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Which Poke Manga Comics Do You Have?


Ive got 4 Orange League Comics (issue 1-4) and the mystery dungeon one with the nintendo 10th anniversary magazine.

Ed Elric Bunny

bunny rabbit <3
Just Pokespecial,1-22 in Japanese.

The Mad Manga Massacre

Beginning Trainer
As of now, Pokemon R/S volumes 1 & 2, Pokemon Adventures (1, 2 ,4, 8-21( note that volumes 1 & 2 are the Viz dubbed versions, 4 & 8-21 are the Chuang Yi ersions) in the near future I plan on getting many more (from a variety of sources) but for now, this is sadly all I have to work with...;412;


Well-Known Member
I've got Pokemon Adventures 1-21 (22 is on the way)... with volumes 1-3 being from Viz and the rest from Chuang Yi.


Turnabout Pokemon
I own Electric Tale of Pikachu 1 and a comic of volume 2, part 1. Also, Pokemon Adventures 2, 6 and "Best of". The entire series (1-3) of Golden Boys in its original Japanese format. Getto Da Ze #1, also. Plus, Pocket Monsters #9 and Ash & Pikachu #1 are coming by mail this week, so those count too, I suppose.

I also have a Pokemon Special doujinshi. But that's not an official manga.


The Road of Life
I've got Electric Tale of Pikachu vol. 1 and 2. and Pokespecial vol. 15-21 in Japanese


Hmm 1st post. Hehe.

Pokemon Special doujinshi? Me want!!!!

Anyway. I have pokemon special 1-20. 17,18 and 20 being the Singapore Chuang Yi version. Not sure about the others though. Bought it at my local store.


Turnabout Pokemon
I don't have any scans of the doujinshi, but I do have the cover art of it:


It's a gag doujinshi that's a weird crossover with Special and the anime. (Well, only Richie comes out.) PokeSupe doujinshi is very rare, so I was lucky enough to get the one I did. ^^;


Queen of Charizards!
My first Manga (and only one so far) was Best of Pokemon Adventures: Red. I'm hoping to go to a bookstore in my mall that may have the old ones.

Drew Andrews

Contest Legend
I've all of Pokemon Adventures [1-21] [22 soon], Magical Pokemon Journey [1-7] (Chuang Yi, obviously-in Singapore.)


I don't have any scans of the doujinshi, but I do have the cover art of it:


It's a gag doujinshi that's a weird crossover with Special and the anime. (Well, only Richie comes out.) PokeSupe doujinshi is very rare, so I was lucky enough to get the one I did. ^^;

Hmm interesting. I wan see a few pages. Hehe. Can u PM a few links? Thankz.


Well-Known Member
My first Manga (and only one so far) was Best of Pokemon Adventures: Red. I'm hoping to go to a bookstore in my mall that may have the old ones.

I wouldn't hold my breath about your bookstore (or any bookstore) carrying a great range of the Pokemon manga... especially the older titles, sorry.


Turnabout Pokemon
I wouldn't hold my breath about your bookstore (or any bookstore) carrying a great range of the Pokemon manga... especially the older titles, sorry.

Well, I've been to a couple of Border's that carry Pokemon Adventures and Electric Tale of Pikachu.