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What's your zodiac sigh?


site of lies
virgo but i dont believe in astrology and from what ive seen of my sign i don't really match it anyway


Ash got 26 years, Liko won't, recency bias fanboys

I was born on April 1st 1991 and turned 6 the day Pokémon aired in Japan.


Ghost-Type Master
I am a Pisces, the sign of death, resurrection and eternal life.

Pisces is often stereotyped as the sign representing sensitivity and weak-willed behavior, but Pisceans are generally quite chaotic. We live our lives in extremes. We love hard and we hate hard; there is no middle ground. lol Our penchant for extremes causes us to form attachments easily, but it also causes us to break those attachments just as quickly. Chaos incarnate.

It is said that Pisceans are capable of seeing the future and thus live their lives there. They are often not concerned with what's happening around them because they are busy seeing what's happening later. Astrologists suggest when a Piscean is daydreaming, they are currently seeing the future. It is believed this trait often causes Pisceans to become lazy and inactive, due to being more interested with the future than the present. This is more prevalent when a Piscean isn't satisfied with their current state in present time. However, it is suggested a Piscean's compassion and warmth comes from having seen what lies ahead.

Ultimately, Pisces is the sign where all things end and begin again. A Piscean can destroy you, and in the same breath bring you back to life. If you're patient enough to understand them (and all their craziness), they'll be your best buddy.

Rational Rayquaza

Well-Known Member
my sign is gemini. i didn't really know much about astrology growing up, and even now, i don't know much about it nor do i have any credence in it (much like the 16 personalities which is merely another version of astrology but with a shallow veneer of 'science'). i'm surprised how often it comes up as a topic of conversation, but i do admit that at i like the aesthetics and terminology of astrology. superficially, i seem to match some of the more common gemini personality traits (like curiousity, gentleness, indecision) but others i differ much from the norm (i like repetitiveness and i have mixed feelings on conversing, don't like high energy environments). also, i pronounce it as /'d͡ʒe.me.niː/
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New Member
I am Pisces. Pisces are known for their compassionate and empathetic nature, often demonstrating a deep understanding and sensitivity towards the emotions of others. You can contact Astrologers from mPanchang to know your personality traits.


New Member
Have you ever thought about how important zodiac sign compatibility is? Many people believe that the stars can influence our relationships and search for their ideal partner using astrology. In fact, zodiac sign compatibility can be an important factor in a relationship. It can help us understand how we interact with different personality types and what obstacles may arise on the path to a happy relationship.

If you are interested in compatibility by zodiac sign, you may find sign compatibility calculator useful to help you determine which zodiac signs are best suited to each other. But don't forget that astrology is just one of many factors that influence our relationships. It is important to remember that each person is unique and that our relationships are determined not only by our zodiac signs, but also by our own beliefs, values and life experiences.

Ultimately, zodiac sign compatibility can be an interesting aspect in a relationship, but you shouldn't rely on it entirely. It is better to turn to it as one of many tools for understanding yourself and your partner.


Ghost-Type Master
Have you ever thought about how important zodiac sign compatibility is? Many people believe that the stars can influence our relationships and search for their ideal partner using astrology. In fact, zodiac sign compatibility can be an important factor in a relationship. It can help us understand how we interact with different personality types and what obstacles may arise on the path to a happy relationship.

If you are interested in compatibility by zodiac sign, you may find sign compatibility calculator useful to help you determine which zodiac signs are best suited to each other. But don't forget that astrology is just one of many factors that influence our relationships. It is important to remember that each person is unique and that our relationships are determined not only by our zodiac signs, but also by our own beliefs, values and life experiences.

Ultimately, zodiac sign compatibility can be an interesting aspect in a relationship, but you shouldn't rely on it entirely. It is better to turn to it as one of many tools for understanding yourself and your partner.

As much as I love flaunting my Pisces status lol, I think using the zodiac to determine compatibility is dumb.

Astrology, like most things, is not 100% accurate and shouldn't be taken as such. There is far more to a person than their sign, and not every is what their sign says they should be.


New Member
I'm a sucker for horoscopes, haha. Reading about my sign, Leo, felt like uncovering secrets about myself. I shared it with my skeptical friend, who happened to be a Virgo. We laughed about our differences until we noticed how some traits weirdly matched.


Cynical Optimist
I'm a pyroar... er I mean leo :p

although I don't take it too seriously, just for fun, my friends say I exhibit some leo traits. Usually the negative ones lol but we just like to bug each other about that kind of stuff.