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which do you think is the easiest area in the battle fontier


Well-Known Member
I think the easiest is battle pike because its all about luck and can get by some of the pokemon battles and get healed.


I said, Bring It ON!
yah, pike is easiest, because of the future reading lady. its a surprise how hard lucy is compared to the rest of it. order of diffaculty IMO: (from easiest-hardest)


I think the Battle Factory cause usually after i beat the E4 my pkmn are over lvl 50 so i cannot compete for the silver so i just do the BAttle Factory. and it is the only place where i got a symbol at :)


Back I guess??
I liked above poster´s idea, I´ll copy :p
Easiest ---- Hardest
Dome > Pike > Palace > Arena > Pyramid > Tower >= Factory

If you follow everything correctly, Palace is very easy.

And yeah, Dome is very easy IMO.
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I think the Battle Factory is the easiest. They give you the pokemon at the beginning, so you have a chance to arrange an adequate team.
...Or, I might think this because it was the first one I saw and tried...


Well-Known Member
mine goes

the only ones i can get symbols from are pike and factory

yeah lucy is really hard compared to the rest of the pike milotic and shuckle are quite annoying.


Well-Known Member
factory is easy becuase even if your team is horrible there is still a way for you to get a symbol and you get lucky sometimes you get strong pokemon which makes it easier.
Battle Pike, for some reason I have great luck, I mean 5-6 empty rooms in a row ^^

Nick Mckenzie

Because I really don't like training, I think the Battle Factory is the easiest. I can't be bothered training and deciding on movesets.


Well-Known Member
Donno, a lot of people picked factory, I'd say Battle Pike.


Kyogre Trainer
Pike, I currently have more than 160 rooms cleared and get about

My chart is this:
I had 168 rooms cleared in the battle pike at one time.
Pyramid wasn't too hard, the items help a lot.


Good at Life.
My personal order, from easiest to hardest:

Dome - you get to see what pokemon they have, so if you have a Physical sweeper, a Special sweeper, and a mixed Sweeper you should be able to handle anything (I've got a nice little Kazam, Medicham, and Arcanine that usually do the trick).

Arena - I actually love this one. Works the same as the dome, if you ask me. You just don't get to see their guys first.

Factory - if you get one good poke, you're usually set. Swapping makes this area really easy if you have decent luck. I always seem to get complete CRAP like a Hariyama with the Elemental Punches, but again .. swapping is your friend.

Pike - the random chance of being healed or of going through an empty room make this one easy enough. I always seem to get Toxic'd, though. Lame.

Tower - just like the dome and Arena, but there's that one section where you might have to rely on a computer-generated partner, so if your luck is decent this is just as easy as set KO and the Dome. If your luck is like mine, you just bring 6 guys with EQ, Surf, and Rock Slide and hope for the best.

Palace - I hate this one. My guys almost never end up using their SE of STAB'd attacks, so battles take forever. They still win, but it takes forever. Oh, and if your Heracross is going against a Dodrio, don't let it stay in and hope it uses Rock Slide. Especially when Megahorn misses 3 turns in a row and you don't find out until turn 5 that Dodrio knew Drill Peck all along :\

Pyramid - the first couple of these are usually really hard unless you bring someone with AT or something like that. Opponents always seem to use their status crap on you first turn, so poison just sucks for you. I like bringing a Blissey along because of Aromatherapy. It's not that bad once they start giving you Leppa berries.


Primeapes My Man
Pike > Dome> Palace > Arena > Pyramid > Factory > Tower
Just my what I think.