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When does movie 8 come out on DVD in japan?



Jigsaw said:
I want to see if they have may in a swim suit in the hot springs scene,

I never found out why people like seeing naked/swimsuit cartoons..... Anyway, the DVD will probably come out some time next year, maybe February or early March.


Plain Trainer
What about America? I'm thinking June/July 2006 since it has not been shown in comercials yet. Maybe it will actually come out when it came out in theaters in Japan (after episode 413) for the first time in a long time.

ghost master

the kawaiist thing
What about America? I'm thinking June/July 2006 since it has not been shown in comercials yet. Maybe it will actually come out when it came out in theaters in Japan (after episode 413) for the first time in a long time.
They should release it at least after the oak lab episode in kanto because things wouldn't make much sense anytime before that.

Almighty Zard

He has returned.
ghost master said:
They should release it at least after the oak lab episode in kanto because things wouldn't make much sense anytime before that.

and yet they released the destiny deoxys' movie way before it should have been released, you know when Tailow and Torchic were still around.


gee that's swell
Well if it hasn't been released in Japan yet then it probably won't come out in America until 2007

Rex Kamex

Well-Known Member
The DVD, in Japan, is coming out on December 22.


Old Coot
Common sense. You won't see the third AG movie in the US until Nintendo gives the 4th generation Pokémon official English names. o_O You definately won't be hearing "Manyula" or "Manene" in the dub. Chances are, Lucario'll keep his name since they have a habit of keeping legendary names.


Storm Trainer
Edward Elric said:
Common sense. You won't see the third AG movie in the US until Nintendo gives the 4th generation Pokémon official English names. o_O You definately won't be hearing "Manyula" or "Manene" in the dub. Chances are, Lucario'll keep his name since they have a habit of keeping legendary names.
It's been announced that Rukario's english name is Lucario. More common sense, we won't see the movie until we reach the point that it takes place.


Contaminated KFC
Fierce Deity said:
It's been announced that Rukario's english name is Lucario. More common sense, we won't see the movie until we reach the point that it takes place.
His japanese name is Lucario, its just that people insist on using the incorrect romanisation of it for some reason~

And, um...since when was it confirmed he'd keep that name in the english version anyway? Not that I'd expect him to have a totally new one of course~

zonic the hedgehog

As well as that, you can already order the movie on

Just put in "Pokemon" in the search details, as well as "movie".

You'll need a all-region DVD player, though. Or if you have a PS2, you can buy a CD (only 20 bucks too...) that allows you to watch all-region DVDs as well.

I've taken the time to order a copy myself. ^.^


I prefer watching the anime in english since I can understand it. If I want to ''watch'' an episode that hasn't aired in the US I read a sypnosis and then look at the pictures.


Old Coot
Geki said:
I prefer watching the anime in english since I can understand it. If I want to ''watch'' an episode that hasn't aired in the US I read a sypnosis and then look at the pictures.
As if Pokémon had such a deep plot that requires you to have people speaking in a language you understand to find out what's going on. ;\ You could put an episode on mute and it wouldn't make a lick of difference since you'd STILL be able to get what's going on.