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when are they


Blaziken X

when are they going to make groudon starr in a movie ?
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AtoMan said:
they already did. see 6th one.
Exactly. It's high time Kyogre got some time for itself, especially as it was depicted as the villain in the Kyo/Grou arc.

The 8th Champion


I don't care if people say that Wish Maker wasn't a Groudon Movie, it was in my eyes. It's about time Kyogre got a movie, possibly the best one yet.


~*Commander Blizzard*~ said:
Exactly. It's high time Kyogre got some time for itself, especially as it was depicted as the villain in the Kyo/Grou arc.

The 8th Champion

[spoil]Serebii has revealed Kyorge will be in the 9th pokemon movie[/spoil]


Old Coot
Lesse. Suikun, Raikou, Houou, Groudon, Kaiogre, Rekkuuza and the Regi's haven't had their own movies. Suikun, Rekkuuza and all three Regi's had supporting roles that weren't the main plot to the movie nor were they exactly stars. Groudon and Kaiogre had a two episode debut, while Raikou was forced into a TV special. Houou hasn't even appeared much at all.

I doubt they'll be touching base with a majority of these entirely.

Blaziken X

but groudon really didn't starr in the 6th movie ?
p.s people said it was a fake groudon


Old Coot
The only time we ever see Groudon in actuality is through a video camera that the Magma Gang is viewing, during that movie.

Blackjack Gabbiani

Clearly we're great!
You forgot Entei. It only had a second-rate episode, as the third movie's Entei was a product of Molly's imagination.


Old Coot
Oh it was an actual Entei. Just in a wishful dream form. Better than fake Groudon that was nothing like the actual one.


Raikou hasn't appeared in a Movie. The others did... Save for Kyogre, who is for the Ninth Movie, and Ho-Oh. I have my bets on Raikou appearing for the tenth movie, unless the writers forget about him. Raikou wasn't featured well in episodes, but Ho-Oh was featured well. Maybe they'll make a movie with Ho-Oh and Raikou together.


Houou hasn't even appeared much at all.

but every time it has appeared something extremely significant did happen in the series... such as the very begining and the very ending of the first series...

it's screentime may have been minimal, but it's for a good reason...