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Which Pokemon are, or will be, considered 'uber?'

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We know that from previous generations, Pokemon such as Mewtwo and Rayquaza are considered 'uber,' that is, they are too powerful to be fairly used in competitive play.

In this thread, we can discuss both which 4th generation Pokemon are considered in this way, and also which Pokemon you personally consider to be 'overpowered.'


Lurker Extreme
Aruseus, for obvious reasons. I haven't played the game, so I dunno about the rest...


I think Diaruga and Palkia will be, too. Diaruga in particular has a lot of resistances, in addition to his impressive stats and movepool

AJ Flibble

Palkia has just one weakness too though, and two four times resistances to Fire and Water.

I doubt Hiidoran will be uber. It's strong, but has a four times weakness to Ground, and doesn't have THAT much of a great movepool. My guess is it'll be like the other trios - strong but not uber.

Regigias I doubt will be uber too. It's ability is just too hindering. That combined with it's lack of Rest and basic moves leaves it pretty well... mediocre.


k here's what i think
areseus: yes he will
sheimi: no becazuse the only statbooster mave it can learn is sword dance and the only physicalgrass move it can learn is bullet seed
darkai: probably with high speed and sp. attack with a sleep move
manaphy: duh with tail glow and heart swap
kureseria: yes, but depends on how the metagame will be
giradina: im pretty sure about this guy with great stats and resistances
regiggas: no with slow start it kinda screwed but probably will be ou
hidoran: no, will always have that 4x weakness to earthquake, but has to be tested
parukia: yes with great stats and moves
diaruga: yes same reason as parukia


Well-Known Member
I really think that this gen has made rayquasa less of an uber thanks to speedy ice like Weavle and Yukimeneko.

All legendaries except Fione and the Pixie trios are uber. Darkrai I dont know, Kureseria is an uber wall, regigigas probably not

Evil Monkey

Breeding Master
We know legendaries are likely to be uber- how about some of the regular pokemon? From what I have heard, Togekiss may be uber, but I'm unsure about that personally


Well-Known Member
Yeah if people dont persecute it for being hax cause of Airslash+Serene grace
In my opinion, they're all uber with the exeption of Rotomu and possibly Sheimi.
Ubers=Diaruga, Parukia, Giradina, Aruseus, Manafi(maybe), Kureseria, Regiggas ;)(maybe not), Darkrai

Cipher Admin Xaos

Dust to Dust
Rampurado (mis spell probably) is going to be uber.


100% F'ing uber and his ability negates foe's ability so bye-bye levitate.


Rampurado (mis spell probably) is going to be uber.


100% F'ing uber and his ability negates foe's ability so bye-bye levitate.
And you completely ignored its shitty survivability and speed. Ramuparudo being uber would just be plain dumb. Just because it has WHOAMG 165 BASE ATTACK doesn't mean it will be uber.

O Fortuna

Velut luna.
Dialga, Palkia and Giratina will all be uber.
Heatran, Creceria, Manaphy, Darkrai and Sheimi could all go either way - uber/standard OU.
Yuxie, Emrit and Agnome will be OU.
Regigigas will probably be BL.
Phione (lol) will be NU just like it's equally endowed friend, Glalie.
As for Arseus, there is some debate as to whether or not to even include it in ubers due to sheer power and versatility but I think it'll get in. Maybe it'll end up like Wobbuffet...


Well-Known Member
Pretty much guaranteed:

- Dialga
- Palkia
- Giratina
- Aruseus


- Crescelia
- Darkrai
- Sheimi
- Manaphy


- Yuxie
- Emurit
- Agnome
- Heatran


- Regigigas (unless someone can find a way to turn Slow Start in their favour)
- Fione

~TS ;121;;373;


webmst and spriter
We know that from previous generations, Pokemon such as Mewtwo and Rayquaza are considered 'uber,' that is, they are too powerful to be fairly used in competitive play.

In this thread, we can discuss both which 4th generation Pokemon are considered in this way, and also which Pokemon you personally consider to be 'overpowered.'

Every single legendary there is proof that lucario isnt a legendary by the way
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