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Where to find Kecleon Shops


sharingan warrior
well i saw som in the uproar forest a few times they seem to be common there


Well-Known Member
I have gone through Magma Cavern at least 2 times and I havent seen one...
I think they appear randomly, I dont think there is one certain dungeon that has them more than another.


Well-Known Member
I think Frosty Forest is the earliest dungeon with them


Better then you
Frosty Forest has alot there. I went there atleast 3 times before I restarted my game, I think I saw 3-4 when I was there.


Onions? Where??
magma cavern is best place for shops


Also Known as Bonsli
Guide says they're common in Purity Forest; having rare items like Joy Seeds, good Held items, and good Tm's. Says to sell all useless stuff here that yyou don't need to get all the items around, and that floors 7,23,38,55, and 75 are Mega Common


Beginning Trainer
Magma Cavern from my experiance.


ooo, what's cooking?
hm, the best place is in the ini dungeons in the story mode before Mt.Blaze, Frosty Forest, and Mt. Freeze