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Which is the best?-you choose

[IMG]http://img521.imageshack.us/img521/2301/rev16aa.png[/IMG]WHICH ONE IS THE BEST?

  • Total voters


God of Fusions
I used 3 different types of revampinging techeniques and I need 2 know which is the best one. Tell me if technequie 1, 2, or 3 is the best:



The first one, I hate to say is a no-go revamp (again, sorry)

The second is good, but the shading makes it look a lot like a cylinder.

The third revamp is fantastic, its all the way. The shadings in all the right places, the colours are excellent, it really appealed to me.

Just being an art critic.

ø®ΑпGЗ ♠

Well-Known Member
For the first one, the shading is flipped, uses dithering, and has a coloured outline.
The second one is round and has a black outline.
The third one uses dithering and has a black outline.
Use all four shades of each colour when your revamp. Use a coloured outline, shades depending on the light. If you want black on the outline, replace the really dark grey with black. Use dithering, but don't overdo it.


I like the third one the best. The first one goes kinda overboard with dithering and the second one's shading looks a bit too harsh. The third one uses a moderate amount of dithering that doesn't make the shading too dark.