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What's Your Dumbest Game Accident(s)?

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kiss my greens
*see title*

Mine are:
- Killed Latios with 1 hit from Groudon (it wasn't worth resetting cuz I had done too much work on my Pokedex) ;381;
- Caught Missingno and had to reset because it totally screwed up my game (I had stuff like Mew in my hall of fame files) ;000;
- Used the Masterball on Raikou in my Silver game ;243; (that was unnecessary)
- Went to Chuck's gym with 4 dark types on my team ... but won!! ^.^
- Killed all the Regis (that was a disaster; Registeel struggled itself into fainting, I kept killing them, I ran out of balls countless times) oh it was awful ;379;
- Caught Kyogre with Masterball in my Sapphire game (which was very unncessary as well x.x; )
- Used up thousands of Pokemon dollars to buy Pokeballs ...... I then used them to catch a bunch of Wurmple and train them to lv.7 to see if they actually evolved into Silcoon and Cascoon x.x;; ;265; (Cuz I'm dumb like that)

- I reset a Ruby game that had ;384; , ;382; and ;383;
;______________; that one was BAD
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Volcano Trainer
-Catching Ditto with a Master Ball (before I ever heard of MissingNo)
-Using the MissingNo glitch to level up my main Pokemon to lvl. 100 after I got the Soul Badge so I couldn't control them
-Killing off both Lugia and Ho-oh with my Typhlosion.


-using my masterball on an Unown i'd never seen before >_< i was only like 11....
-missing a Shiny Hoothoot lol


Team Rocket's rockin
Using a Master ball to catch Moltres in my first Pokemon game, Red version (a lot of these mess-ups seem to be unnecessary uses of Master balls).

I don't remember any other accidents, although there were plenty I've made.


Heh I used my master ball in Red to catch Moltres too, heh I got ****** after knocking out ZApdos and Articuno.

MY BIGGEST MISTAKE was probably trading a lvl 79 gengar for a 15 vulpix because I wanted a Ninetales...I could of got one easier....


Haha, I've surely made a lot of different mistakes throughout my Pokémon games, but I can't seem to remember any.

One thing I do remember though was when I played Pokémon Silver sometime. I had played for several hours and was going to save and quit the game. And I always heal my Pokémon before I quit so I did. And then when Nurse Joy told me they all were fully healed I accidentally turned my gameboy off. I have no idea of why I did that, I was very tired at the moment, and maybe I thought that healing sound was the saving sound :p We all make mistakes! ^^;

Blue Jasmine

1.Lost my rare pokemon that I can get only one in game by cheat. I used copy pokemon cheat.
2.Kill Lugia with 1 hit from my pokemon.
3.Use my master ball that I was going to copy it with Raikou that did not have HP much and I can find him again with pokedex.


Well-Known Member
In my Yellow I wanted my Pikachu to learn Surf. So, I used a GS on it. When I checked its stats afterward, it was a Raichu! I wanted my Pikachu, but I knew I couldn't get it back. New game. Save. Look at GS code. WHAT!?!? THE CODE WAS ONE DIGIT OFF!?!? BY CHANGING THAT DIGIT I COULD'VE GOTTEN MY LEVEL 100 PRIZED POSSESSION PIKI BACK!?!? I cried, I did. I miss my Piki...


I've made countless mistake in my training carrer, but my biggest one has to be accidently killing a shiny Krabby. I was in my Silver version, fishing for a Corsola, when I happened upon a shiny Krabby. It was at Lv 40. Unfortunatly I realized I forgot to bring my False Swiping Parasect with me, and only had my Lv 70 team with me at the time. I did the only thing I could think of and swapped to my Kingdra and used Ice Beam. I had hoped the type disadvantage it had on Krabby would weaken it to the point where I could capture it, but it OHKO'd! *sob* If I had just thrown Ultra Balls I probably would have caught it. -_-

Kanto Trio

Must Defeat Dent!
1. Using a Master Ball on Shelder in Yellow Version.
2. Making all the legendary birds except for Articuno faint in Yellow Version.
3. Making Entei fain in my Silver version. (it's not that good anyways)

Flygone said:
Using the MissingNo glitch to level up my main Pokemon to lvl. 100 after I got the Soul Badge so I couldn't control them
I thought that only affected Pokemon recieved recieved in trade.
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I ended up using an AR to get a celebi on my silver version. No, it didnt screw up my game, I just felt VERY bad about cheating and decided i would never do it again.


-Starting a new game and saving even though I had around 200 Pokemon on my dex in Crystal. ^^;;

-KOing a shiny Groudon

-Using my masterball on Entei and later tearing my hair out when I met Lugia. XD


.used a master ball on a machop XD i was stupid when i did that!
.resarted my pokemon silver game when i only needed hitmontop left to have all the pokemon(biggest mistake!)
. killed the first shiny pokemon i ever saw 0-o

My Pokemon Team:
;358; ;181; ;226; ;003; ;277; ;136;


Using my Masterball on Ho-oh in Gold.(I'm confused by you people who say it was a mistake to use the Masterball on the Legendary Beasts. I'd think that having to chase after a Legendary, often to no avail, would be much more annoying than having to reset against a Legendary that DOESN'T MOVE ALL OVER THE MAP because you misjudged how much damage an attack would do or because you didn't bring enough Ultra Balls)
Encountering a Shiny Zubat in Gold, but not catching it because I was playing on a GB Pocket at the time and I didn't know about the color difference.
Starting with Torchic in Sapphire(I don't have anything against Blaziken, but...Scpetile is so much better :/)
Not starting with Chikorita in Crystal(it's useless, but it's the only GSC starter I don't have...)


Well-Known Member
-Running away from Shiny Drowsee
-Restarting my mate's red when another mate told me that he'd completed the game...after I restarted and saved, he told me he'd only beaten the E4.

Missingno. Master

Poison-type Trainer
First off, catching Missignno. is NOT bad. Sure the hall of fame will be screwy, but that's the extent of it. The glitched graphics are caused by;
Catching a glitch pokemon
Pressing B to stop 'M from evolving
looking at a glitch pokemon's stats

Stop the glitchy graphics by looking at a regular pokemon's stats.

Now then, my mistakes;

THis one tops you all; I RAN from Moltres!
I once thought String Shot might paralyze, like in the Anime.
I thought Brock's Onix couldn't beat my metapod.
I kept trying to sneak past the guy who gaurds the end of Pewter City.
I focused on leveling up not Pikachu, but Pidgeotto in Yellow. I couldn't beat the last gym becuse my team looked like this;
Pidgeot lv. 64
Snorlax lv. 30
Tauros lv. 28
Squirtle lv. 10
Charmander lv. 10
Pikachu lv. 14

I once ran Into Raikou and had my Pineco use Protect!
I traded this kid my Lugia for his Porygon2, and I never heard from him again.

I left my Nosepass in the daycare, and the stupid jerks there deleted his Earthquake for REST! REST OVER EARTHQUAKE! Needless to say, I never used the daycare for anything but breeding ever again.
I thought Castform might be related to Ditto.
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