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whats your rank


sharingan warrior
like the team name thread but just post your rank in MD mines gold
and has anyone else noticed that this section is mostly full of MD not ranger or link
Platinum(almost Diamond) I am so horrible at this game


Beginning Trainer
Platinum and close to diamond!


Scyther FTW <3
Platinum for meh. =P

I did notice that! xD


DIAMOND *sparkles*

12 thousand and counting!


Strawberry fields.
I'm Silver Rank, and I'm damn proud of it. I only got the game a couple of days ago, so I still have lots of time to improve on my rank.

Why are people ashamed to admit that they're Silver Rank or lower? You have to start somewhere.


ooo, what's cooking?
bronze in blu (I didn't try hard in that 1) and platinum, close to diamond, in Red, and my Ranger rank is 9.


Well-Known Member
lucario over 30,000

Me too

(Next time use the Search button or something because i'm sure there's at least 5 threads that are exactly like this and just post in one of them rather than making a new thread)


I wanted ketchup!!!
Gold and almost platinom