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When it comes to catching Dittos...


I caught two and they had the same one. but thats not tough proof.


i don't lose
i too have had similar trends, but nothing that would point to a definitive pattern. most of my mild ditto have a high special attack IV, lonely have a high hit point IV, but i have also catch many ditto that i have gotten rid of that may have disproven that trend. unfortunately, it seems that certain ditto pop up more for me, while modest/adamant ditto that are actually worth using and that i need, are very difficult to find and even more difficult to find with a flawless IV.


i don't lose
my best ditto right now is my mild double flawless in both special attack and special defense. now, granted i dont have many pokemon i'd want a mild nature for, getting both IVs from one ditto is pretty nice. im breeding a bit more, then ill catch some more ditto. it's just so much easier to catch them in emerald thanks to the cloning of masterballs and check the IVs, i can't be bothered to do it in FR/LG so the time to get eggs goes quicker.... oh well.

happy huntings!




The new tuxedo look!
I got a modest ditto and a adamant ditto. They fill most of my breeding pourpouses and help me out a lot if I want a special or a physical sweeper.


I have an adamant ditto which helps when I want a physical sweeper, but I'm yet to find a modest one (grrr!). When I'm nature hunting dittos, I clone 5 master balls, empty out me party and put in diglett (it knows dig for escaping) and catch 5 dittos. If they don't have good natures, I cut them loose. AND CAN SOMEBODY PLEASE EXPLAIN EV'S FOR ME?!?!? I AM PRACTICALLY AN EXPERT AT POKEMON GAMES EXCEPT FOR THE MATTER OF EFFORT VALUES!!! Thank you.