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Where's my statue?


Well-Known Member
Well, I just made it to Lucario Rank, but still no statue. What do I have to do to get the statue? If it makes any difference, my rank points didn't go up to exactly 15000, I became Lucario Rank at 15015 (I previously had 14915 points then I did a 100-point mission).
Look in the grass to the right of your base.


Team In Flames
Make sure your Mailbox is not full then do any mission. You should get a letter about it next morning.


~sparkle and shine~
Make sure your Mailbox is not full then do any mission. You should get a letter about it next morning.

Yep, I had this same problem... if your mailbox is full you won't get the note, so take a letter out, do a mission, then when you wake up you'll have the note and the statue.