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Which game has better bosses? XD or Colliseum?

Which game had better bosses/admins? XD or Colliseum?

  • Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness

    Votes: 17 53.1%
  • Pokemon Colliseum

    Votes: 15 46.9%

  • Total voters
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Locke Yggdrasill

Eustis on reddit
Well, moving past my misspelling of "Colliseum(or how ever you spell it. XP)", Which game do you think had better Admins/Bosses? I think Colliseum had better Admins. They were just Uber. Like Ein. But seeing [SPOIL]Greevil[/SPOIL]...*shudders*Blech.


Colloseum definetly had stronger Admins, but XD has more of them


Seeing Snattle wasn't all that great either. *Shudders violently* As for my contribution, I say that Colosseum's admins were tougher, but XD ties because it seemed to me that the admins there had more personality.
Greevil... Just snagged 5 of his Pokemon today. He had these freaky yellow eyes... and a sinister grin.

Anyways, Greevil is better. With the Legendary Birds on his side, he's tough.
(I Snagged all three with Timer Balls -_-) Don't forget a Shadow Pokemon team.
I love both the Old Cipher and New Cipher Admins. But since I haven't played XD, I'll go with the Colosseum ones. Plus, I like Dakim, Ein and Nascour much more than all the New Cipher Admins. =/

They all own, though... it's a bit hard. Hehe.
Um... I think Pokemon Colosseum, but XD had more admins. I've gotta admit, some of them scared me. (especially Greevil) o_O; Even though the XD admins were harder to beat, I still think Colosseum since they were a little more serious.


Nothing to be done
Colosseum Admins were harder bosses. XD Admins had better personalities. My favorite over all is either Venus or Snattle. They're the only two that were really creepy and evil seeming.


if you go by evil rubina is the highest on the scale i mean evoloeing a skitty then shadowing it just crewl


Moon Fennec Angel
Have not played Pkmn XD yet but what I've seen thus far
colossuem bosses are much better.
By the way does Wes and Rui ever make an appearance even once?
Just curious.


No Wes and Rui do not appear in XD. They are mentioned though.

ON TOPIC: Colloseum's Admins seemed more like a part of the story. Whereas a few in XD to me seemed like just an obstacle.

Tamer Zack

SPP forgotten member
Colloseum Admins were tougher. But Lovrina and Aldos were cool. As for Snattle WTF an old guy wearing spandex wanting to be a Governer.
Angel-FoX-crescent said:
Drat! ><

Hmmm... is pkmn xd worth getting aside from the bosses classed as obstacles?
Yes x 10,000. XD is an excellent game, it fixed every mistake Colosseum made and more.

if you go by evil rubina is the highest on the scale i mean evoloeing a skitty then shadowing it just crewl

Then do explain to me how Ardos Shadowing a cute little Poliwag after spending a lot of time training it isn't eviler, how Eldes spending heaven knows how long training a Bagon and then Shadowing it upon evolution isn't more evil, and how Greevil Shadowing Lugia, one of the purest Pokémon around, isn't evil. Quite frankly, I don't get your logic.

Anyway, I think Colosseum's were more challenging, but, for the most part(Lovrina), the XD Admins caught my interest more. Thye had more developed personalities than their predecessors. Ein will always be my favorite, though, looks awesome, battles awesome, just right up there with the best characters ever designed in Pokémon, period.

The 8th Champion


Well-Known Member
I haven't played XD myself, but isn't XD's admins the ones where most of them are in lab coats? For me it has to be Colosseum's; they just seemed cool to me in that game.
Mudkip3 said:
I haven't played XD myself, but isn't XD's admins the ones where most of them are in lab coats? For me it has to be Colosseum's; they just seemed cool to me in that game.
Nope, those are just scientists. The Admins have actual designs rather than your general Peon/Scientist model.

The 8th Champion


Nothing to be done
~*Commander Blizzard*~ said:
Nope, those are just scientists. The Admins have actual designs rather than your general Peon/Scientist model.
Lovrina is wearing a white lab-ish outfit. Snattle could well be a scientist. Ardos and Eldes are wearing matching uniforms. Venus had on a huge dress with a veil and a strange moon shape on her back, Dakim was like a witch doctor complete with hoola skirt, and Mirror B...wow. The XD Admin designs are definetly less inspired.


NW Tourney Winner
Colosseum had better people than XD, but XD has harder people.

Shadow Blade


The really hard boss in XD was Eldes. I guess you can consider Miror B too.

Colosseum, however, had much harder opponents. Evice especially was a pain in the *** because of his Slowking-Slaking swap.
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