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Which grass type I have is the best?


Volt Tackle

Exeggutor (Male) @ Leftovers
Trait: Chlorophyll
EVs: 252 HP 252 SA, 6 Defense
- Sunny Day
- Solarbeam
- Psychic
- Leech Seed

Jumpluff (Female) @ Leftovers
Trait: Chlorophyll
EVs: 252 SA, 252 Speed, 6 HP
- Sunny Day
- Solarbeam
- Leech Seed
- Substitute

Celebi (Genderless) @ Leftovers
Trait: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 SA, 126 Speed, 132 Attack
- Psychic
- Leech Seed
- Giga Drain
- Shadow BAll

Ludicolo (Male) @ Leftovers
Trait: Swift Swim
EVs: 252 SA, 252 SD, 6 HP
- Giga Drain
- Surf
- Leech Seed
- Substitute

king krab kingler

I'd say ludicolo,a great move set aswelll as having an HP restoring item,

Substitute + leech seed + giga drain + surf should keep your ludicolo alive and kicking in most battles.

Or try leech seed + giga drain + substitute + flail (w/leftovers)



prophecy fulfilled
none are exactly great

exeggutor - sleep powder/sunny day/hp [ice/fire]/solarbeam

jumpluff - sub/leech seed/sleep powder/encore or hp flying

celebi - calm mind/psychic/baton pass/recover
- swords dance/baton pass/recover/hp fighting or shadow ball
- leech seed/recover/psychic/heal bell

ludicolo - surf/ice beam/leech seed/seismic toss

www.smogon.com if you want more in-depth stuff on them, i.e good natures/evs


you don't even have 6 grasses ._.

Sceptile>Jumpluff and stick a Venasaur in there for the sleeper
you need for Physical force so use SD Celebi and a Cradily you can
pass stuff to.


Exeggutor is your best bet. You got the set wrong though.

~Sleep Powder
~Hidden Power Fire
~Solar Beam
~Sunny day

Volt Tackle

This is not a grass pokemon team. This is to see which grass type there is the best pokemon to use.


Well-Known Member
If you want good grass,use celebi/sceptile/exegutor/ludicolo/cradily.

-MK ;376;
It just depends on what your team needs.

All the Pokemon you listed play different roles in a team. Example: Sceptile is a Staller/Sweeper, while Celebi is a Healer
SapphireL said:
It just depends on what your team needs.

All the Pokemon you listed play different roles in a team. Example: Sceptile is a Staller/Sweeper, while Celebi is a Healer

You forgot to mention that celebi can be a special sweeper as well as a physical sweeper and staller ;)


prophecy fulfilled
celebi - calm mind/psychic/baton pass/recover

401 hp / 250 def / 300 spd / 245 satk / 250 sdef (and any leftover evs)

note that they are the stats, as i can't be arsed to open up nb and give the actual ev spread


it all about what team you want to make to really choose who is better but i like the Endeavor set for Sceptile on any team. a good supporter you need celebi. a sunny beamer you need egg. an annoyer you need mexicolo so the list is on and on. what you need to do is post the team that need the grass type poke and we can decide from there. hope i help.

Munchlax --> Snorlax

He's The Daddy!
Possibly Exeggutor... Although Celibi is super rare, i had one once and i didnt think its very good, So id go with exegutor.