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What's your favorite and least favorite Team?


Live long, & prosper
I want to know what your favorite Teams are like Team Rocket or Snagem.Okay?
Favorite is Cipher. Unlike the rest, they were the plot's main focus, as opposed to just a run-of-the-mill quest. Plus, they're the most immoral of them all and have the best people running it.

Galaxy looks to be almost as good, though. :D

Least favorite? Team Rocket. OK in RBY, but did nothing in GSC. Besides crying, of course. And its over-showcasing has earned them an unfair advantage over all others, which are ultimately much better and at least reached their goals... or at last got much closer. As well as they lack an actual purpose. Just money... how deep. :rolleyes:

Giovanni was awesome before being ruined in FR/LG, though. With him, all the Team went down...


My finger itches...
I like Rocket. They were evil enough for you to want to fight them, but they weren't some huge organization bent on some huge worldly mission, so much as Aqua, Magma, and Galaxy are. I like my games a little more minimalistic, I guess. I just don't buy that a single teenage trainer can topple giant groups like Aqua or Magma. A smaller group of crooks and thieves like Team Rocket? That's buyable.

So for least favorite, I'd say Aqua.