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when was the first time you died?


the gangsta azuril
The first time i died was against razquazza (and i continued dieing 10 more times) what was yours?


I wanted ketchup!!!
In Mt. Blaze


Well-Known Member
My first time dying was far beyond the storyline. I was going solo with Meowth and my escort died, killing me via failure.
Odd...... I've passed the game, got most of the Pokemon (267 Atm), and I still haven't suffered a total death (most of my deaths were revived with reviver seeds).

Is that normal? lol

water types rule

Well-Known Member
I remember it well. I was in Howling Forest. I was on Floor 12 or so. I saw 2 Snorlaxes, and thought, oh good, more Exp. But they used Belly Drum(I think) and then killed me, and I had to be rescued. Iv'e only died once since then, and that was at Northern Range, stupid Togetic....


Well-Known Member
At Mt Freeze with Articuno.


the gangsta azuril
mmm... the other bad death i had was escorting a cleffa (11hp) through the place where latios is, and i had 15 steps to find the door or bye-bye cleffa!


Well-Known Member
I acctually never died before Raquaza...
The first time I died was a S ranked escort mission in Howling Forest, I believe.
Ran short of R. Seeds...
Stupid Zapdos...


Beginning Trainer
Just now!

Purity Forest
And Im still awaiting rescue!


Well-Known Member
I think i was in Wish Cave(only time someon rescued me)


A long time ago when I was at Moltres. I died there, because I was a bit too lazy to level. I only come up with strategies as I fight the bosses themselves.

Just now!

Purity Forest
And Im still awaiting rescue!

Are you sure that you died for the 1st time EVER in Purity Forest? Anyways, you got your A-OK already. :\