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which new elelctric?


which of the 4 new electric types?
jibacoil,eleikable,pacirusa,or the korinku line?
I'd say pachirusa,cuase its so cute,and treasure is gonna rock,

Agent Dork

The One Who Is Me
Elikible (sp?). Glad to see Electabuzz have an evo now! I have a feeling Korinku line's gonna be quite popular.

Jinchuuriki Hunter

Johto Champion Ninja
uh first whats sp?
It shows that the person typing it is not sure about the spelling.

Anyway, my fav. new electric Poké would have to be Jibacoil. I mean come on, it's an electromagnetic UFO!


Thunder Pokemon User
I'd take the Korinku line because he/she seems interesting and if its like the other eletric pokemon dogs it'll be great and 1 of my favs. So he/she's got a spot in my team


<- Best DP Legendary
Jibacoil. Always liked Magneton for some reason, and the evolution's even better.

Elekiburu's okay, and I like the cable/tentacle things coming from its back (tentacles rule!), but the "official"/anime art for it looks terrible.

Korinku line is okay... one of those "nothing special but not hate-able either" ones, like Raticate and most of the starters.

Pachirusu is too "Pikachoid" for me.

Rotomu's pretty good also; the way you catch it (it lives in a possessed TV!) is one of the best I've ever seen.
I dont like the evolved form of Magneton! The picture should be wrong! It should be 3 Magneton formed together! I wish I could go back in time and change the name and picture. The name would be.....Magnemillion......