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What's your favorite Pokeball?


Live long, & prosper
Now that I know what your favorite Team is,I now want to know whats your fave ball and why.


masterball, no question. too bad there's only one.


#1 Weavile Fan!
Dark Ball. Looks awesome, and has a x4 capture rate at night or at dark places, making it VERY easy to catch legendaries.

~Ero Oyagi~

Well-Known Member
Premier Ball and Precious Ball. Luxury Ball also looks good. But for the animations, my favourites are the custom ones I made in Pearl.
er lol master ball-speshly the orig design-not the r/s/e one not sure if its on fr/lg-coz of its 100% catch rate


Well-Known Member
Apricorn balls in GSC cause they are so useful. Also the net ball cause it makes catching heracross soo easy, and repeat ball for the unown

Razor Shiftry

Cynthia = Porn Star
i like the nest ball and timer ball...