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Whats with these grass pokemon


Well-Known Member
Ash got all the starters in the kanto region and johto region and then he got treecko in the advance generation, even though it was good pokemon but I thought he probably would have gotten Piplup or Chimchar but he got Turtwig(not saying its a bad pokemon) but whats with him getting all the grass starters


Emperor Coordinator
They tend to be the only one left. Dawn and Piplup was a clear as May and Torchic-it was simply meant to happen. Chimchar and Paul shows the contrast between Chimchar's playfulness and Paul's high degree of seriousness. So Ash is left with Turtwig. Treecko seemed like the obvious choice in Hoenn; an abundance of water types meant that Mudkip was out of the question, and pretty much all of the grass types had part dark in them.


Red: True Master
Aren't there like 12 other threads with this same topic? Anyhow, he gets them because:
1. New girl gets cutesy starter (Read: May & Torchic, and Dawn & Piplup).
2. Brock got Mudkip because can you see Ash with it? Too much like Pikachu personality-wise.
3. reecko was made for Ash. He was Bad-Ash.
4. Paul got Chimchar because Turtwig doesn't fit him. However, I still believe Ash shall get Chimchar, just sayin'.
5. Back in the day, he got all the starters, but when the dissapointments named Cyndaquil and Totodile showed up and screwed up, the writers decided to spread the wealth.


It was alright for the first 3 reigons, but now turtwig is bound to copy atleast one of them(evolution wise) If he evolves once,bulbasaur,twice bayleef, 3, well, he takes away form sceptiles glory(oh, sorry,uh, about all the commas),,,,,,,,,,,,,,


Well-Known Member
I knew Treecko was perfect for him but I just can't see Turtwig with Ash. Maybe I'll ge use to the it


King of pirates
Aren't there like 12 other threads with this same topic? Anyhow, he gets them because:
1. New girl gets cutesy starter (Read: May & Torchic, and Dawn & Piplup).
2. Brock got Mudkip because can you see Ash with it? Too much like Pikachu personality-wise.
3. reecko was made for Ash. He was Bad-Ash.
4. Paul got Chimchar because Turtwig doesn't fit him. However, I still believe Ash shall get Chimchar, just sayin'.
5. Back in the day, he got all the starters, but when the dissapointments named Cyndaquil and Totodile showed up and screwed up, the writers decided to spread the wealth.

lol always mentioning your opinion


Well-Known Member
But sometimes im with his opinions, like right now


Red: True Master
lol always mentioning your opinion

Isn't that the point of speculation? My point is to never offend anyone, but if I'm offending you dude, I apologize.

Reign G

Roggen and Rolan
Ash doesn't always get grass, jus tthe leftovers. It just happens to always be the grass one:

-May got the cute one: Torchic
-Brock got Mudkip because it evolutions are part ground, which is close to rock.
-Ash gets Treecko because it's left over.

-Dawn got Piplup the same reason May got Torchic: It's the cute one.
-Shinji got Chimchar because Ash already has a mokey: Aipom.
-Ash gets the leftover again: Turtwig.


Izit cuz I is black?
Turtwig suits Ash better than the others, unfortunately. It is a shame he's so similar to Bulbasaur, while Treecko and Chikorita were a bit more individual.


Back here. >.<
because his other friends keep getting the water and fire type..

Shiny pokemon lover

Shiny pokemon hunter
No, Ash should not get Turtwig. He should got Chimchar.
But, then we know he probably will get Magmortar.


Well-Known Member
He probably not


Emperor Coordinator
No, Ash should not get Turtwig. He should got Chimchar.
But, then we know he probably will get Magmortar.

We have NO indication that leads us to believe he will get Magmortar. It IS NOT NECESSARY for Ash to have a fire type, just look at BF. I'm not saying it won't happen, but I'm saying that we can't be sure.