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where is seavault canyon and pattern bush

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Red Cheat Master
i want a larvatar but i dont know where seavault canyon is and could you tell me the way to pattern bush??

Fire Ranger

Power Ranger Trainer
Seavault canyon is on 7 island. Go south after the ferry. Pattern bush is on six island. When you get to the water, surf north. ok.


Red Cheat Master
thanks a bunch (stupid min 10 letters thing)

Magma Leader Maxie

Non caedor caedo
Fire Ranger said:
Seavault canyon is on 7 island. Go south after the ferry. Pattern bush is on six island. When you get to the water, surf north. ok.

You forgot to say that Sevault Canyon is on the south of Seven Island, because the battle tower is north. ;)


Red Cheat Master
Now would you please tell me how to open the door to doted hole??
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