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Which Dia/Pear legend to make an anime appearence 1st?


Well-Known Member
What D/P legend do YOU think will make and appearence in the anime first. not movie, anime? i'd say sheimi.


Tails the Bouyzel



Yeah, ok!
That little green hedgehog thing, whatever the hell it is.

Or maybe Fione, since we already saw Manaphy and its not a big deal anymore.


Well-Known Member
Somebody said Emurito was at the first D/P Episode...

it is. i just realized it a few minutes ago. i want to see diarugia, Yukuishii, and regiggigas soon. they probaly won't come out till' a movie tho.


Well-Known Member
I'd have to say that judging by the game's plot, they might have a run in with the Trio, Dialga, and Palkia. BUt I'd like to see them find Darkrai and Sheimi too.