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Which gen 8 pokemon should be in Smash Bros? - Final Round( 1 hour cooldown)


It's not a game Kate.
8 Gen 8 pokemon will compete to see who should be in smash bros.

Round 0 - Nominations

1- ?
2- ?
3- ?
4- ?
5- ?
6- ?
7- ?
8- ?

Each Sppf member may nominate a gen 8 pokemon, but once 8 nominations are made no more nominations will be accepted. The 8 pokemon will then face-off in a tournament bracket till only 1 remains.

To nominate copy the empty list above but replace one of the question marks with your selected gen 8 Pokemon.


Artistic Flair
1- Trix the Scorbunny
2- Rillaboom
3- Toxtricity
4- Falinks
5- ?
6- ?
7- ?
8- ?

Captain Jigglypuff

*On Vacation. Go Away!*
1- Scorbunny (I’m sorry but I utterly detest that brand name and refuse to even say it or acknowledge its existence)
2- Rillaboom
3- Toxtricity
4- Falinks
5- Sirfetch’d
6- ?
7- ?
8- ?


It's not a game Kate.
1- Scorbunny
2- Rillaboom
3- Toxtricity
4- Falinks
5- Sirfetch’d
6- Runerigus
7- ?
8- ?


A single misplaced step
1- Scorbunny
2- Rillaboom
3- Toxtricity
4- Falinks
5- Sirfetch’d
6- Runerigus
7- Dragapult
8- ?


Back when Tigers used to smoke.
1- Scorbunny
2- Rillaboom
3- Toxtricity
4- Falinks
5- Sirfetch’d
6- Runerigus
7- Dragapult
8- Galarian Slowpoke


It's not a game Kate.
Round 1 Begin!


Scorbunny(Trix the ) 0/16
Galarian Slowpoke 0/16


Artistic Flair
Scorbunny(Trix the ) 3/16 +
Galarian Slowpoke 0/16


A single misplaced step
Scorbunny 6/16
Galarian Slowpoke 2/16 +