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Which DS Game?

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Which DS Game should I get? I'm going on a vacation in December, and I need a game to occupy myself with at the hotel or on the plane. I was thinking of either: Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin, Final Fantasy 3, or Pokemon Ranger. I'm leaning towards Castlevania, because I am craving for an action game (I don't have one on my DS). Final Fantasy seems pretty fun, and Ranger is a good touch and play game (but no replay value). Which one should I get?


Valoc Darkmyre

Steel Type Hunter
Both Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin and Final Fantasy III would be good choices, but being a diehard Castlevania fan I'd recommend Portrait of Ruin because Final Fantasies usually lack replayability unless you want to max out your characters in all job classes in III, and I wouldn't recommend Pokémon Ranger because Pokémon spinoffs usually aren't that good, and like you said Pokémon Ranger has no replay value. Go for the Castlevania; you won't be disappointed. ;)


Both Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin and Final Fantasy III would be good choices, but being a diehard Castlevania fan I'd recommend Portrait of Ruin because Final Fantasies usually lack replayability unless you want to train your characters in all job classes in III, and I wouldn't recommend Pokémon Ranger because Pokémon spinoffs usually aren't that good, and like you said Pokémon Ranger has no replay value. Go for the Castlevania; you won't be disappointed. ;)

Yeah, I never played any of the Castlevania series before, so I'll probably have to get used to it. This was my first choice, but I didn't know what to pick because I checked Gamefaqs and they said that FF 3 would be the best DS game this season.


EDIT: BTW, the game I pick is the one that's going to last me until D/P comes out so, yeah... it either has to be very long and/or have amazing replay value.
Out of those, Portrait of Ruin by far.


Portrait of Ruin
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