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Where is the person in FR that determines the happines of your..

It's Daisy in pallet town. She'll tell you how happy your pokemon is. The best you'd want is that she says it loves you.
Daisy can also groom your pokemon to increase its happiness level


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it's Daisy, but I didn't know that the groom thing can increase the happiness.


It's Daisy in pallet town. She'll tell you how happy your pokemon is. The best you'd want is that she says it loves you.

or if she says "i wish gary could see this"


Well-Known Member
I talked to her but she says that pokemon needs rest too, whats that about?!?!? I Haven't beaten the E4 Though!


Well-Known Member
also if u give your pokemon out of battle anything thats not a hold item depending on how close it gets determines how much it likes you, or doesnt like u if it goes away from u


. . .
Catch 60 Pokemon, beat the E4, and check with Daisy. If she says it loves you, level it up and evolve it.

Otherwise, you'll have to wait.


Well-Known Member
Don't forget Soothe bell, it helps a lot, try it.