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Where are the new titles?


< She's preaty
Why are we not getting new titles on Pokemon there's only DP 10 & DP 11 what's going on there not canceling the show are they? :(


Yeah, ok!
Why would you think they're cancelling the show when the D/P anime JUST started? :/

We only get one new title every 1-2 weeks anyway, it's no different than usual.


< She's preaty


Thank you, SPPf! :)
DP 12 was also revealed a few days ago. Not on PM# apparently, but SPP's got it.

And it's not like PM# updates almost every day like SPP.


King of pirates


...must...think...of...unique...way...to...say..."DRHIJDRYHIWJE$T?!?!? -_- HOW COULD YOU EVEN THINK THAT...GRRAAAAAAHHH!"...

And I seem to recall a few times where we DIDN'T know titles months in advance and yet the anime didn't end, so just calm down and avoid that daily ritual of smashing your forehead in with an empty shampoo bottle you seem to have.