To be perfectly honest, I don't know if you're being facetious or serious here, but it makes me laugh either way! xDIf by "dumb" you mean didn't come up with enough original ideas for Diamond & Pearl, completely forgot about the microphone and how they could have had the trainer use that to call the attacks, never used the idea of a real time strategy title (basically, they completely forgot about their work on Mystery Dungeon) in a top to bottom view like Dash and completely forgot to include characters from Ranger, Trozei, Mystery Dungeon and Colosseum/ XD then and a lack of connection between it and Hoenn, Johto, and Kanto to see what the ripple effects of the other gens and completely forgetting about adding a comet in space to which you can find the high tech world of deoxys then yeah... basicallyloads of skipped oppurtunities then yeah! I couldn't agree more!
If by "dumb" you mean didn't come up with enough original ideas for Diamond & Pearl, completely forgot about the microphone and how they could have had the trainer use that to call the attacks, never used the idea of a real time strategy title (basically, they completely forgot about their work on Mystery Dungeon) in a top to bottom view like Dash and completely forgot to include characters from Ranger, Trozei, Mystery Dungeon and Colosseum/ XD then and a lack of connection between it and Hoenn, Johto, and Kanto to see what the ripple effects of the other gens and completely forgetting about adding a comet in space to which you can find the high tech world of deoxys then yeah... basicallyloads of skipped oppurtunities then yeah! I couldn't agree more!
Have any of you guys noticed that Gamefreak seems to be getting lazy or dumb lately? I mean, waiting until Emerald for another sprite-moving game seems down-right stupid. And how come Khangaskhan STILL doesn't have a pre-evo?!?!?
Yes there very lazy in the fact that they introduced natures, made it so that you can upload and download teams in the battle tower. There also so lazy that they decided to make an extra round in contests. Yes and they are really lazy in the fact that they decided to make the physical special split and had to reprogram the game mechanics. Yess there also lazy in the fact that they gave pokemon gender differences(by the way not all animals have obvious gender differences). Very lazy of them not to reuse sprites for this game eventhough some of the old ones are better. Very lazy of them not to use the same sprites they used in RSE for FRLG. Very lazy of them to think up new ways of evolution. Very lazy of them to make 28 unowns and to make different forms of deoxys, castform, minomadam, karanakushi and Toritodon.
Let me ask you, what exactly is so unoriginal about DP? Is it that they use 8 gymleaders, or is it all the pre evo and evos that look like their predecessors. Newsflash for ya, all pokemon in the ame evolution line look similar to one another! Maybe its unoriginal cause they already used fish pokemon. Well what else do you want them to use, and guess what, they use different species of fish, birds, and rodents! Maybe its unoriginal cause of the Battle tower, but then you people would call them lazy cause they didnt put in battle tower.
Can anyone PM me why DP is so unoriginal?
Have any of you guys noticed that Gamefreak seems to be getting lazy or dumb lately? I mean, waiting until Emerald for another sprite-moving game seems down-right stupid. And how come Khangaskhan STILL doesn't have a pre-evo?!?!?