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When Anime Worlds Collide (PG-13)


Well-Known Member
1. TMtrue-Ichigo-Bleach-Good
2. FallenSanity-InuYasha-InuYasha-Good
3. Manaphy Mare-Lucia Nanami-Pink Pink Pearl-Good
4. Chihaya01-Lopmon-Digimon-Good
5. lxdarknessxl-Kotaro Inugami-Mahou Sensei Negima-Good
6. strategiser24-Lightning-FFXIII-Good
7. lxdarknessxl- Negi Springfield-Mahou Sensei Negima-Good
8. TheSequelReturns-Yuki Nagato-The Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya-Good
9. DVB-Kirby-Kirby: Right Back At Ya!-Good
10. lxdarknessxl-Tertium "Fate" Averruncus-Mahou Sensei Negima-Evil
11. Zalck-Pokemon-Giovanni-Evil (help me figure out whats going on with Zalck)
12.TMtrue-Cinos-When Anime Worlds Collide-Evil
There are 3 more open slots, 2 reserves need to PM or VM me

#1 manga fan!-Edward Elric-Fullmetal Alchemist
ParaChomp-Spirit Albarn-Soul Eater

The battle took place 3 days ago, when Cinos created an army of evil beings From different dimensions to destroy the "Extras". The battle didn't take that long. A handful of survivors were able to escape hoping that Cinos couldn't find them, hoping that they would have more time to find Cinos. but they knew that Cinos would soon find them, and if they didn't team up they would be quickly destroyed. Cinos sent his minions their way.

Ichigo (Anime Mountains)
Ichigo Moved through the open mountainous terrain with his sword clutched in his hand. He knew Cinos would eventually find him. He thought of the battle, how everyone started dying and how he was helpless to save anyone. Ichigo was alone. The ground started shaking and the mountainous land turned flat. Ichigo regained balance and continued traveling onward wondering if he would survive long enough to even find Cinos. He wished that was someone out there to help destroy Cinos. Ichigo saw A shadowed figure, he got ready for an attack if necessary.

Cinos (Cinos' Room)
"Mother, Father" Cinos recreated his parents in his vision. "I have work I must Attend to" Cinos walked out of of his room and into the satellite room which he calls his Eyes. "It seems like the remaining enemies are spread apart" He said while looking at one of the monitors "Now would be the perfect time to strike. Go my minions wipe them out." he turned around and walked towards the center as a throne came out. "No one will be left alive."
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Ruby in the Diamonds
Inuyasha (Mountains)
Inuyasha walked past the corpse of one of Cinos generals, a pitch black blade buried deep in it's chest, the huge cavity revealing it's still beating heart spurting blood like a sponge. Inuyasha could barely handle the scent, but it didn't matter, because it's not like there are many places to hide in this world. Inuyasha pulled out his deadly Tetsaiuga, and pressed it deep against a stone, easily piercing the rock, and letting the blade rest inside the boulder calmly. Inuyasha pulled out the skull of a human, staring at it intently. "How did all this happen... Dammit." He easily crushed the bone, and sprinkled the dust around the small crevice.

The rain seemed to stop as he got settled for the day, as the sun slowly moved out from behind the clouds, or at least, it started too. Inuyasha scraped his claws against the rock carefully, sharpening them dangerously. He looked up at a bird flying over head, and aimed carefully, before jumping u, and pulling the eagle out of the sky with ease, and snapping its neck, to ensure it felt no pain. "Ahh, dinner." He set up a small fire of stick and logs, and built a small rotisserie for the bird, as he prepared to feast for the first time in a long while. "Damn, its hard living off such small scrapings... Where's Kagome when I need her." He plucked the feather, and pulled the head off, and setting it on a rock. He let the bird cook for a while, before leaning back against a large boulder, ready to sleep, again, for the first time in a while.

Inuyasha shores loudly, his dreamworld far more enjoyable than this new, strange world. He dreamt about home, his wife, his friends... Even his enemies. He couldn't help but want to be back home, in front of a small fire with his children as Kagome served up dinner, then going out to visit Miroku and Sango and their own offspring, and even maybe visiting Shippo during his training. Hell, after this, he would even settle for Sesshomaru or Koga. As Inuyasha slept, a small stick snapped outside, waking him instantly. He jolted to his feet, staring at a dark shadowy figure moving towered him, clearly carrying a large blade by his side. Inuyasha cracked his knuckles, and spoke loudly. "Who's there? You don't smell human." Inuyasha looked over to his own blade, still inside a large stone. He wished he hadn't put it down for a while, and now, he could die... Nah.
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Asian Epicness
(OOC: Instant Movement is basically a faster way of running. Not teleportation.)

Kotaro Inugami and Negi Springfield-Mountains

Kotaro began to walk up the mountain with Negi, walking past some corpses of the enemy. Negi, being the little crybaby he always will be, walked with tears dripping down his face. Of course, it was Kotaro's duty to cheer Negi up in the most bizzare way again. Like the time in the magic world, Kotaro punched Negi in the face yelling, "BAKAAAAAAAAAA! Stop being such a crybaby over the enemy!"

"Excuse me for being sad about someone's death!" yelled Negi, pushing his glasses back up. Kotaro was not only strong, but brave. A bit too brave for a ten-year old, but nevertheless, still brave. The half-demon-wolf boy was about to punch Negi again, when he noticed something. He began to sniff the air, like the wolf he was partially. Negi was confused. "Kotaro, what's wrong now?"

Suddenly, Kotaro began to run up the hill using instant movement, and Negi followed. Kotaro ran up with an "I recognise this smell" look. When they got to the top, they saw a man dressed in black with a sword, as well as a man with white hair, red clothes, and carrying some sort of sword, inside a stone. Kotaro growled, stiff sniffing the air. "A fox demon! And... He's even a halfie!"

Negi looked at Kotaro as he finally got to the top of the hill, and frowned. "So... He's basically your cousin?"

"What? No! I'm a Wolf Demon half! He's a Fox Demon half! What do wolves and foxes have in common?" growled Kotaro, when Negi chuckled.

"Technecally Kotaro-kun, Foxes and Wolves are both from the canine group." said Negi, and stopped chuckling. He raised his guard again. "Right. He's still a demon, your cousin or not. No time for facts."

"Oh son of a-" said Kotaro, when he realised that he took too much time talking. Atleast Negi finally calmed down.


Thank you my prince!
Lopmon slowly climbed out of her rock bed and looked at the bright blue sky. She was about to start her mission of the day. A small Digimon town at the base of the mountain had sent her to stop a demon from killing birds, which was what the town used to communicate with other towns. Lopmon knew she had to get faster and digivolved into Antylamon, making it to the summit in no time. She sat down, when she saw a bird in the sky above her. The bird was gracefully flying until getting pulled down, disappearing then followed by a snap. She was disturbed by it but knew she would soon kill the demon.

Even though she was full of energy she sat down and crouched up into a ball hoping to not be seen, when she saw something dash by. It was to blurry to see clearly but she noticed a wolf like tail. She reached for it as fast as she could but missed just slightly. Knowing she would be seen as a threat in this form, she de-digivoled into Lopmon and caught up with him slowly. It was a half wolf- half boy with another boy following closely behind. She looked at the distance, looking at a moving shadow, this had to be what was killing the birds. Now she knew what was to be done, kill the boys. Or atlest the wolf eared one.

The distance between then was large, every once in a while she would anger a spider or two but it wasn’t that hard for her strong ears to crush them. In this form climbing was hard, but she didn’t complain. Without communication the town would no longer be able to keep in touch with their families and friends, the thought outraged her. She finally made it halfway and the boys had suddenly stopped, this was her chance. She ran as fast as she could until getting right behind the other boy. She got as cute as she could, made her eyes twinkle, and hugged Negi. His foot was warm and felt good to her, she started to cuddle it with her soft skin.


Asian Epicness
Once Kotaro realised he had talked for too long, a strange bunny-like creature came up to Negi, and hugged his foot. Negi was surprised, but he was too soft-hearted to resist. He picked up the bunny-like creature, and hugged it. "Aww! So cute!"

Kotaro looked at the lopmon, and yelled. He grabbed the lopmon, and readied to throw it, when Negi stopped him, and hugged it again. Negi was confused. "What's wrong with you Kotaro-kun? Don't throw this cute little creature!"

"Yea, and have you noticed yet that every time you meet something that is so-called 'cute', it mauls you half to death?! The Monkey Demon?! Teddy Bear Demon?! That tiny fairy lady?! ME?!" yelled Kotaro, turning into a wolf puppy when he got to the "me" part, then changing back afterwords.

"On my defence, the monkey and bear demons were huge, and the Fairy Lady was so small, you thought she was defenceless as well! As for you, I never even saw your puppy form until now! I only saw your wearwolf form, Demon Wolf form, and the normal form! You have to calm down, Kotaro-kun." said Negi, still hugging the bunny creature. Negi smiled as he pushed his glasses back up. "Follow your own advice."

Kotaro, unable to talk back to the magical 10-year-old teacher, looked away. He looked back to Negi, summoned an inugami, and growled. "Fine, but if that thing tries to kill you, like all the other 'cute' things we met, we are getting rid of it."


Well-Known Member
(OoC) Cinos wont have much of a storyline at the moment because its still the beginning)

Ichigo (Mountains)
Ichigo started to use his Bankai, he stuck his sword out and said "Bankai!" blue lights started coming from the ground and instantly his outfit and sword changed. His outfit became black on the outside and red on the inside and the bottom looked ripped. his sword became a black longsword. He charged at the figure, just as he noticed that there were now 2 figures further away from the first, and a small creature following them. He slowed down and thought 'They seem to be struggling to much to be soldiers.' seeing one was eating a bird made from a hand made rotisserie and slowed down. Ichigo was still on high alert. he was hoping to see if they would respond to a question.

He approached the one eating the bird, but still at a distance with his sword ready. He remembered before the battle happened, a demon he hoped that it was the same person. Ichigo started to wonder how he escaped. Ichigo took a quick glance at the three other people who by then weren't much of figures as they showed detail from his new distance. Ichigo looked back and asked "You gonna share?" and brought his sword a bit higher to show that he was ready to strike at the first signs of attack.

Cinos (Eyes)
"It seems as if the enemies are finding each other very quickly." for a sudden moment he worried that they would be able to get to him but then reassured himself. "If they get to me I can just turn them against each other." Cinos said thinking he could trick anyone he wanted. watching the demon eat the bird he got up from his throne and then walked out of the room he said "I hunger."


Asian Epicness
Kotaro looked at the hungry man, and looked at Negi. For once, Kotaro felt guilty. This almost never happens. They were the only one with food, since they stocked up in the magic world, and he knew how Ichigo felt. They exchanged looks, then Kotaro pointed at Ichigo. "Give some to him."

"What? but you don't trust anyone! why the sudden change?" asked Negi, suprised. Kotaro NEVER feels sorry. To ANYONE. Ever. Well, maybe to Negi, but that was because they were friends. Or rivals. The duo's relationship was so complicated not even they understood.

"Well, I lived on the streets. Er-forest. You know how I used to do assassination work. If I didn't work, I got no food." said Kotaro, looking at Negi, and pulling out some bread. He handed it to Ichigo, and looked up to him. "Here you go. Bread."

"I remember when you used to do assassination work. That's how we met!" said Negi, remembering the time when they met. Quickly, Negi pulled out his thermos and an empty cup. he poured some hot tea, and handed it to Ichigo. "If Kotaro trusts you, I probably shouldn't. Still, You need this. Take it. Hot tea."
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Manaphy Mare

1000 Words
Lucia Nanami/Pink Pearl Voice

A young woman who seemed to be in her teens was hiking through the mountains and looking at all the bodies littering the landscape. Tears welled in her sapphire eyes as she wept for allies and enemies alike. As she looked around her eyes fell upon the figure of a girl, barely older than her. She wore a yellow dress styled similarly to the young woman's pink one; however unlike the dress of the young woman, hers was stained with her blood. She lay there lifelessly; her eyes were open but they seemed to be hollow and glassy, no longer carrying the same look of lively enthusiasm that they used to. The young woman felt her heart breaking at the sight of her friend and ally's corpse, but she knew that she had to continue on and find other survivors of the fight if her friend's death was to not be in vain. As she passed by the corpse she tightly gripped her microphone-like device, her e-pitch, and whispered, "Sayonara, Coco, I swear I will avenge your death."

She hiked for what seemed like hours after that and eventually came across a group of three boys and a small, rabbit-like creature. She vaguely recognized one of them from the battle, but she couldn't quite recall how. "Um hello," said the girl as she brushed a strand of her bright blond hair out of her face, "Would you four happen to be survivors from the battle?" She figured that they had been from the battle. What she was really hoping was that they were like her; people who had fought against Cinos and his forces.


Ruby in the Diamonds
INUYASHA (Mountain)

Inuyasha dug his sharp fangs into the hide of the bird, tearing its flesh and letting blood seep into his mouth, as he savored the taste. He snapped the wings, and ripped out a large chunk of the bird, revealing the innards and bone. Still standing, he watched the soldier suddenly transform, and hastily charge him, unprovoked. Inuyasha stood his ground, a smirk stretching across his face. He watched the soldier, and suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, saw a small scenario unraveling; two figures appeared on the side, one resembling a wolf, and the other resembling a simple boy, with no known powers. The two simply watched, as this new soldier was headed towards Inuyasha. And eventually, a third being joined the mix, resembling a bunny. After a while, the soldier sped down to a stop, and looked at the new group of people nearby, before looking back to Inuyasha. The dog demon narrowed his eyes as the man slowly walked towards him. Inuyasha cracked his right hand, as he prepared to slash at the man, who seemed to be slightly less on guard then before, now simply holding out a blade as a defense. The man walked over, looked at the broken and torn bird in Inuyashas hand, and briefly spoke. "You gonna share?"

Inuyasha frowned, the only idea in his mind being to tear this man apart. But why not toy? Inuyasha pulled up the head of the bird which had been town off earlier, and held it out for the man, not saying a word. He was shocked however, when the wolf demon and the small child and bunny walked over, offering food and drink to the soldier. "Keh, typical of a human, but a demon?" Inuyasha whispered, likely quiet enough that only the demon could hear him. Inuyasha walked back into his cave, and sat down on a rock, throwing the remainder of the bird behind him, into a small pile of bones.
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Asian Epicness
"Keh, typical of a human, but a demon?" Inuyasha whispered, likely quiet enough that only Kotaro could hear him. After that, he walked into a cave.

"What was that?!" yelled Kotaro, when the fox-man said that. By his scent, he probably grew up in the magic world or something. He wasn't born and grown up in the human world, with nobody to care for him! Also, this short, goody-two-shoe crybaby was rubbing off on him. Quickly, Kotaro went after Inuyasha into the cave. Kotaro growled. “Do you think I wanted to be born from the line of demons? Do you think I wanted to grow up with nobody else in the human world? Did you think I asked to be a Demon Wolf-half?”

“I’ll go get him.” said Negi, and walked in the cave. He hesitated for a bit, and shot a single Sagitta Magica at Kotaro, who instantly blocked it on instinct. Negi put Lopmon on his head, and sighed. “You like to solve problems with fights, right? So, who are you going to fight now?”

“This guy.” said Kotaro, pointing at Inuyasha, and summoned his inugamis. Negi quickly shot Sagitta Magicas at each new inugami, and sighed. Kotaro growled, and looked at Negi. “What are you doing?! Let me fight!”

“No.” said Negi, and readied to activate Cantus Bellax. “So far, we need allys. We must fight, but not with each other. However, if you need to, then I will stop you.”

(uhh… actually, Inuyasha got kind of forgiving to humans at the end of the manga/anime)


Philosopher Knight
A small figure was staring at the new world called Anime and was looking for fellow survivors. Suddenly, the star-shaped vehicle he was riding on stopped. The figure closed his eyes as he began sniffing the air. Food! He smelled yummy food. The warp star then zoomed toward the location of the food.

The ride was rough through space charging through the stars and into the mesosphere, then the stratosphere. After a while though, he lost control and started to lose control and stumbled through the troposphere. trying to regain control he noticed the ground approaching quickly and thought fast by inhaling a lot of air and getting ready for impact. He saw the hero's running into a nearby cave. he tries to turn further away from the cave but had no luck with his air filled body.

He crashed outside the cave onto the sight, but the impact shot him into the cave where he managed to land. He looked before he had a sad look because the food was gone. He then smiled at the new people around him.

He was around 2 and a half feet tall. He was round pink with red shoes and stubby arms. He had blue eyes and blue satchel were a start shrunk itself and entered it. He looked around at everyone's shocked face before smiling and waving.


Survivors, meet your new ally, Kirby. How do you his name, it says so on his bag.
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Ruby in the Diamonds
Inuyasha looked at the demon, perfectly in line with their height. He listened to what the guy had to say, understanding and realizing that he was in the damn near same situation. This guy grew up in the human world, where no one was willing to care for him. But in Inuyashas world, humans and demon frowned upon his half-breed blood. And after his parents... "You think you have the worst life in this crap poor excuse for a world? You don't think your the only angry person out here?!" The demon suddenly barked a few words to the boy nearby, before summoning some forms of summons, which would be easy prey for a swift attack. But the small child seemed to be even more powerful than this demon, able to wipe out his attacks easy. “So far, we need allys. We must fight, but not with each other. However, if you need to, then I will stop you.” Inuyasha smirked and spoke. "You need an ally?" He stood up, and walked over to the Tessaiga, and easily pulled it from the large rock as it transformed into its huge sword-fang form. Inuyasha turned and pointed it at Inugami. "Well, your the only one."


Well-Known Member
Ichigo (Mountains)
Ichigo watched as the three went into the cave and turned around and saw a woman as she said "Would you four happen to be survivors from the battle?" Ichigo turned back to the cave and then back once more "yes we are." Ichigo asked the woman. He thought 'will we be able to take out Cinos?'

He reverted back to his original outfit and sheathed his sword. "Are there any other survivors with you?" then he turned around and looked up as he saw something falling. lets go in the cave. Ichigo hurried into the cave. As the star landed he saw a small pink puffball come out of the ground and wave at them. "what the fk"

Cinos (Kitchen)
Cinos was digging in his fridge and pulled out a sandwich and an apple and headed back to his eyes. he went up to a monitor and threw his apple in anger. "WHAT THE HELL!" he screamed as he saw that the hero's are growing in numbers. "THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE" he calmed himself down "Where are my minions?" he picked up the apple and cleaned it. his parents walked into the room and said "you shouldn't have a temper like that. Even though Cinos controlled their thoughts speech and movement, he knew that if his actually parents were still alive and actually cared for him they would say the same thing. "I'm sorry, I love you guys." awaiting a reply he couldn't bring himself to actually say I love you back because he knew that his real parents didn't love him. Hate.

(OoC) Cmon man fix your posts I just wrote a whole thing on how posts should be just now. take a look at it. Also with the censor thats just how I say fk.)
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Asian Epicness
(dude, you're supposed to ignore posts that don't work)

"You need an ally?" Inuyasha stood up, and walked over to his sword, and easily pulled it from the large rock as it transformed into its huge sword-fang form. Inuyasha turned and pointed it at Kotaro. "Well, your the only one."

Kotaro growled. He readied for a fight, now floating using his inugami wheels. The wolf-demon half wanted to transform into his full demon form and start chewing on this guy's arm. "Don't you think I should just transform into Demon Wolf form and rip this guy's-"

Negi stopped Kotaro, and shook his head. He gave a "stop it right now" look, and looked back to Inuyasha. Kotaro turned his head, while Negi just smiled. "Please, sir. I don't think it's the best time for a fight. We all have people we want to see, people we want to protect. Shouldn't we be working together?"

"No. We should be able to save the nee-chans by ourselves." said Kotaro, letting his Inugami-Wheels disappear. He sat down on a rock, and spat at the ground. "You gunna attack him? Or talk him out of it?"

"Let's try to talk him out of it. Maybe he'll stop if he finds out it will be just annoying for him if he tries to fight." answered Negi, looking back at Kotaro. Kotaro rolled his eyes, with a "typical, just typical" look. Negi began to cast his spell. "Ras Tel Ma Scir Magister! Hekatontakis Kai Kiliakis Astrapsato!! Killipl Astrape!!! Stagnet!"

Once Negi finished casting the Thousand Thunderbolts, a huge orb of lightning began to swirl in front of Negi's hand. In a bit of time, the orb began to be compressed into a smaller orb. Negi then crushed in in his hand, yelling "Complexio!"

"Supplementum Pro!" yelled Negi right after Negi crushed the orb, and he slammed the lightning-magic-filled hand into his chest, on the side that has his heart. He began to glow golden, with lightning crackling around his body, and a long demonic tail grew out of his back, as well as his hair growing very long. Kotaro suddenly whacked off Negi's arm, so Negi flinched with pain. He glared at Kotaro, and let his severed arm transform back into lightning and come back to his body.

"I wanted to show that your body was made of lightning at times like this!" said Kotaro, sneering. He began to laugh. "Wow, I can't believe Rakan faught you with TWO LAYERS of this incredible spell. I would probably die in under an hour."


Philosopher Knight
"POYO!" Kirby said as he leapt into the fray with his hands apart. The pose was obviously saying for them to stop fighting. He wasn't sure if they were going to fight or not, but he knew fighting wasn't going to get them anywhere in situation.

"Poyo, poyo" he said as he had his arms separated and he shook his head. He then put them together before nodding and putting on a smile on his face. What he was saying in simplified terms was that working alone was bad and working together was good.

He hoped everyone would get along. If not, he would have to separate people. He then noticed the orange haired boy and the woman looking at him. He waved at them with a smile on his face before looking back at the squabbling demons.

He remember fighting against Cinos and his army of minions. They came in so many yummy flavors and he can still remember all the faces of the people he worked together. He wondered if some were still around and made it. If not, he can see them again when they stopped Cinos. He also hoped to make new friends.
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Ruby in the Diamonds
Inuyasha looked in awe as the small child started to chant. This kind of stuff has always scared Inuyasha, possibly due to the amount of issues he had experience with it in his own world, possibly due to Kagomes mystic powers, who knows. The child started to summon a powerful orb of electric energy, crushing down, and suddenly absorbing it into his chest. As he did so, Inuyasha readied the blade, holding it up at sight, ready to slice at the first attack. And then, as if angered, the demon suddenly tore off this childs arm, revealing it as only thunder and lightning. The arm regenerated as Inuyasha looked in confusion. "Uh... What the hell was that?"


Asian Epicness
"Uh... What the hell was that?" Said Inuyasha in confusion. Did he not know about magic?

"My magic, Magia Ereba. I combine myself with my spells. Right now, I have a huge power, defence, and speed boost. not only that, i can do this." said Negi, and grabbed his left arm. He fist part shot out of his hand, and broke into the wall of the cave. Negi's body disappeared, and came out on the arm that was just shot into the wall. Quickly, Negi pulled it out, and smiled. "I can also do this, but I don't want to brag about things that I did not abtain myself."

Negi stretshed his arm out, towards outside of the cave, and a huge electric spear shot out from the back of his arm. He ran out as Kotaro threw the rock he was sitting on outside. Negi sliced it in half, then he followed by releasing the spell the rock was vaporized. Now slightly tired, Negi walked inside the cave again, now without his boost. He smiled. "I can have two layers of that spell on, and right now was just one. My father is about a thousand times more powerful than me. Do you wish to continue, or should we stop all this madness, and focus on fighting Cinos?"


Ruby in the Diamonds
"Do you wish to continue, or should we stop all this madness, and focus on fighting Cinos?"

Inuyasha stood perfectly still, and pouted for a second, thinking of what to do. He could easily destroy the demon if he wanted to, but that kid... And those powers... Maybe for now, it would be better to go along with it. Or... Inuyasha looked over his shoulder, looking at the small situation outside the cave, where quiet a few new beings started to talk with the soldier that Inuyasha had grown a strange connection too. Inuyasha nodded slowly, and returned the fabled Tessaiga to its black sheath, before speaking once more. "Well, maybe."

Inuyasha had been thinking of that war for a while now, and was starting to remember a few of these people in the battle, as well as other people who he had seen walking around this old field of death. Did these people know what was happening in this new world? Did they all want to get back home as well? No matter what it was, Inuyasha didn't care, as long as he could get back.


Faithful Crusader
OOC: Sorry for the delay. My Internet has been down, so I'm resorting to typing this up on my phone.


< Yuki Nagato // Outside the Cave >

Yuki ran one more check, just to be certain. It was true, the entire nature of the world had been changed, the data rewritten, the past removed. It didn't seem possible, there was only one explanation: this was the work of something with powers equal to or quite possibly exceeding Haruhi Suzumiya, and that something had decided that it wanted the different worlds and planes and dimensions to com together into this form.

As if that wasn't distressing enough, Yuki was also unable to establish a link with the DITE nor was she able to detect any sign of the other SOS Brigade members. It was as if they had simply vanished.

But now, she had stumbled upon a group of others, and she could tell that they were not of her world. The surprising thing however was that with the exception of two, they all spoke the same language. As for the other two, neither was human. One of them happened to catch her attention though, it was a small bunny-like creature. It's data signature was pure, it was a data life form, much like her creator. Though she detected no familiar signals from it, she would have to treat it with caution until she was sure of it's capabilities.

Her acessment of the group compete, she finally took a look inside the cave, peering in with only the slightest hint of curiosity on her otherwise neural face. Detecting no initial hostility, she made her way silently to the edge of the group, where she took a seat on a rock and calmly waited for one of them to notice her presence.


Philosopher Knight
Kirby simply tilted his head before looking around. He simply waved at the orange haired boy and the bunny creature before spotting the new girl. He smiled. "Poyo!" he said before he ran to her. He looked up at her and then looked at the group with a curious gaze.

He knew they would have to work together to save everyone. "Poyo" he said as he grabbed a nearby stick. He began drawing on the ground. He drew many round objects before drawing many stick figures and other figures. Some of them included a suit of armor and a stick figure with an antenna from one round object, a stick figure with a book and a smaller stick figure and a stick figure with ponytails and a scythe with a stick head coming out of it. He pointed arrows from all the circles into a circle in the middle that had a patch pattern on it. Above it was a simple picture of a boy with little horns and devil wings.

He then erased the planets before pointing at the boy. When he erased the horns and the wings and replaced with a halo and angel wings, he redrew the planets and erased the middle one. "Poyo?" Kirby said in a form as if he was asking if there were any questions.