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Wheel of Eevee


Slow and steady baby
It isn't completed, but here's a sample of it.

I'm going to make it animated later on, so people can actually use it as a way of choosing how to evolve their Eevee.

Yes... i know the sections aren't equal, but maybe i'll fix that when i animate it.

Also, here's a little thing i made for Diglett, it was my little way of proving he was a Mole.

Diglett is a mole.

I'd like some criticism, and suggestions, BE REAL.

Also, if you have any interesting Pokemon pictures that help/explain something, feel free to add your own.


I need opinions, which grass design do YOU like better?

I like the first one better, without the dirt.


Another update, i made dirtier looking dirt.

Also, pick on the other elements if you like.

edit: I'm heading out to the gym, i'll be back later, finish the wheel, and touch up any mistakes/blemishes.

Give me some feedback for when i get back.

edit: If it bugs you all enough... *sigh* I'll make all the sections equal...



edit: Almost done, just a little touching up, and animating left.


I added alot on the last one, evolution types, auras around each Pokemon, cleaned it up overall, and added a dorky watermark.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
The Wheel of Eevee is cool, I guess. You should also make a Wheel of Tyrogue, and Coins of Gloom, Clamperl, Slowpoke, Poliwhirl, Kirlia, and Snorunt.


Ahhh. That Diglett plushie is perfect! I'm using it on my weasel/otter/mole team for sure. XD

Oh, and the wheel of eevee is nice, too...



OOOOhhh cool wheel, and FINALLY I get the diglett, I acctually makes sense, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lol I've thought of diglett like that a while, but it's good to actually SEE how it looks~

as for the wheel, I don't get it. are you just going to put elemental backgrounds behind it, or have information?

~Ero Oyagi~

Well-Known Member
That wheel is a good idea, i've always had trouble choosing what to evolve my Eevee into and it usually ends up in a box not evolved at all. It looks really good :)

And the Diglett proof is great as well, it make perfect sense now.


Slow and steady baby
lol I've thought of diglett like that a while, but it's good to actually SEE how it looks~

as for the wheel, I don't get it. are you just going to put elemental backgrounds behind it, or have information?

Actually, this is just a quick version i started working on last night.

I might move away from the wheel idea and make information instead.

Or i might keep the wheel and add little bits of information.

Like how to evolve, and label it's type.


Put spoiler tags around the Wheel of Eevee warning people it has Sinnoh pokemon on it... not everyone wants to see the new pokemon yet...

I like the Wheel, but it comes a few years too late, nowadays Eevee can be bred repeatedly, nice idea though.
I love the diglett pic too, awesome job.


Powerplay Champion
love the diglett thing... but the eevee wheel, sooo unnecessary,
yet sooo goood,
im gonna use it once dp comes out:)


Slow and steady baby

Don't you think that's a better place for this thread.

Anyway, about your art, I think it's pretty weak that your eevee wheel sections aren't equal, because that would be the only hard part IMO the idea however, is fun :D

The diglet is a Mole/piglet thingy is brilliant! xD well, that clay model is :p

I updated the first post with the new designs.

It isn't art, it's a tool.

But... it was eventually for a topic Natzi to charge in.

Getting the wheels exact isn't hard, it's just annoying, and i can fix that when i'm finished.

edit: Well yeah, it basically is art, so if a moderator decides this is more worthy of the art forum, go ahead and move it, if not, then let nothing be done.


I dropped my balls
I updated the first post with the new designs.

It isn't art, it's a tool.

But... it was eventually for a topic Natzi to charge in.

Getting the wheels exact isn't hard, it's just annoying, and i can fix that when i'm finished.

edit: Well yeah, it basically is art, so if a moderator decides this is more worthy of the art forum, go ahead and move it, if not, then let nothing be done.

Topic Natzi? jeesh, I figured you missed it. I only see you post in this part of the forum. >_> Maybe you should accept the critic instead of rushing into defense. After all, I remember you saying
I'd like some criticism, and suggestions, BE REAL.
And seriously, I was not being offensive at all.

Edit: prefer the dirt one, it looks more natural


Slow and steady baby
Topic Natzi? jeesh, I figured you missed it. I only see you post in this part of the forum. >_> Maybe you should accept the critic instead of rushing into defense. After all, I remember you saying
And seriously, I was not being offensive at all.

Edit: prefer the dirt one, it looks more natural

Hey... calling you a topic nazti isn't a defense, it's a fact.

The criticism was on the Wheel of Eevee, not my choice in where to put this thread.

But i am fond of this area :D

I will be until D/P comes stateside.

But you really think the dirt one looks better?

I liked it too, but i need to do something with the dirt to make it look a little more realistic.


Topic Natzi? jeesh, I figured you missed it. I only see you post in this part of the forum. >_> Maybe you should accept the critic instead of rushing into defense. After all, I remember you saying
And seriously, I was not being offensive at all.

Edit: prefer the dirt one, it looks more natural

*Backs you up*

Anyways you two, what's a 'Natzi?' Seriously?

Unlees of course you mean Nazi, the people led by ;476; - I mean Hitler...

And like I said earlier, you oughta warn people Sinnoh pokemon are in the wheel, otherwise someone might come and go, 'OI! I didna wanna see thar, OW DARE YE!' Not that the person would be Scottish.... or a Pirate...
But ya never know!

EDIT: Aha, you did. Well done *gives cookie*


Slow and steady baby
You two can stop now, i called you a topic Nazi* (thanks for the correction, i had a feeling i spelled it wrong) as a joke, and now it's getting pathetic that you two are still continuing it. Especially now that someone came in to "back you up" on it.

Ok, i'm about to edit the first post and include my new dirt design.

I think it looks really...


Yes i included the spoilers, next time look at the topic before you try and remind me yet again.


The new tuxedo look!
Nice stuff, diglett is pretty darn awesome.
BTW I think grass with dirt is better than grass without.


You two can stop now, i called you a topic Nazi* (thanks for the correction, i had a feeling i spelled it wrong) as a joke, and now it's getting pathetic that you two are still continuing it. Especially now that someone came in to "back you up" on it.

Ok, i'm about to edit the first post and include my new dirt design.

I think it looks really...


Yes i included the spoilers, next time look at the topic before you try and remind me yet again.

Your welcome, but I refuse to admit offending someone is 'pathetic'. Especially calling them a Nazi.
He offered you a simple, friendly bit of advice and you call him a violent anti semetic fascist?
Anyways I preferred the original dirt one, it was good but simple, so as not to draw too much attention form the pokemon.