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Where's Manafi?

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OMG itZ pikablu!!1!1
I have the English version of Ranger. I beat the game, did every special mission (Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza), and I did the Mew, Celibi, and Deoxys missions, but I can't seem to get the Manafi mission. Do I have to complete my Browser?!?


Well-Known Member
I don't think the English Version has the Manaphy Mission


People are trying to crack the code for the mission

super nova

flygon owns ALL!!!!!
nobody will hack it


Jirachi's Helper
I thought that you got it at a special event or something. My friend told me you could get it by putting in a code.

super nova

flygon owns ALL!!!!!
yeah obvouis like gamefreakegg
;manyula;super nova;manyula;


Soul Trainer
What does completing the browser actually do then???
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