Marill
MarionetteShipper - Shuppet & Banette
MarmaladeShipper - Yellow & "Berlitz"
MaritalRevengeShipper - Caroline & Kenny (Hoenn)
MartialArtsApprenticeShipper - Maylene & Chigusa
MartialArtsLoliShipper - Maylene, Liza (Hoenn), Greta, Shawna & Chigusa
MartialArtsShipper - Greta & Liza (Hoenn)
MaruShipper - Otoshi & Sakura
MarvelousShipper - Robert, Wallace & Milotic
MarvelscaleShipper - Wallace's Gyarados & Wallace's Milotic
MarvelShipper - Palmer & Eldes
MarvelWhiskerShipper - Whiscash & Milotic
MasakudoShipper - Will & Karen
MasaTokiShipper - Pallet Town & Viridian City
MasatoShipper - Max & Max
MascaraShipper - Lawrence III (Jirarudan), Will, Ninetales & Alakazam
MascotShipper - Meowth & Cassidy's Raticate
MashShipper - Delia & Norman
MaskedManShipper - Pryce & Timmy Grimm
MaskShipper - Pryce & Swinub / Silver & Blue (female)
MasochistShipper - Giovanni, James & Jessie
MasqueradeShipper - Will & Lance
MasumiShipper - Misty & Max
MasterballShipper - Giovanni & Silph President
MastermindShipper - Doctor Yung & mirage!Mewtwo
MasterOfDisguiseShipper - Guile & Pryce/Mask of Ice
MasterSCShipper - Fantina, Jasmine & Johanna
MasterShipper - Lance & Silver
MatchmakerShipper - Nando, Ash & Dawn
MaterialGirlsShipper - May, Dawn, & Jessie
MateyShipper - Whitney & Shelly
MathShipper - Peanut & Cashew
MatriarchShipper - Delia, Caroline, Savannah & Johanna
MatsuriShipper - Morty, Karen & Agatha
MatureShipper - Tracey & Jessie
MaudeShipper - Volkner & Agatha
MaulShipper - Sneasel, Glameow & Persian
MauveShipper - Arbok & Mime Jr.
MaxShipper - Max & Max
MayHasFunShipper - May & Ash, Drew, Wally, and Brendan
MayleseShipper - Maylene, May & Kris
MaypoleShipper - Harley, Banette, Cacturne, Octillery, Wigglytuff, & Ariados
MaytyenaShipper - May & Mightyena
MeanerThanThouShipper - Gengar, Ekans & Medicham
MeatShipper - Grumpig, Miltank & Combusken
MBirdShipper - Bill & Domino
MedeaFanserviceShipper - Tracey, Drew & Harley
MedicalShipper - Jessie & Doctor Proctor
MedievalStoryShipper - Gardevoir & Gallade
MeditateShipper - Liza (Hoenn) & Shawna
MeditateTrainingShipper - Maylene & Medicham
MedleyShipper - Lawrence (Jirarudan) & Marley
MedusaShipper - Storc & Hunter J
MeganeShipper - Lucian & Roark
MegavoltShipper - Pikachu & Jolteon
MegumiShipper - Jessie, Pidgey & Bulbasaur
MehShipper - Kenny & Johanna
MellowShipper - Lawrence III (Jirarudan) & Morty
MelodicShipper - Melody & Melodi (Sinnoh)
MelodyShipper - Red & Jigglypuff
MelonShipper - Turtwig & Pikachu
MeltingShipper - Jimmy's (Kenta) Quilava & Candice's Sneasel
MeltShipper - Sneasel & Flareon
MelzuShipper - Scizor & Ivysaur
MementoShipper - Gallade & Mismagius
MemphisShipper - Volkner & Whitney
MentalityShipper - Sabrina & Liza (Hoenn)
MentalNightmareShipper - Falkner, Tate & Liza
MentorShipper - Juan, Wallace, Steven & Brendan
MeoAshShipper - Ash & Meowth
MercuryShipper - Wallace & Silver
MercyShipper - Gary, Paul & Kamon (Black)
MermaidShipper - Vaporeon & Dewgong
MessiahShipper - Cyrus & Brandon
MetalBallShipper - Annie & Oakley
MetalShipper - Hayate (Special) & Skarmory
MetaShipper - Giovanni & Wallace
MeteorShipper - Deoxys & Tory Lund
Meter-MaidShipper - Rita (Johto) & Officer Jenny
MethaneShipper - Paul & Chimchar
MetroContestShipper - Robert & Drew
MetropolitanShipper - Robert, May & James
MetroShipper - Wallace & Ruby
MewShipper - Mew & Mewtwo
MewtwosParentsShipper - Mew & Blaine
MiakaneShipper - Whitney & Jasmine
MiasmaShipper - Zubat & Koffing
MibuShipper - Hayate (Special) & Koga
MichaelIAmYourFatherShipper - Eldes & Lily
MicShipper - Whitney & Gabby
MidnightGardenShipper - Roxanne, Gardenia & Karen
MidnightShipper - Umbreon, Weavile & Houndoom
MightyBooshShipper - Crasher Wake & Lucian
MignonShipper - Jovi & Buneary
MigraineShipper - Misty & Psyduck
MikadonShipper - Erika & Cissy
MikanShipper - Tracey & Cissy / Cissy & Jasmine
MikiShipper - any combination of James, Staryu & a Pokedex
MildShipper - Prima (Lorelei) & Cheryl
MILFShipper - Delia & Savanna
MilkLoversShipper - Cyndaquil & Miltank
MilkshakeShipper - Lucy & Dawn
MilkShipper - Ash & Whitney
MillionaireShipper - Giovanni & James
MilitantShipper - Giovanni & Lt. Surge
MiloticTriumvirateShipper - Wallace, Cynthia & Lucy
MimeShipper - Delia & Mimey (Mr. Mime)
MimicShipper - Copycat girl from Saffron & Janine
MimiShipper - Buneary & Lopunny
MinamoShipper - May & Kelly
MindScrewShipper - Will & Janine
MindShipper - Max & Ralts
MineralogyShipper - Steven, Roark & Byron
MineralShipper - Brock & Jasmine
MineShipper - Byron & Jasmine
MiningShipper - Roark & Jasmine
MinionShipper - Lance, Paul, Buck & Silver
MiniwaveShipper - Ash & Riolu
MinstrelShipper - Nando & Jigglypuff
MiracleGroShipper - Gardenia & Misty
MiracleShipper - Manaphy & Ditto
MirageShipper - Ash & Sabrina
MireShipper - Sabrina & Aya
MirokeShipper - Michelle & Weavile
MirriShipper - Espeon & Luxray
MirrorRivalShipper - Zoey & Drew
MirrorShipper - Jessie & Jessiebelle
MiruShipper - Whitney & Mira
MischiefShipper - Sneasel, Murkrow & Misdreavus
MischievousShipper - Mismagius & Ambipom
MisconceptionShipper - Giovanni & Yellow
MisdreavusShipper - Zoey & Marina (Johto)
MisfortuneShipper - Luxray & Weavile
MiShipper - Michelle & Jasmine
MishiroShipper - Harrison & May
MispronunciationShipper - Brendan & Brandon
MisquoteShipper - Entei & Ampharos
MissionShipper - Joel & Judy
MissMuffetShipper - May & Ariados
MissThingShipper - Lovrina & Jessie
MistakenShipper - Butch & Ash
MistakeShipper - Wanda & Ruby
MisterShipper - Mr. Peanut & Mister Goodshow
MistoffeleesShipper - Butler & Meowth
MistressShipper - Roxanne & Serena
MistShipper - Falkner & Liza (Hoenn)
MistyJealousShipper - Misty & Giselle
MitchellShipper - Courtney & Tiffany
MithrilShipper - Steven & Silver
MitsukiShipper - Bebe & Jasmine
MiyushaniShipper - Delcatty & Misdreavus
MizuOroShipper - Milotic & Seviper
MobiusShipper - Koga & Articuno
ModestShipper - Jessie & Rui
MoeShipper - May, Brianna & Dawn
MoiraiShipper - Volkner, Michelle, Saturn & Olesia
MolestShipper - Brock & Croagunk
MolliShipper - Molly Hale & Mollie
MoltenShipper - Steven & Courtney
MoltresShipper - James & Lawrence III (Jirarudan)
MommyShipper - Ash & Delia
MomonShipper - Ash & Maylene
MomoShipper - Uxie & Mespirt
MomShipper - Luana & Delia
MonduShipper - Mondo & Duplica
MonkeyShipper - Chimchar & Aipom
MonopolyShipper - Greta & Noland
MonoxideShipper - Lucy & Winona
MonsoonShipper - Zapdos & Suicune
MontagnaShipper - Tyranitar & Altaria
MontreShipper - Flareon & Delcatty
MoodswingShipper - Lawrence III (Jirarudan) & Deoxys
MoonBouceShipper - Snorlax & Pichu
MoonjewelShipper - Misdreavus & Cresselia
MoonletShipper - Lucian & Saturn
MoonlightShipper - Umbreon & Ninetales
MoonlitSeaShipper - Umbreon & Vaporeon
MoonriseShipper - Sidney & Falkner
MoonscapeShipper - Tracey & Lugia
MoonshineShipper - Cresselia & Palkia
MoonShipper - Jigglypuff & Meowth
MoonstormShipper - Brawly & Liza (Hoenn)
MoontideShipper - Lugia & Cresselia
MordantShipper - Palmer & Ardos
MorelloShipper - Paul & Whitney
MorgueShipper - Houndoom & Spiritomb
MorningDewShipper - Vaporeon & Leafeon
MorningGloryShipper - Gardenia & Dawn
MorningTideShipper - Espeon, Umbreon & Suicune
MorphShipper - Brody & Ditto
MorrowShipper - Absol & Skuntank
MortelleShipper - Fantina & Karen
MosaicShipper - Cyrus, Palmer, Saturn & Barry
MosouShipper - Marina (PBR) & Kyogre
MossShipper - Roark & Gardenia
MotherShipper - Delia & Caroline
MothShipper - Dustox & Venomoth
MountMoonShipper - Hazel's Clefairy & Hazel's Pikachu
MountSilverShipper - Sneasel, Tyranitar & Misdreavus
MouseShipper - Ash & Ritchie
MovieShipper - Corey & Neesha
MRIShipper - Luxray & Lucario
MTwinShipper - Tracey & Mondo
MucalindaShipper - Drake (Hoenn) & Lance
MuddyShipper - Whiscash & Barboach
MuertaShipper - Morty & Marley
MulberryShipper - Sneasel & Mesprit
MulletShipper - Maxie & Morty
MummyShipper - Ash & Mrs. Ketchum
MunchmaxShipper - Max & Munchlax
MurasakiShipper - Janine & Anabel
MusclePouchShipper - Kangaskhan & Machamp
MushyShipper - Bellossom & Breloom
MusicBoxShipper - DJ Mary & Mr.Mime
MuskShipper - Purugly & Skuntank
MutatedLagomorphShipper - Raichu & Lopunny
MyPigBeenessShipper - Spoink & Beedrill
MyPigPurpleBeenessShipper - Vespiquen & Grumpig
MyrrhShipper - Erika, Gardenia & Cheryl
MysticalShipper - Dragonair & Milotic
MysticeyeShipper - Morty & Red
MysticIceShipper - Espeon, Umbreon & Glaceon
MysticShipper - Morty, Will & Eusine
MystiqueShipper - Michelle & Sabrina
MythologyShipper - Sneasel & Gyarados
MythShipper - Wallace & Morty
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