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What's Wrong With...?

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Nothing of interest.
Yet another game with the elipses and question mark, but let's get to the point.
Here's how you play the game.
The poster above you posts a WWW ()? and you reply what is wrong with it. Funny, serious, whatever you like...I'm just that awesome.

Anyways, on the the Examples...
Poster 1: WWW Pokebread?
Poster 2: It's too French. WWW the color Yellow?
And on, and on, and on like that.

And for our close-minded friends, I advise you to be open-minded, alright? It's just a game.

Meh...just don't get into a flame war or anything...
all serebii rules apply....
no restrictions about how often you can post, just make sure somebody else posted before you...
and finally, along with the double posting rule, the edit button is your friend, so if you get beaten, just use the edit button, just had to say that for some of our new forum members...
and lastly, have fun!!

Alright, I'll start.

What's Wrong With Gloom?


Well-Known Member
it is a mind control device

www mind control devices?


Stabby McStabface
Uuh....it's too new

WWW World Wide Web?


Awaiting October.
it's two world wide..

WWW with rap?

top 8 guy

Nothing wrong with that, Im joking I love rap, especially eminem, when I'm gone

www Timetogotobedwhenimnotsleepy

Blaze Dragon

T3h Blazing Ranger!
That you can´t think well the next day

WWW don´t having an avatar?

Cipher Admin Xaos

Dust to Dust
It's too 1337.

WWW Camerupt?


Inactive d00d
It's random

WWW: Being EVIL...


Inactive d00d
It's random

WWW: Being EVIL?...
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