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Whats your team name in mystery dungeon?


I stand Alone...
;004; ;025; ;074;
Hi everyone...if anyone comes to my thread...anyway I want to know lots of other peoples team names in mystery dungeon.I have just started the game,my team is called the Elementals,and my team currently contains me Magma the charmander,a pikachu called tatum,a magnemite called zappy,an aron called Kuda,a Yanma called buzzo and a geodude called rocky.


AKA Snagger Outlaw
My team is Team FSM. Flying Spaghetti Monster wouldn't fit.


Well-Known Member
Mine's Team Heroes. I have over 300 individual pokes and most evolutions. It'll only be a matter of time before I complete the pokedex (Ponyta and Chansey are going to be...hard.) I don't nickname pokemon either. Except my Meowth.


Strawberry fields.
Since mine is an all Johto team, I thought about naming it just that. But since that would be almost a little too saccharine, I dubbed it "Team Crystal."


Beginning Trainer
Team DaBomb! Oh yeah! Pwnage!


Well-Known Member
My team name's Team Jet, and I'm giving every single Pokémon I befriend a nickname (168 nicknames thought up so far! ^^; ). I usually use Maria (Charizard) and Flip (Swampert), 'cos they're my starter and partner and my favourites. ^^


i herd u leik meh.
My team is called Team Blast and I found a trick at doing that cause if you call it that you get alot of Blast seeds.



Busy at the moment
Mine is Team Portal Sky. The Portals are for different worlds; Earth, Neopia, Hoenn, Jhoto, Kanto, Redwall Abbey, Bloor's Academy, Hogwarts, Thunderclan Camp, Ga'Hoole... those are the main portals. The Sky part is because most of the portals are located within the skies, and also because there was something else I wanted to put but it was too long. ^^; My starter was a Torchic (now level 76, I think,) and my partner was a Totodile. (Now a Feraligator.)


Scyther FTW <3
My team is called Team Blast and I found a trick at doing that cause if you call it that you get alot of Blast seeds.


Omg! Maybe if we name out team Team Joy we'll get joy seeds! Lol j/k ^^;; It's probably jusr a coincidence... Or maybe it is true O-o The world may neve know! xD

Anyway, I'm Team Kazeka-Scy ^^