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What's your team?

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New Member
hi, just though of putting my team for critics & comments.
btw, everyone has been boosted with max vitamins.
;009; e/w mystic water
hydro cannon
rain dance

;059; e/w charcoal
fire blast
sunny day
iron tail

;034; e/w poison barb
sludge bomb
brick break
rock slide

;149; e/w nevermeltice
hyper beam
ice beam
dragon claw

;243; e/w blackglasses
hyper beam

;150; e/w miracle seed
shadow ball
solar beam
my team is.... hold on let me get my game.............
ok.... its turning on.....ok
I have 5 badges..... the game is fire red

lvl 48 charizard
lvl 46 riachu
lvl 26 lapras
lvl 41 dragonair
lvl 46 eevee
and lvl 46 pideot

hopefully they will all(except for lapras) be up to lvl 50 before I get my 6th badge


Lock and load
Level 26 ;008; Water Gun, Bubble, Tackle, and Bite
Level 24 ;017; Gust, Tackle, Quick Attack, Sand Attack
Level 24 ;031; Scratch, Double Kick, Bite, Body Slam

Well since I just posted my team would you guys just rate my team real quick? I know this isn't the right place, but I haven't gotten all the Pokemon I want yet. By the way I just beat Misty.


My pokemon

all of these pokemon are NOT FROM CHEATING I just train to much:
;382; lv 100
;384; lv 100
;151; lv 100
;150; lv 100
;248; lv 100
;130; lv 100
my other ones that are at 100 (without cheating) on green version are:
;034; lv 100
;160; lv 100
;254; lv 100
;006; lv 100
;377; lv 100
mightyena lv 100
I am an overobsesive trainer and try to make the best of the best team.
I also never EVER lose...


Obsessive Beader/Mod
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