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Which game to get.

Which Pokemon game to purchase

  • Emerald

    Votes: 32 68.1%
  • Mystery Dungeon Red

    Votes: 2 4.3%
  • Both

    Votes: 13 27.7%
  • Neither

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
As of now, I am deciding weather or not to buy Emerald, or Mystery Dungeon Red. I don't have a DS either so that means no Blue. Please post which you think I should get. thanks


Powerplay Champion
Emerald... just for the fact it has FAR more replayability.


Emerald is better


Gen 6 = <3
Well it depends. do you wan't to go into tha Battle Frontier and get more pokemon for your dex or do you wan't a game for sheer enjoyment (all pokemon games are sheer enjoymet but you know what I mean) in Mystery Dungeon you can't trade pokemon from that game into your R/S/FR/LG packs.

If you need pokemon like Sudowoodo, Mareep, Smeargle or the Johto starters then pick Emerald.

If you would rather have a different kind of game that relates to the main ones (sorta) then get Mystery Dungeon.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all of your opinions, I wanted to get Emerald for the Johto Pokemon in the Safari Zone, Johto starters, and of course the Battle Frontier. My friend had the Mystery Dungeon Red and I played it, well thanks again, I'll keep this in mind. Please vote if you have not already, I appreciate it.


Natsu no Maboroshi
Get Emerald, so you can trade pokémon to D/S later :)


Shiny Hunter
Emerald...besides, the mystery dungeon games are terrible, they kill the fun of actually being able to run around as a trainer and catch pokemon...