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Which is Better Firered or Leafgreen?

Which is better Firered or Leafgreen?

  • Firered

    Votes: 13 54.2%
  • Leafgreen

    Votes: 9 37.5%
  • Neither. the both suck

    Votes: 2 8.3%

  • Total voters
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Vote on which is your favorite or which you think is the best overall.

The winning game on 11/15/06 i will purchase
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Well-Known Member
I'd say Fire Red has more interesting Pokemon to me, and I want one since I only have Leaf Green >_>

Emerald > the world


Well-Known Member
avoidthelight ur statment is weird lol so Emerald is or is the worst? With > the worst i presume u say it isnt? lol Id go wit LG becuz it has betr pokemon..FR has more of my favs but my favs of favs r in LG and they rock..STARYU!!


Well-Known Member
You should've put in an equal slot. they both have different things that make each unique.


Well-Known Member
avoidthelight ur statment is weird lol so Emerald is or is the worst? With > the worst i presume u say it isnt? lol Id go wit LG becuz it has betr pokemon..FR has more of my favs but my favs of favs r in LG and they rock..STARYU!!

Emerald is the best. More legendaries that are cooler, you can go to Faraway island only in Emerald (even though the ticket is banished from America basically), and Whismur's family rules >_>


Move Puppet inc.
Firered roxz0r5..that is the only thing to say...even though they are similar...as Red Owned Blue...FireRed Owns LeafGreen

PKMN Trainer Louis

Well-Known Member
FireRed. That's what I am playing. LeafGreen gave Bulbasaur it's own version though, so that's the really cool thing about LG. I like them both from what I saw, but I only have FireRed.


Well-Known Member
FireRed. That's what I am playing. LeafGreen gave Bulbasaur it's own version though, so that's the really cool thing about LG. I like them both from what I saw, but I only have FireRed.

Yea, that's what they did in Japan and later gave Squirtle one so they took it from Japan's methods/order

Sparky:Electric Guardian

< Me and Pokedolls
Firered.But I got first Leafgreen.



Well-Known Member
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