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Which Legendary Trio Needs More Episode Appearences?


Well-Known Member
Birds and Regis for me!

Silent Conversation

Chart obsessed wanker
I don't even think Raikou got an episode. I think it just got a special. Not sure if Entei got an episode either. I know it got a movie, though.

I think Entei and Raikou need more. I'd say the Johto Trio, but Suicune has already had quite a few.

Frenzy boy

Active Member
regi's :p wait do they still count as a trio?


The Rayquaza portion of the Kyogre/Groudon/Rayquaza trio. Seriously.

I'd like to see more of the Beasts too(aside from Suicune, who was shoved down our throats. I blame it on the Crystal version. Nothing against it(I DO like Suicune, after all), but still.), but that's probably a pipe dream as long as we're not in Johto.


Ace Trainer
I'd say Kyogre/Groudon/Rayquaza. I don't hardly know about Rayquaza. Can barely say it's name. They only showed Kyogre and Groudon once and that wan't fair.


[Insert Wacky Title]
The three dogs from johto. Those are really cool legendaries. I wouldn't mind seeing the three birds either.


Well-Known Member
I would like to see more of the Johto beasts. Entei got one episode and a movie, Suicune got around three episodes, a game, and a special, Raikou got one episode but was only seen for about a second and a special. Honestly, I've had enough of Suicune, and it's time to focus on the other two beasts. They're my favorite legendaries, but now, since we're not in Johto anymore [no, the Wizard of Oz pun was not intentional] I doubt they'll appear unless a trainer caught 'em, like Datsura/Noland and the Articuno or Jindai/Brandon with the...Regi trio, I believe.

Evil Azurill

RIP Maddie
The Johto trio, but more Raikou and Entei than Suicune, really. I'd like to see another anime special where Team Rocket tries to capture Raikou again. Or maybe they go after Entei, or Suicune. But I don't think Raikou and Entei were ever given the attention they deserved.

I mean...personally, I think Raikou is cooler than Suicune.