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Which legendarys would you rather have?

Which legendarys?

  • Arcanine, Electabuzz, Jynx

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • Moltres, Zapdos, Articuno

    Votes: 15 71.4%
  • Neither

    Votes: 3 14.3%

  • Total voters

Shiny Ho-Oh

Well-Known Member
Which legendarys would you rather have? Arcanine, Electabuzz, and Jynx that were supposed to be. Or Moltres Articuno, and Zapdos that we have now.


Strawberry fields.
I like Arcanine, Electabuzz, and Jynx, but there's absolutely nothing extraordinary about them. Definitely not legend material... Then again, what's so special about the legendary birds? Nothing.


Did I miss a meeting or something? Since when was Arcanine/Electabuzz/Jynx legendary?

The birds. They are the only legendarys on the poll.>_>


Shiny Hunter
Definately the 3 legendary birds :]

Horn Drill

I know I heard something about how Arcanine was supposed to be the 3rd legendary in Red and Blue, but it was cancelled for Moltres to keep the "legendary bird" theme. This may be just a rumor, though. I've never heard such a thing about Jynx and Electabuzz, however.

I'd probably go with the birds for the poll. I've always liked them. But I am glad that Electabuzz gets a new evolution in DP. Forshizzle my Elekible. :D


Well-Known Member
moltres zapdos articuno :p the others are st00pid to me.


Venusaur The Best
I knew about Arcanine maybe being a legendary but i never thought Jynx and electabuzz were gonna be. But the birds match and look cooler. How does a dog and two humany things have any resemblance to each other


ooo, what's cooking?
the birds, maybe they r legendary because they r more popular.