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Whats your RAREST Card!

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King Latios

<Rock...My Favourite
My Rarest Card would be my Rockets Persian EX! 116/115
Its Real! Wanna know how i got it...a lady just gave in to me for free while i was buying a booster pack
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Washu's Lover
Anchient mew.


Creepy Coney Man :)
My Rarest cards are:

Sceptile ex (Crystal Guardians) I have 2 of them
Groudon* (Delta Species)
Kyogre* (Delta Species)
My rarest card would have to be Delcatty EX (Crystal Guardians), but my most treasured card would have to be my Sceptile (Ruby and Sapphire)

Blackjack Gabbiani

Clearly we're great!
Movie promo Pikachu autographed by Ikue Ohtani.

Mario Man


Got it at Pre-Release

If you were at the Time Warp Pre-Release hearing some kid screaming I GOT MEW*! That was me.


christian 4ever
i got lots of rare cards

1 deoxys ex
1 mew
1 latias....an attack tht does 100 damage
1 attack mode deoxys
etc........i have like 30 cards....that are special


Life's a Beach.
I have the origanal mew,celebi and the prerelese of arodactile and mewtwo and all are mint condition
Not sure, but my new rarest cards are from 2 packs of Dragon Frontiers, I got Dragonite EX and Tyranitar EX
My rarest card has to be Kyogre * (shiny version). Even though I don't really use it, it is still the only card I have that I won't trade away.


Well-Known Member
my ancteint mew im so lucky i have it ( i found it on the ground)


Well-Known Member
I don't have much rare cards, I guess my rarest might be Altaria EX from DF but I have shinies from the base set but not sure. -ish sucha n00b- xD

Emerald 2006

Well-Known Member
My rarest are Probably

Rocket's Entei ex
Ancient mew
or Regirock * from EX LegendMakers.
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