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where do u get Choice Band?


Well-Known Member
i need help w/ this plz tell me


Master Breeder
in emerald, you can buy them with battle points. on Colo/XD, you can buy them with pokecoupons. in R/S, you're given a random battle item after each streak in the battle tower (from your 6th series in a row, or 42nd battle) onward. you'll sometimes get a choice band from that.


Good at Life.
Battle Frontier for .. I think it's 64 points. The right side in the building where you can buy everything.

If you've got a guy with Pickup, you can also pick a Choice Band up in the Battle Pyramid (there's not a good chance of you getting one like this unless you do a LOT of battling here, but you can).


I won't give up!
In R/S you can get it as a prize in the Battle Tower. After 6 ( or 7 , don't know exactly ) you're given a prize. If you're lucky it's a Choice Band.